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إنترنت الأشياء أضحى أكثر من شبكات سيارات أو ماكينات صنع القهو بل أصبح شبكات كبير مترابطة مع بعضها البعض وإن أمن هذه الشبكات يؤثر بشكل مباشر أو غير مباشر على أدائها، فهناك كثير من الناس والشركات التي تتعامل مع إنترنت الأشياء لا تعلم ماذا يحدث على الشبكة من عمليات تنصت وسرقة بيانات وغيرها. مع تأمين شبكات إنترنت الأشياء أصبحت هذه القضايا تحدياا كبيراا، وبما أننا غير قادرين على إيقاف شبكات إنترنت الأشياء من النمو فإن موضوع الأمان أصبح من الضروري جداا البحث فيه واقتراح استراتيجيات أمنية لحماية الشبكات من الثغرات الأمنية
The objective of this study is to identify the basic characteristics of the organizational loyalty of the employees of ASIA and what factors affect the organizational loyalty of the employees. As well as the level of effect of these factors on the organizational loyalty of the employees of Asia.
This study aims to determine job satisfaction level and factors affecting job satisfaction among working pharmacists in Tartous governorate in the Syrian Arab Republic . To achieve these objectives, the deductive method was adopted, in addition to th e survey strategy for the largest possible number of working pharmacists in Tartous governorate. Questionnaire was used as a data collection tool. The study sample was 140 pharmacists.
This study aimed to evaluate the training programs that implemented by ministry of Administrative Development in Syria, and their relation with competencies levels through the study of trainee’s points of views. this study was conducted using the fou r components of training program (trainer, trainee, environment and place of training, material of training) and the relation with the levels of competencies (knowledge, experience, skills, behavioral style). The study also included the relation of sex, age, the years of experience and educational qualification categories with training program.
The subject of social responsibilities has recently received the attention of researchers due to its importance; there exists a growing interest in studying the links between CSR and Customers. The purpose this study is to investigate the impact of social responsibility dimensions of ALBARAKA BANK on customer’s brand image and customer’s loyalty based on its social responsibility activities, and to identify the concept of social responsibility and its dimensions. A research framework was developed and data was collected through electronic survey questionnaires from customers of ALBARAKA BANK branches in Syria. In order to obtain the results of the study, the researcher analyzed the 88 questionnaires that were retrieved and then used a number of statistical methods using SPSS program. The study found that there is an impact of the dimensions of social responsibility (cultural, educational and environmental) on both brand image and customer loyalty. Through these results, the researcher presented a set of recommendations aimed at increasing the bank's activity in terms of social responsibility.
The aim of this Search, is to study the impact of organizational power sources on work pressures, in public banking institutions in Syria, applied to popular Credit Bank, through an analytical descriptive approach that depends on books, research, Sci entific journals in the theoretical side, in the practical side we applied Practical case in the popular Credit Bank where a field observation was carried out in one of the branches of the Popular Credit Bank, which is the branch of 29 th of May in Damascus, in the period from 10/5/2017 to 10/6/2017about Search dimensions. Then we have completed work, through an in-depth interview, on 17/6/2017 with the Assistant Director General of the Bank, in his office at the General Administration in Damascus, about the most important aspects related to the sources of organizational power and work pressures, and the nature of the relationship between them in Popular Credit Bank, then We designed a questionnaire based on previous studies, and download it on a website and distribute it electronically, by sending the link of participation to employees, through social media, Facebook and Watts up, For randomly chosen workers.
The objective of this study is to determine the impact of the quality of banking services on the satisfaction of customers in governmental commercial banks in Aleppo and to make the necessary recommendations in order to achieve the best performance o f these banks. Descriptive statistics was used in the research. Statistical methods were used in SPSS to analyze the results of the research, and the questionnaire was used to collect data from the research community. The research community consisted of customers of governmental commercial banks in Aleppo, where 270 questionnaires were distributed to the sample and 250 valid questionnaires were retrieved for research purposes.
هدفت الد ا رسة إلى معرفة الآتي: -1 درجة تطبيق التوجه نحو العملاء في شركات الاتصالات السورية؟ -2 درجة تطبيق التوجه نحو المنافسين في شركات الاتصالات السورية؟ -3 درجة تطبيق التوجه نحو الإبداع في شركات الاتصالات السورية؟ -4 درجة تطبيق التوجه نحو التك نولوجيا في شركات الاتصالات السورية؟ -5 واقع صنع القرارات في شركات الاتصالات السورية؟ -6 أثر أبعاد التوجه الاستراتيجي على صناعة القرارات في شركات الاتصالات السورية؟ -7 دلالة الفروق في أبعاد التوجه الاستراتيجي وفق متغير المستوى الإداري . -8 دلالة الفروق في عملية صناعة القرارات وفق متغير المستوى الإداري .
The study aims at shedding light on the concept of Public-Private Partnership (PPP) as an effective, innovative and indispensable strategic tool in managing the developmental crisis in Syria, in addition to indicating the driving reasons for adopting it, the advantages it brings as of converting the opponent and the usual competitor, i.e. the private sector into strong partner and contributor to development and its sustainability.
تهدف هذه الدراسة إلى دراسة العوامل المحددة لسلوك المواطنة التنظيمية لدى العاملين في منظمة الهلال الأحمر العربي السوري- فرع ريف دمشق, كما تهدف إلى التعرف على سلوك المواطنة التنظيمية بشكل عام بالإضافة إلى تعزيز سلوك المواطنة التنظيمية من خلال الوقوف عند أهم العوامل المحددة.

هل ترغب بارسال اشعارات عن اخر التحديثات في شمرا-اكاديميا