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Factors affecting job satisfaction among working pharmacists in Tartous governorate

العوامل المؤثرة في الرضا الوظيفي لدى الصيادلة العاملين في محافظة طرطوس

1361   2   131   0 ( 0 )
 Publication date 2017
  fields Business Management
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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This study aims to determine job satisfaction level and factors affecting job satisfaction among working pharmacists in Tartous governorate in the Syrian Arab Republic . To achieve these objectives, the deductive method was adopted, in addition to the survey strategy for the largest possible number of working pharmacists in Tartous governorate. Questionnaire was used as a data collection tool. The study sample was 140 pharmacists.

References used
Moghadam, Peiravian, Naderi An Analysis of Job Satisfaction among Iranian Pharmacists through Various Job Characteristics, Iranian Journal of Pharmaceutical Research , Iran ,2014
Newstrom , John , Organizational behavior : human behavior at work, New York , McGraw-Hill , 2015
Urbonas , Gvidas, Pharmacists job satisfaction and its effect on dispensing precaution taken at community pharmacies, Sveikatos Mokslai – Health sciences,2015
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This study aims to identify the factors affecting job satisfaction among administrative staff at the Al Jaber Leasing services company, It also aims to categorize the level of this satisfaction and to know if there is a statistically significant diff erence in satisfaction degree due to personal variables (Age, section, nationality , educational degree , monthly income, marital status, years of service in the company) on each of the flowing job satisfaction factors (payment, promotions, supervision, Benefits , Procedures, relationship with colleagues , work itself ,communications within the company).
The research aimed to identify the level of job satisfaction of teachers in secondary schools in Tartous governorate, as well as their level of job performance, and to identify the impact of job satisfaction on the performance of the sample members . The descriptive approach was used. The sample included (440) teachers, ie (88.53%) of the original community of the selected schools, for the Academic year 2016/2017. In order to achieve the objective of the research, two questionnaires were designed, The first one consisted of (37) sections divided into five axes to measure job satisfaction. The second consisted of (29) items to measure the job performance. The research reached several results, most importantly: job satisfaction of the sample members came at medium level, and the axis of The nature of work) ranked first, While the axis of (work environment) ranked last. As well as job performance of the sample members came at medium degree with average of (3,31) and a relative weight (67,54). The result also shown The effect of job satisfaction on job performance of the sample members. The research presented some of conclusions and proposals, including: provide an emotive and lovely atmosphere for teachers to enable them to perform their tasks to the fullest, and improve the work environment by providing educational equipment and tools to facilitate the work of teaching, as well as conducting similar studies in other educational stages and in other governorate.
تأتي أهمية البحث حيث إنه يدرس موضوع الرضا الوظيفي في أحد أهم القطاعات المساهمة بالتنمية في دولة نامية و هو القطاع المصرفي السوري الخاص. ستقوم الباحثة بالتطرق لموضوع الرضا الوظيفي لدى العاملين في البنك العربي سورية - باعتباره متغير تابع.
In this research, the natural pyrite ore found in Tartous Governorate was described by studying the two samples taken from Hosn Suleiman -Safita (A) and Al Qadmous (B) area, in addition to studying the optimum conditions for pyrite dissolution (pH - time - quantity) with aerobic conditions. The results of X-ray diffraction (XRD) showed that the sample (A) is mainly composed of pyrite mineral and does not contain impurities, while sample (B) is composed of pyrite mineral combined with a small amount of calcite mineral, and these results were confirmed by the result of (FTIR) infrared spectroscopy and Polarised light microscopy (PLM(. The iron percentage in the two samples (A,B) is ranged between (42.6 – 43 %) and the sulfur percentage is between (40 – 53.7 %). With regard to pyrite dissolution, the results showed that pyrite taken from Hosn Suleiman (A) begins to dissolve at pH values less than 4.5, and the contact time is about 6 hours. By Comparing the results of sample (A) with sample (B), we found that the dissolution of sample (A) was about three times less than the dissolution of sample (B), and this is due to the fact that sample (A) contains pure and well crystallized pyrite ore while sample (B) contains pyrite combind with calcite, which increases its solubility.
This study aimed to assess the reality of job satisfaction among employees in the private banks in Damascus; the researchers select four indicators to measure job satisfaction among employees that include the working conditions, job stability, a sense of justice, salaries and wages.
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