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Evaluation of fertility and some of growth and bearing Characters for some introduced pear cultivars in Sweida governorate

تقييم الخصوبة و بعض خصائص النمو و الإثمار في بعض أصناف الأجاص المدخلة إلى محافظة السويداء

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 Publication date 2016
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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This investigation was conducted at the Pome and grapevine Division in Sweida governorate in 2014-2015. Four introduced pear cultivars (Anjou, Bartlett, Red Bartlett and Beurre Bosc) were studied, through fruiting and growth organs, fertility, average of fruit weight, and the yield at P< 0,05.

Artificial intelligence review:
Research summary
تتناول هذه الدراسة تقييم الخصوبة وبعض خصائص النمو والإثمار في أربعة أصناف من الأجاص المدخلة إلى محافظة السويداء في سوريا، وهي آنجو، بارتلت، بارتلت أحمر، وبيري بوسك. أجريت الدراسة خلال عامي 2014 و2015 في قسم بحوث التقاحيات والكرمة في السويداء. تم تقييم الأصناف من حيث أعضاء الإثمار، أطوال الطرود الخضرية، الخصوبة، متوسط وزن الثمرة، والإنتاجية. أظهرت النتائج تفوق صنف آنجو في عدد التشكلات المثمرة والمحافظ الثمرية والطرود المثمرة. لم تظهر فروقات معنوية بين الأصناف في أطوال الطرود الخضرية، وكانت الأشهر الرئيسية للنمو الخضري هي أيار وحزيران. بالنسبة لنسب عقد الثمار، لم تكن هناك فروقات معنوية بين الأصناف، ولكن صنف آنجو أظهر أعلى نسبة عقد في عام 2014، وصنف بارتلت في عام 2015. أظهرت الأصناف فروقات معنوية في متوسط وزن الثمرة، حيث تراوح وزن الثمرة بين 210غ في صنف بارتلت أحمر و122.3غ في صنف بيري بوسك في عام 2014. بالنسبة للإنتاجية، تفوق صنف آنجو على باقي الأصناف بمتوسط إنتاجية 66.12 كغ/شجرة في عام 2014 و44.16 كغ/شجرة في عام 2015. خلصت الدراسة إلى أن الأصناف المدروسة تتميز بمواصفات زراعية هامة تشجع على زراعتها في المنطقة.
Critical review
دراسة نقدية: تقدم هذه الدراسة معلومات قيمة حول خصوبة وخصائص النمو والإثمار في أصناف الأجاص المدروسة، مما يساهم في تحسين الإنتاج الزراعي في محافظة السويداء. ومع ذلك، يمكن تحسين الدراسة من خلال توسيع فترة الدراسة لتشمل سنوات إضافية لضمان دقة النتائج واستقرارها عبر الزمن. كما يمكن أن تكون الدراسة أكثر شمولية إذا تضمنت تحليلاً اقتصادياً لتكاليف زراعة كل صنف مقارنة بالعائد المتوقع. بالإضافة إلى ذلك، يمكن أن يكون من المفيد تضمين دراسات حول تأثير التغيرات المناخية على إنتاجية وخصوبة الأصناف المختلفة، خاصة في ظل التغيرات المناخية العالمية.
Questions related to the research
  1. ما هي الأصناف الأربعة من الأجاص التي تم دراستها في محافظة السويداء؟

    الأصناف الأربعة هي آنجو، بارتلت، بارتلت أحمر، وبيري بوسك.

  2. ما هي الأشهر الرئيسية للنمو الخضري في الأجاص وفقاً للدراسة؟

    الأشهر الرئيسية للنمو الخضري في الأجاص هي أيار وحزيران.

  3. أي صنف من الأجاص أظهر أعلى إنتاجية في عامي 2014 و2015؟

    صنف آنجو أظهر أعلى إنتاجية في عامي 2014 و2015.

  4. هل كانت هناك فروقات معنوية بين الأصناف في أطوال الطرود الخضرية؟

    لم تكن هناك فروقات معنوية بين الأصناف في أطوال الطرود الخضرية خلال عامي الدراسة.

References used
ANTKOWIAK, W, ANDRZEJ, W, LUKASZ, W, and GRZEGORZ, I, 2013- Assessment of cross compatibility of pear (Pyrus communis l.) cultivars on the basis of pollen tube observations and analysis of the s-rnase gen, Acta agrobotanica, vol 66(2), 29–34
BESSHO, G, 2008- Trends in European Pear Production and Cultivar Choice in Japan, Acta Hort., vol 800, 349-352
CAMPBELL, J, 2002- European Pear Varieties. Orange Agricultural Institute, Orange, NSW, 1-22
rate research

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20 local and introduced varieties of pear grown in Sweida during 2007 to 2010 were assessed in terms of flowering time, maturity time, accurate morphological characterization for shoots, leaves, flowers and fruits and fruit chemical analysis (tota l soluble solids, total sugar and tetratable acidity) as well as to determine firmness of fruit flesh and tree yield. Results showed that flowering time was at mid April in most varieties, and the varieties were divided into three groups according to their mature date: early varieties maturated during July, mid varieties maturated during August and late varieties maturated during September. However, A variety of Conference was required artificial ripening.
This research was carried out in the laboratories of the Atomic Energy Commission Molecular Biology and Biotechnology Department in Damascus to study the molecular characterization of five of local and introduced grapes varieties which collected f rom the Pome and Grapevine Research Center in Sweida using 20 primer pairs of SSR.
this study was carried out during summer 2014 in Siano Research Station- the Agricultura Research Center in Lattakia . Four varieties of Cowpea: Dolicho (entrance), Blackey (entrance), Almaarefa (Local) and local cultivar were planted and compared concerning the vegetative growth , productivity and quality of green pods. The results showed the superiority of Almaarefa cultivar in some vegetative traits :plant hieght (166.66) cm compared with local cultivar 116.58 cm ,number of leaves on plant and( 27) leaves and( 17) leaves for local cultivar, and plant leaves area( 7840.23) cm2 for Almaarefa comparing with( 4499.75) cm2 for local cultivar As well as it had a maximum pod length( 16.71) cm and highest grain number of pod( 9.44) ,while Blackey cultivar was the most superior comparing with other cultivars in productivity( 0.6229) kg \ m 2 and pod's number/m2 ( 81.069) Whereas Almaarefa had the lowest productivity( 0.4935) kg/m2 and lowest pod's number ( 65.89)pod/m2. The results also showed that the local cultivar had the most vitamin C content comparing with other cultivars by( 23.765%) and in dry matter by (15.38%) , while there was no significant differences between protein green pods content.
This study was conducted in a pot experiment during 2012-2013 to investigate the response of four Syrian bread wheat cultivars (Sham 4, Sham 6, Bohouth 4, and Bohouth 6) to increasing levels of nitrogen fertilization (0, 40, 80, 120, 160, and 200 k g N/h). Nitrogen was added in two equal split applications, half was added as urea (46% N) at sowing, and the second half was added as ammonium nitrate (33.5 % N) at tillerring and stem elongation stage. Some growth and productivity parameters were investigated. Nitrogen application led in all four cultivars to significant increase in number of tillers, productive on the expense of non-productive tillers. This was accompanied by a significant increase in number of spikes on plant and number and weight of grain in the spike. Sham 6 had a higher number of productive tillers at nitrogen rate of application 200 kg N/h, whereas Bohouth 4 had a greater height for main stems and tillers compared to other cultivars. Grain productivity increased with the first level of nitrogen application (40 kg N/h) by a rate of 53, 57, 55, and 48 % for cultivars Sham 4, Sham 6, Bohouth 4, and Bohouth 6, respectively. Grain yield reached with nitrogen application of 200 kg N/h to 15.89, 15.96, 13.6, and 15.7 ton/h, respectively. Cultivars differed significantly in grain yield within each nitrogen application level. Grain yield for Bohouth 6 got closer to Sham 4 and Sham 6 with nitrogen application reaching 160 kg N/h, and after which became not significantly different, while grain yield of Bohouth 4 remains significantly lower compared to all cultivars.
This study was carried out at the Agricultural Scientific Research center In Sweida - GCSAR to study the effect of potassium sulfate and organic manure on some of soil characteristic in addition to tree growth vigor and fruit traits of Starking del icious apple cultivar. The results revealed significant effect in reducing the (pH) of the soil in the three treatments; potassium sulfate fertilization, organic manure fertilization and application of potassium sulfate and organic manure together which were (6.608), (6.708) and (6.558), respectively, in the comparison with the control (6.768). In addition, significant differences were shown in the (EC) between the former treatments (0.1532 ds / m), (0.1692 ds / m) and (0.0937 ds / m) compared to the control (0.2217 ds / m). Concerning growth vigor and fuit traits, the results showed a significant increase in the average of shoot length in the previous treatments (66.43, 77.33 and 71.37 cm, respectively), compared to the control (59.37 cm), while showed a significant increase in leaf area in organic manure treatment and potassium sulfate with organic manure together (35.54 and 37.21 cm 2, respectively), compared to the control (30.54 cm 2). The results of analysis of variance in fruit firmness showed higher significant variation of potassium treatment (8.477 kg / cm 2) than the other treatments which, also revealed significant increase of total soluble solids (16.82%,15.2% and15.37%,respectively) compared to the control (14.23%), and a significant increase in total sugars and in percentage of treatable acidity. Consequently, the result showed that the addition of soil fertilizers treatment contributed to improve some of soil characters, tree growth vigor and some of the quantitative and qualitative traits of apple fruits.
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