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The Role Of The Golden Marketing Box In Improving The Financial Performance Of Commercial Banks

دور مربع التسويق الذهبي في تحسين الاداء المالي للمصارف التجارية

1793   4   0   0.0 ( 0 )
 Publication date 2020
  fields Business Management
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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The study aimed to know the role of golden marketing in improving the financial performance of private commercial banks in the Syrian coast, where the study community was among those working in these banks. The study used the deductive approach as a general approach to research, descriptive approach, and the questionnaire as a tool to collect data from a soft sample, where (184) questionnaires were distributed and (155) questionnaires valid for analysis were retrieved.The study adopted the appropriate methods of analysis using the statistical package spss, which were represented in: arithmetic mean, standard deviation, percentage. Arithmetic test (t test) (for one sample). Honesty and consistency tests. The study reached results indicating that the mental image and its stabilization, customer satisfaction with the bank, and customer loyalty to the bank, affect improving the financial performance of the studied commercial banks.

References used
Kotler,p. keler,k.I, Manceau,D.Dubois.B, Marketing Management, 12eme Edition, pearson Education, paris, 2006
Kottler, Philip, Marketing, Insghts from A to Z, IedNewjersey, John wiley &Sonsm Inc.2003
rate research

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The research aimed to study the role of content marketing in improving the mental image of the brand, by studying the role of content marketing elements (attractiveness, relevance, value) in improving the mental image. The researcher relied on the de scriptive analytical method as a general approach to the research, where a questionnaire was designed and distributed to the research sample consisting of 318 individuals from the consumers of Seronex screens in Lattakia governorate (rural and city), and the researcher also used the statistical program spss to analyze the answers of the research sample. The researcher concluded that there is a positive, significant effect of content marketing on the mental image of Syronex, and the dimensions of content marketing were arranged in terms of this degree of influence in the following order: relevance, value, attractiveness
The research aims to specify the impact of the disclosure and transparency principle on the financial performance of the private banks. The researcher has used the descriptive analytical method. The data collection has been based on the questionnaire , where the researcher had distributed 200 questionnaires to the CEOs, their deputies, their assistants, financial directors and internal auditors of 14 banks listed on the Damascus Stock Exchange. 190 questionnaires have been retrieved, including 15 incomplete questionnaires and 175 analyzable ones. The researcher has analyzed the data using the SPSS 20 statistical analyses program. The research has concluded that the application of disclosure and transparency effects on the financial performance of the private banks under study. The research came out with a set of recommendation the most essential of which is that enhancing the applying of the disclosure and transparency principle due to its positive role in improving the financial performance in the banks.
Our goal has discussed this concept to the study of the performance bond and its conditions and its corners and types of legal and positive to them. And then how we dealt with the issuance of this type of guarantees of various types and methods of abolition. Then we explained to pay bails good execution procedures.
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