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يهدف البحث لبناء اختبار لصعوبات تعليمية في الرياضيات وتشخيصها وتم تطبيقه على عينة استطلاعية بلغت 200 تلميذ وتلميذة، وعينة سيكومترية 400، واساسية 2671 وتم استخدام العديد من الادوات، وخلص البحث لبناء اختبار خاص بكل صف دراسي
Syria began to head towards decentralization in 1971, but the real trend was in 2011, when the focus was on the decentralization and the financial and administrative independence of the administrative units. In 2021, the financial law of the new a dministrative units was issued .This study aims to derive an appropriate activation mechanism for urban governance due to its importance, especially in the next stage of reconstruction in Syria. This mechanism was reached by analyzing two global experiences in addition to the Syrian situation, besides a number of personal interviews and a questionnaire of some workers in the competent authorities. Accordingly, the researcher has put a number of proposals to activate urban governance, which include separating the powers and controlling administrative divisions to suit the limits of units, activating the neighborhood boards mentioned in Law ١٠٧, canceling the administrative and financial will and relying on subsequent judicial oversight, and accurate monitoring to implement the agenda of administrative units, and giving local councils a greater authority, especially in the field of forming partnerships with the Businesses and NGOs/CBOs/CSOs sectors according to detailed legal rules, in addition to the establishment of a central advisory agency on which local councils depend on the new issues that they are exposed to.
This study was prepared in order to know the role of public relations in influencing the mental image, of hotel guests affiliated with the Syrian Ministry of Tourism, in Damascus within the framework of addressing the research problem represented "Th e impact of contribution of public relation to improving the mental image in Damarose and Sheraton hotels in Damascuse",And are the public relations programs in Damarose and Sheraton hotels adopted by of the Ministry of Tourism in Damascus currently sufficient to establish a good mental image to guests? In this study, we discussed in its theoretical aspec، the concept of public relations, its mechanisms of action, and its importance in hotels, and an overview of the development of public relations، which is as old as man and which is the main pillar in hotels, in improving the mental image in hotels, which is a new concept that all international hotels seek to obtain، through the adoption of public relations programs. As for the field study، the survey tool (questionnaire) was used with a regular random sample of hotel guests with “104” guests and the use of the statistical analysis program to analyze the data, as well as the analysis of the data collected by the interview method، where the study showed some of the important results including. • The public relations programs adopted by the hotels of the Syrian Ministry of Tourism currently operating in Damascus are insufficient to establish a good mental image of them among their internal and external audiences، and more work is needed on them. • The mental image that the guests carry about the hotel is linked to the nature of the relationship between it and the hotel، but it goes beyond other aspects • There is the effect of the external public relations programs on the impressions (mental image) formed on the guests of the hotels and the Syrian tourism worked in Damascus.
In this research, a research and educational tool for studying the sensitivity of the vehicle's suspension system to the properties and parameters of the suspension’s components is developed. This tool is a program that can study different models cre ated using the Matlab/Simulink software package with its various libraries. Different types of models can be analysed, such as differential equation models expressing a mathematical model, block diagrams, or state space models. The tool also enables students to identify the suspension’s components, and its basic design parameters, and choose these parameters. Researchers and students will be able to test their models in terms of response, overshoot, and sensitivity, when conducting simulations in different working conditions.
The study aimed to reveal the nature of the correlation between the five big factors of personality and job performance, identifying the most influential personality factors in job performance, identifying the significance of the differences in th e five big factors of personality and career performance depending on gender variations, educational qualification, and occupational age. The sample consisted of 195 workers working in the governmental and official departments in Damascus countryside Governorate depending on the descriptive approach and using the five big factors of personality for Costa & McCrae (1992), Melhem Arabization (2009), and the job performance scale prepared by the researcher. Their validity and reliability were verified by using the appropriate scientific and statistical methods. The most important results:  The correlation between: neuroticism, extroversion, openness to experience, kindness, conscience awakening and functionality -0.319, 0.515, 0.427, 0.493, 0.512, respectively and are indicative of 0.01.  The results of multiple regression analysis showed that diastolic, neurotic, and conscientiousness contribute to job performance.  There is a correlation between years of experience, the five Big factors of personality and job performance.  There are no differences according to the educational qualification on the scale of the five big factors of personality and on the scale of job performance.
Summary of the thesis In this research, the work examined the role that lasers play in unguided systems in underwater wireless systems (FSOUW), which determine the practical choice of laser system components in unguided systems, and examine the impa ct of the absorption of sea and ocean water to lasers and their association with laser wavelength. Three wavelengths (445, 532, 650) nm have been used to assess the validity of the selection of the appropriate water channel with 100 ml watts of laser as its transmitter energy. SNR, BER and SER were examined following five different water channels. These are pure tap water, and with salt, various concentrations of Malox (MG(OH)2 and Al (OH)3) and salt have been added in order to get high-turbid water, and the results show that mallox and salt content reduces the energy receiving the laser signal and causes disconnection. The charts on wavelength change were drawn with their absorption coefficient in the laboratory for several wavelengths and several types of ocean water and the results were discussed.
في 29 كانون الأول من العام 2019 ،أبلغت مستشفى في مدينة ووهان، مقاطعة هوبي في الصين عن تفشي ذات رئة فيروسية غير مفسر ة. قامت الحكومة الصينية بتنبيه منظمة الصحة العالمية في الوقت المناسب. وفي 8 كانون الثاني من العام 2020 ،تم تحديد العامل الممرض بفيروس كورونا المستجد 2019( nCoV-2019 ،)وتَّم إرسال السلسلة الجينية بسرعة لمنظمة الصحة العالمية. في 30 كانون الثاني، أعلنت منظمة الصحة العالمية عن تفشي ذات رئة بفيروس كورونا المستجد كحالة طوارئ صحية عامة ذات شأن دولي. في 12 شباط 2020 ،أعلنت اللجنة العالمية لتصنيف الفيروسات أَن nCoV-2019 تم تسميته بشكل رسمي بالمتلازمة التنفسية الحادة بفيروس كورونا 2 ( 2-CoV-SARS ،) وفي نفس اليوم، أعلنت منظمة الصحة العالمية أن الداء المسَّبب بـ 2-CoV-SARS تَّم تسميته بداء .)COVID-19( 2019 كورونا فيروس. قامت الحكومة الصينية بإعطاء الأولوية القصوى لحياة الناس وصحتهم وبذلك تم اتخاذ إجراءات الوقاية والضبط لوباء 19-COVID ،لضبط تفشي 19-COVID ، قام مجلس الصحة الوطني لجمهورية الصين الشعبية، بالإضافة للإدارة الوطنية للطب الصيني التقليدي وبعض المنظمات الأخرى ذات الصلة بتنظيم الخبراء وبشكل فوري لإصدار وتحديث دلائل إرشاد تشخيص الـ 19-COVID وعلاجه والوقاية منه وضبطه. إن دلائل الإرشاد المكتوبة والمبنية على دراسة، وتحليل وتخليص عالج لحالات 19-COVID تستخدم لإرشاد الطاقم الطبي وعاملي الصحة العامة في الصين للفهم الأفضل والوقاية وعلاج الـ.COVID-19 ولكي نقوم بشكل صادق و موضوعي بمشاركة خبرة الصين مع العالم في تشخيص الـ 19-COVIDوعلاجه والوقاية منه وضبطه. قمنا بترجمة دلائل الإرشاد الصينية الأخيرة والتفسيرات المرتبطة بها في هذا الكتاب . نأمل أن يقدم هذا الكتاب المراجع للبلدان العربية المتأثرة بالـ 19-COVID ،وبالإضافة لتعزيز تبادل الخبرات والتعاون في مجال الوقاية، وضبط وتشخيص وتدبير الداء، وبذلك نعزز تطوير الصحة العالمية معا، آملين أن يحمي الله سورية وكل البلدان العربية والعالم من انتشار الإمراض والأوبئة. وفي الختام أشكر محرري هذا الكتاب ( مجلس الصحة الوطني لجمهورية الصين الشعبية والإدارة الوطنية للطب الصيني التقليدي) وناقلين النسخة الإنكليزية (جمعية الطب الوقائي الصينية)، والشكر موصول لكل من ساهم في نقله إلى العربية من طلاب الدراسات العليا وطالب الطب في جامعة دمشق، آملا أن يكون هذا الكتاب قيمة مضافة للمكتبة العلمية العربية.
Thin films of ZnO were successfully prepared on glass substrates with different thicknesses by sol-gel method by using zinc acetate dehydrate as precursor. The surface of thin films morphology from were studied by AFM micrographs, the structural prop erties of the obtained ZnO thin film are studied using X-ray diffraction spectra and their elemental analysis by X-ray energy dispersion spectroscopy (EDX). Moreover, optical properties and emission of ZnO nano thin film were evaluate during ultraviolet-visible-infrared and photoluminescence spectra. The AFM investigations have revealed that the morphology of the films is smooth and homogeneous specially for the high thickness and the grains produced on the surface take the form of nano rods with an average diameter of 240nm. Structural analysis by X-ray diffraction showed that the deposited films have a preferred orientation along the direction (112) and are relatively uniform with average crystal size 19nm, while the EDX spectrum showed that the elemental composition of these films is zinc oxide. The spectrophotometer Ultraviolet -Visible confirms that it is possible to get good transparent ZnO films with a transmission of 77 to 92% in the infrared. The values of optical gaps Eg vary between 3.273 - 3.256 eV. The peak of photoluminescence exhibited a visible emission peak at 616nm that refers to possibility of using thin films as an effective medium of random laser.
سنتحدث في هذه الحلقة عن أليات البحث في غوغل مستخدمين استكشاف المعرفة داتا وتحسين الطريقة باستخدام المترادافات لمجال سيو (البحث الأمثلي)
لتوصيل المعلومات بوضوح وكفاءة ، يستخدم تمثيل البيانات رسومات إحصائية ومعلومات وأدوات أخرى. قد يتم تشفير البيانات الرقمية باستخدام نقاط أو خطوط أو أشرطة لتوصيل المعلومات بصريًا. التمثيل الفعال يساعد المستخدمين على تحليل البيانات وتفسيرها، فهو يجعل الب يانات المعقدة سهلة الوصول ومفهومة وقابلة للاستخدام. تُستخدم الجداول عمومًا حيث يبحث المستخدمون عن قياس محدد ، بينما تُستخدم المخططات ذات الأنواع المختلفة لإظهار أنماط أو علاقات في البيانات لمتغير واحد أو أكثر.

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