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Twenty apple varieties were evaluated in the germ plasm of the Agricultural Scientific Research Center in Swaida for Morphological traits, bud honological stages, days after full bloom, storability which were ranged between 2.5 – 8 months, and bes t susceptibility (e.g. wooly aphid and powdery mildew), all studied varieties showed low susceptibility to wooly aphid, while Jersy Mac revealed high susceptibility to powdery mildew compared with the other varieties. The yield of all varieties was studied, so, they divided into: high yield varieties such Stark Earliest, Royal Gala and Golden 972; Good yield varieties "Golden Delicious, Starking Delicious, and Granny Smith etc."; and moderate yield varieties" Red Spur Delicious and Rome Beauty". Chemical analysis (Total soluble solids and total sugars) were achieved for all studied apple varieties. Apple Varieties were divided into five groups depending on Days After Full Bloom (DAFB). The present investigation indicted the high quantitative and qualitative traits of studied varieties which candidate for credence and distribute them in suitable environmental areas in Syria.
The effect of different harvesting dates on the quality and storage ability was studied for fruit of Coscia pear cultivar, which planted in the area of Daher Aljabal- Sweida during two successive seasons 2007-2008. Fruit were harvested in three di fferent dates by week time intervals and stored for seven months at (0-1 Cº and 90-95 % RH) in the storage units of apples and vine research department. The effect of harvesting dates of fruit on the physical and chemical properties was determined during period of 7 months in cold storage, by month time intervals. The second date of harvest affected by decreasing weight loss percentage, decay percentage, titratable acidity T. A, starch content and firmness, in addition to that total soluble Solids T. S. S, number of acidity PH, storage ability and shelf life were increased compared to the harvested fruit in the different dates.
The study was conducted at the Horticulture Department, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Damascus, during the season of 2002 and 2003, in order to study the effect of dipping apple fruits for the tow apple sorts for 5 minutes with some chemic al substances, α-Tocopherol (0.25%) and Prohexadion-Calcium (1%). The fruits were stored at AlMaze cold storage unit under the normal storage condition (0-1ºC, 93% R.H.), to find out some effects of these treatments on some physical, chemical, and physiological changes of treated and untreated apple fruits, especially: fruit weight, firmness, starch, and soluble solids content. Analysis of variance indicated a significant difference in storage ability of both fruit apple samples in case of dipped fruits in Procalcium solution 1% compared with control fruits. The tocopherol treated fruits were sometimes significant. The results showed a reduction in fruit weight in case of treated sample during cold storage time. Fruit firmness was significantly better in both treatments of procalcium 1% and tocopherol 0.25%compared with control, and reducing physiological disorders during cold storage period.
This investigation was carried out in the fields and laboratories of Pome and Grapevine Department, GCSAR/Syria, on some apple varieties i.e. Richared, Mutsu and Tourly Winsap to determine the optimal harvest date and its effect on storability. Fr uits were harvested in (16/9, 26/9, 7/10, 17/10 and 30/10) depending on physical and chemical maturity indicators, and stored with the study of changing in quality indicators and weight lost monthly. The results showed that the studied varieties differed in their storability according to harvest date, Richared fruits in 26/9 showed long storage for seven months with weight loss of 4.9%, fruit firmness 6.4 kg/cm2, and 18.7% TSS. While the storability was six months for Mutsu fruits which harvested in 7/10 with weight loss of 4.4%, and fruit firmness 6.1 kg/cm2, and finally, Tourly Winsap fruits which were stored for five months in 7 and 17/10 harvest dates with fruit firmness 5.1 kg/cm2. Moreover, the three varieties were able to storage for three months when harvested in 30/10 with weight loss of 3.3%, 4.4% and 4.5% in Tourly Winsap, Richared and Mutsu respectively, which considered as consuming maturity for these varieties. These results indicated to the various storage periods according to fruits harvest time, and the storability, which assists in regulating offer and demand, and providing markets with fruits for long period, however harvesting at optimal time reducing the total weight loss, in addition to high quality indicators.
هدف هذا البحث إل دراسة تاثير بعض معاملات ما بعد القطاف في القدرة التخزينية وجودة ثمار البرتقال صنف فالنسيا في ظروف التخزين المبرد.
تبحث هذه الدراسة في تأثير المعاملة في مرحلة ما بعد القطاف بالغمر بمحاليل كلوريد الكالسيوم خلال التخزين المبرد على جودة ثمار الكيوي وقدرتها التخزينية
تأثير اختلاف درجة حرارة تخزين تقاوي بعض أصناف البطاطا في قدرتها التخزينية والإنباتية والإنتاجية : استعملت خمسة اصناف من البطاطا المزروعة في سوريا وهي دراجا ومارفونا وبينيلا وبورين وسبونتا
The objective of this research was to study the refrigerated condition (temperature +-1°C, and relative humidity of 75-85%) and non-refrigerated methods of packaging and treatment with MCP-1 on the storage capacity of two onion cultivars (round and elongated). The experiment was carried out in the College of Agriculture - University of Damascus .

هل ترغب بارسال اشعارات عن اخر التحديثات في شمرا-اكاديميا