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Response of Some Syrian Bread Wheat Cultivars to Nitrogen Fertilization: Growth and Productivity

استجابة بعض أصناف القمح السورية الطرية للتسميد الآزوتي: النمو و الإنتاجية

1813   0   15   0 ( 0 )
 Publication date 2015
  fields Soil And Water
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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This study was conducted in a pot experiment during 2012-2013 to investigate the response of four Syrian bread wheat cultivars (Sham 4, Sham 6, Bohouth 4, and Bohouth 6) to increasing levels of nitrogen fertilization (0, 40, 80, 120, 160, and 200 kg N/h). Nitrogen was added in two equal split applications, half was added as urea (46% N) at sowing, and the second half was added as ammonium nitrate (33.5 % N) at tillerring and stem elongation stage. Some growth and productivity parameters were investigated. Nitrogen application led in all four cultivars to significant increase in number of tillers, productive on the expense of non-productive tillers. This was accompanied by a significant increase in number of spikes on plant and number and weight of grain in the spike. Sham 6 had a higher number of productive tillers at nitrogen rate of application 200 kg N/h, whereas Bohouth 4 had a greater height for main stems and tillers compared to other cultivars. Grain productivity increased with the first level of nitrogen application (40 kg N/h) by a rate of 53, 57, 55, and 48 % for cultivars Sham 4, Sham 6, Bohouth 4, and Bohouth 6, respectively. Grain yield reached with nitrogen application of 200 kg N/h to 15.89, 15.96, 13.6, and 15.7 ton/h, respectively. Cultivars differed significantly in grain yield within each nitrogen application level. Grain yield for Bohouth 6 got closer to Sham 4 and Sham 6 with nitrogen application reaching 160 kg N/h, and after which became not significantly different, while grain yield of Bohouth 4 remains significantly lower compared to all cultivars.

Artificial intelligence review:
Research summary
تتناول هذه الدراسة استجابة بعض أصناف القمح السورية الطرية (شام 4، شام 6، بحوث 4، وبحوث 6) للتسميد الأزوتي وتأثيره على النمو والإنتاجية. أجريت التجارب في أصص خلال الموسم الزراعي 2012-2013، حيث تم تطبيق مستويات مختلفة من التسميد الأزوتي (0، 40، 80، 120، 160، و200 كغ N/هكتار). أظهرت النتائج أن زيادة معدلات التسميد الأزوتي أدت إلى زيادة معنوية في عدد الأشطاءات الكلية والمنتجة، وعدد السنابل، وعدد ووزن الحبوب في السنابل. تفوق الصنف شام 6 في عدد الأشطاءات المنتجة عند أعلى مستوى من التسميد (200 كغ N/هكتار)، بينما تفوق الصنف بحوث 4 في طول السوق الرئيسية وسوق الأشطاءات. ازدادت الإنتاجية من الغلة الحبية مع زيادة التسميد الأزوتي، حيث وصلت إلى أعلى مستوياتها عند 200 كغ N/هكتار. تباينت الأصناف في إنتاجيتها تبعاً لمستوى التسميد الأزوتي، حيث تقاربت غلة الصنف بحوث 6 مع الصنفين شام 4 وشام 6 عند مستوى التسميد 160 كغ N/هكتار، بينما بقيت إنتاجية الصنف بحوث 4 دون تلك في باقي الأصناف.
Critical review
دراسة نقدية: تعد هذه الدراسة مهمة في فهم تأثير التسميد الأزوتي على نمو وإنتاجية أصناف القمح السورية الطرية. ومع ذلك، يمكن أن تكون النتائج أكثر شمولية إذا تم إجراء التجارب في ظروف حقلية بدلاً من الأصص، حيث يمكن أن تختلف النتائج بشكل كبير بين البيئتين. كما أن الدراسة لم تأخذ في الاعتبار تأثير العوامل البيئية الأخرى مثل الرطوبة ودرجة الحرارة، والتي يمكن أن تؤثر بشكل كبير على استجابة النباتات للتسميد الأزوتي. بالإضافة إلى ذلك، قد يكون من المفيد دراسة تأثير التسميد الأزوتي على جودة الحبوب، وليس فقط على الكمية.
Questions related to the research
  1. ما هي الأصناف السورية الطرية التي تم دراستها في البحث؟

    الأصناف السورية الطرية التي تم دراستها هي شام 4، شام 6، بحوث 4، وبحوث 6.

  2. كيف تم تطبيق التسميد الأزوتي في التجربة؟

    تم تطبيق التسميد الأزوتي على دفعتين: الدفعة الأولى على شكل يوريا عند الزراعة، والدفعة الثانية على شكل نترات الأمونيوم خلال مرحلة استطالة الساق.

  3. ما هو تأثير التسميد الأزوتي على عدد الأشطاءات المنتجة؟

    أدى التسميد الأزوتي إلى زيادة معنوية في عدد الأشطاءات المنتجة في جميع الأصناف المدروسة.

  4. أي صنف من الأصناف المدروسة أظهر أعلى إنتاجية عند أعلى مستوى من التسميد الأزوتي؟

    أظهر الصنف شام 6 أعلى إنتاجية عند أعلى مستوى من التسميد الأزوتي (200 كغ N/هكتار).

References used
ALIZADEH, A. Soil, Water, Plants Relationship. 3rd Edn, Emam Reza University Press, Mashhad, Iran, 2002
DIMMOCK, J. P. R. E. and GOODING, M. J. The effects of fungicides on rate and duration of grain filling in winter wheat in relation to the maintenance of flag leaf green area. Journal of Agricultural Science, Vol. 138, 2002, 1-16
FARRER, D; WEISZ, R; HEINIGER, R; MURPHY, J. P; PATE, M. H. Delayed harvest effect on soft red winter wheat in the southeastern USA. Agron J. Vol. 98, no. 3, 2006, 588-595
rate research

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Two separate pot experiments were conducted during the agricultural season (2012-2013) and a complete randomization system was used, studying the response of four certified Syrian soft wheat cultivars (Triticum aestivum L), namely (Sham 4, Sham 6, Bo houth 4, Bohuth 6) towards nitrogenous additives and the dates of addition different types and evaluate the efficiency of these varieties in benefiting from the added nitrogen fertilizer.
A pot experiment was conducted in a green house at Tishreen University in which bread wheat (cv. Sham 6) was grown at different levels of potassium nutrition (K0=0, K1=25, K2=50, K3=75, K4=100, K5=150) mg k/kg soil. The increase in potassium fertil ization rates led to a significant increase in the number of total tillers and fertile tillers on the expense of non-fertile tillers. This was accompanied with no significant increase in number of main stems spikes grains, while the tillers spikes of the first level of potassium application (K1) was higher significantly compared to control treatment (K0). The same treatment (K1) gave the best weight of grain on the main stems spikes and tillers. The productivity of grain yield increased (but non-significantly) with increasing the level of potassium fertilization. The highest yield value was obtained in K5 treatment which was 13933 kg /ha. This productivity constitutes a rate of increase 18% compared to the control treatment (K0). The calculation of Agronomic Efficiency (AE) showed a high value of (about 13 kg seeds/kg of K fertilizer added) in the K1 treatment, and thereafter, AE gradually decreased with potassium fertilization to reach about 6 kg grain/kg K fertilizer for K4 and K5 treatments (100 and 150 mg K/kg).
This research was carried out during both growing seasons 2009/10 - 2010/11 at the National Center for Agricultural Research and Extension (NCARE) / Karak Governorate / Jordan, to study the response of five barley varieties namely Mu'tah, Yarmok, Athroh, Rum and Acsad-176 to the effect of four seeding rates (50, 100, 150 and 200kg/ha) and five nitrogen fertilizer levels (0, 15, 30, 45 and 60kg/ha) on the productivity of grain and straw, the harvest index and some phenological indicators.
A pot exrpriment was conducted in a greenhouse in Tishreen University. The experiment included three soils differ in their chemical properties: 1) heavy clay red soil rich in iron oxides; 2) a silty loam basiltic soil; 3) a heavet clay red soil ric h in total calcium carbonate (34.8 %). Treatments include application of different levels of triple super phosphate (TSP, 46 % P2O5) ranged from 0, 20, 40, 60, 80, 100, 150, to 200 mg P/kg soil. Pots were sowned with maize (2 plants/pot) and grown for 48 days. At harvest, plant were hatvested before flowering by cutting shoots and extracting roots which were oven dried and weight were recorded prior to digestion and P determination in shoot and root tissues. Samples of rhizosphere soils from each pot replicate were taken for P fractionation and determination. The response of maize to P application differs at period test according to soil type. The increase in growth was linear with increasing P level of application in theheavy red and calcareous red soils, while was polynomial in basilitic soil. The speed of growth increase in response to P application was influenced by native available P in the soil prior to application. The application of P led to linear increase in resin-P and MRP fraction in the bicarbonate extract, but not the Po fraction of the bicarbonate extract. The quantities of fixed applied P varied according to level of P application, the ratio of P uptake by maize plants, and chemical properties of the soil type. The proportion of applied P that was fixed increased linerarly with increasing level of P application. It constitutes 41.7,68.5 and66% at level of P application (20 mg/kg soil), and decreasing to30.2, 41.9 and 59.1% at level of P application (200 mg/kg soil) for red, basiltic, and calcerous red soils, respectively.
A field experiment was carried out at Abi Jarash farm, Faculty of Agriculture, Damascus University, during the two agricultural seasons 2011-2012/2013-2014 in order to evaluate the performance of some oily varieties introduced from the safflower crop (SON-4, SON5, PI133055, Local Witness, GILA) under the influence of environmental conditions. Prevalent in Damascus governorate during the spring and summer season (intensive) after harvesting the wheat crop) using two rates of nitrogen fertilizer (control - without adding fertilizer, and at a rate of 75 and 150 kg. ha - 1 pure nitrogen unit)
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