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The article aims to study the effect of layer thickness and reflection coefficient variation on the image of synthetic seismogram, which is generated by using Ricker Wavelet with wide range of frequencies (20-130Hz) and Vibrator Sweeps with many freq uencies ranges (5-170Hz) as a known technique in reflection seismic method on land. The Researcher tried to determine the relationship between signals recording times and reflection coefficients variation from first side, and recording times with layer thickness variation from second side. The result which is observed that; the recorded times increased proportionally with increasing of the layer thickness (as we know), but it is delayed with exponential relation when the velocity and density are varied within the same layer. New manner is applied to represent the result by using the conversion of time seismic section to raster images by using GIS, this way gave us ability to control the colored scale which reflects the amplitude of recorded signals, and follows the reflectors or get important information about signals amplitude even though the layer thickness is decreased less than wavelet length ten times if we used Ricker signal or Vibration Sweeps.
The low cost, ease of deployment has exposed WSNs an attractive choice for numerous applications,like environmental monitoring applications , security applications, real time tracking, and so on. But in reality, these networks are operated on batte ry with limitations in their computation capabilities, memory, bandwidth ,so they called networks with resource constrained nature, and this impels various challenges in its design and its performance. Limited battery capacity of sensor nodes makes energy efficiency a major and challenge problem in wireless sensor networks. Thus, the routing protocols for wireless sensor networks must be energy efficient in order to maximize the network lifetime. In this paper we simulated LEACH,SEP,DEEC,TEEN routing protocols and evaluated their performance by comparing with DT routing protocol in Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Networks on MATLAB.
The work includes the development of a program in an advanced – programming language. to solve two none linear related partial differential equation that form a mathematical model that describes the dynamic status of laser ,so that we can study the properties of radiation density through this type the related program ,as well as the population inversion inside the homogeneous medium of laser . We have studied the strength f the out put power as well as the population inversion in the case of pulse – working of the solid state laser Nd:YAG and the population inversion change as a function of the diameter and length of the effective medium of laser .
In this research, a research and educational tool for studying the sensitivity of the vehicle's suspension system to the properties and parameters of the suspension’s components is developed. This tool is a program that can study different models cre ated using the Matlab/Simulink software package with its various libraries. Different types of models can be analysed, such as differential equation models expressing a mathematical model, block diagrams, or state space models. The tool also enables students to identify the suspension’s components, and its basic design parameters, and choose these parameters. Researchers and students will be able to test their models in terms of response, overshoot, and sensitivity, when conducting simulations in different working conditions.

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