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The concept of Argumentation for Aristotle

مفهوم الحجاج عند أرسطو

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 Publication date 2018
  fields Arabic
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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Studies and research about rhetoric have varied concerning the definition of rhetoric, but most of them look at rhetoric from on side only. Rhetoric was classified as being a kind of research concerned with the art of persuasion in its techniques, means and components. But it is certain that the political and social conditions of the greak life, led these philosophical studies and linguistic research especially, rhetoric. This made Aristotle divide rhetoric into three sections. The research delt with two main titles, the first one was Rhetoric according to Aristotle. It combines between mans ability to speak and express on one hand becavse man is a speaker and expressor who naturally looks for persuasion. In his speech, he tries to convince as many people as possible. To do this, he uses many instinctive means. Aristotle was concerned with rhetoric due to its mental and psychological sides. He tried to find a kind of balance between the means of persuasion and means of influence. He made convincing help infuencing. He diffentiated between kinds of proofs, the made proofs and the non made proofs. The other ones were the base of the rhetoric structure for Aristotle. The argumentative linguistic text is different from other texts that it builds an interactive structure based on some means that aim to persuade and affect the recipient.

References used
ابن رشد . تلخيص الخطابة. تحقيق: بدوي, عبد الرحمن. بيروت. دار القلم. (د.ت). عدد الصفحات 340.
أ عراب, حبيب. الحجاج و الاستدلال الحجاجي . مجلة عالم الفكر. يوليو. ( 2001 ).
عبد المجيد, جميل. البلاغة و الاتِّصال. دار غريب للطِّباعة و النّشر و التّوزيع. مصر. ( 2002 ). عدد الصفحات 195
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تضمن كتاب السياسة عند أرسطو معظم أفكاره السياسية , فقد بنى فكره و تحليليه على النطاق المحدد لدولة المدينة . و قد وصف المواطن فيها مؤكداً ضرورة إيجاد توازن بين الحرية و السلطة في المدينة الدولة ، و عالج فكرة السيادة في الدولة و اقترب من مبدأ فصل السل طات مع تحليله الواقعي للحكومات القائمة, و توضيحه للقوانين التي تحكم الظواهر السياسية، و تعرضه للثورات كظاهرة عامة يمكن أن تتحقق في أيّ مجتمع و في أيّ نظام سياسي مع ضرورة التفرقة بين الثورة و المشاكل السياسية الصغيرة و الانتفاضات السياسية البسيطة التي تمرّ عَرضاً، و إعطائه مُرشداً لكيفية التغلب على إمكانية قيامها, مع تناوله لاتجاهات الحكومات المختلفة . و تجدر الإشارة إلى أن السياسة النظرية التي صاغتها عبقرية أرسطو مازالت إلى يومنا هذا تعاني من المشكلات نفسها التي عانتها من أول دورٍ من أدوارها.
The study of the ethical issue in the Aristotelian attitude and Averroes one is the aim of this research. It also studies and analyzes the point of view of each one of them in three fields which are: • The originality of ethics and its field • Th e virtue theory • Virtues varieties and arrangements According to our dealing with this case, we work on specifying the degree of similarities and differences between the two philosophers. We try to show the Aristotelian moral effect in the Islamic_ Arab intellectual space represented by Averroes whose understanding of Aristotelian ethics in the process of reading and analyzing Plato Republic. In the light of the above, we have the right to ask whether Averroes has an independent ethical theory or he followed the approach of his predecessors, especially Aristotle in his similarity with his ethical issue.
We try through this research to focus on a basic and important issue, which is movement according to Ibn Sina, as we deal in it with his definition of movement, in which he was not limited to the ideas of force and action, but looked at it from anoth er angle, explaining the most important matters that movement requires and is related to, and we try to show the difference Between movement and change so that we can identify the most important categories in which movement occurs without the other ten categories and their connection to the place, and we try to show Ibn Sina’s position on movement in itself in terms of its unity, its abundance, its measures and its contradiction, and how he responded to all the objections related to movement and its provisions.
The importance of this research is that it is one of the rare researches that touch on the philosophy of science at the French philosopher Gaston Bachler, And the role played by this philosopher in the development of the science of epistemology thr ough the epistemological concepts that he introduced to this science, Such as the concept of epistemological obstacle and the concept of epistemological estrangement in addition to the concept of temporal regression and the relationship of these concepts with each other, which contributed to the enrichment of the epistemology and its evolution.
Human societies suffered from worsening manifestations of intolerance and violence and intolerance, Creating an imbalance in the foundations and principles and values ​​that govern the relationship of the other so remove him intellectually and politi cally, religiously and humanly ….. The absence of tolerance lead to rule mentality of prohibition and criminalization. Conversely acquired the concept of tolerance many different meanings, and reflected a variety of images across different forms of human consciousness, Tolerance is no longer confined to the sectarian and religious side, but extended to the political, legal social side , Ethnic ....... ,These issues combined kick philosophers to raise a number of issues and issues relating to tolerance. Philosophy was one of the most fields of knowledge which has worked to entrench in the human mind. .As the need for today - as in many periods of human history - To breathe life into the lofty human values ​​and fertilized and dissemination, It may be appropriate to scrutinize the concept in terms of the philosophy of tolerance, Considering that philosophy is that test center where concepts and vital area to enrich and give them strength, impact strength in thought and behavior. Tolerance is hoped wagered not only a virtue but a necessity and existential social, cultural and political need. And in order to fortify the reality in front of all the risks of dogmatism and bigotry that can take us and targeting our existence and our gains and our aspirations.
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