تعد العلاقة بين الصحة والتنمية ذات أهمية كبيرة , فالصحة تسهم إسهاماً كبيراً في التنمية البشرية حيث يؤثر المستوى الصحي تأثيراً مباشراً في إنتاجية الموارد البشرية فكلما ارتفع المستوى الصحي ازداد نشاط الفرد , وازدادت قدرته الجسدية والنفسية على متابعة العمل وهذا كله ينعكس بشكل إيجابي على زيادة الإنتاج والإنتاجية
The relationship between health and development is of great importance, as health contributes greatly to human development, as the health level directly affects the productivity of human resources.The higher the level of health, the greater the activity of the individual, and the greater his physical and psychological ability to continue work, and all this positively affects the increase in production and productivity.
References used
أبو عيانة , فتحي, أبو راضي, فتحي , اسس الجغرافية الطبيعية والبشرية , الاسكندرية , دار المعرفة الجديدة
This research sheds light on a cultural problem, the contemporary researchers consider as one of the most important problems that contributed to the disintegration of cultural and cognitvevariation in our Arab society that revolves around identifying
This study investigates the relationship between the financial
development and the economic growth in Syria during the period
(1980-2010). The financial development was measured by the
credit granted to the private sector and the broad money M2
whereas the economic growth was measured by the real gross
domestic product per capita.
This research addresses the definition of industrial cities and the
properties and characteristics of composition of industrial cities as
industrial cities one of the major sources of agglomeration
economics and external economics .
The research
Recently, knowledge-based economy became a controversial issue among economists. As many of them consider knowledge to be the only way to maximize competitiveness, others see that knowledge has negative impacts, which would lead to other than that.
Investment is a key component of growth, and a key supporter of the
development plans, In recent years, the evolution of the developmental role of the
General Organization for Social Insurance significantly, through development of the
nature of th