ينشد هذا البحث تناول صور المكان الطبيعيّ كما تجلّت في الشعر الأمويّ، و لا سيّما في ضوء التّغيّرات السياسيّة و الاجتماعيّة في هذا العصر، التي تركت أثرا واضحا في ذات الشّاعر، و في إبداعه صورة المكان الطبيعيّ؛ فالشّاعر يستمدّ مادّة من المكان الواقعي المجرّد الطبيعيّ، و هو المكان الذي لم تتدخّل يد الإنسان في إقامته و تشكيله؛ بما يتضمن من صحارى و جبال و رياض و أنهار و...إلخ، و يصنع خياله من تلك المادّة صورة للمكان الطبيعيّ في نصّه الشعري، على وفق رؤاه و تصوّراته الخاصّة.
This research aims at handling the images of natural setting manifested in the Umayyad poetry , especially those reflected throughout the political and social changes of that era, leaving an obvious effect on the poet himself and subsequently on his creative production and formation of the natural setting . For the poet would take his material out of the static realities of the natural setting, being the setting that has remained intact out of man's hand and formation – which includes deserts , mountains , scenery and rivers … etc – The poet then modefies an image of the natural setting using his imagination in accordance to his sights and mentality .
References used
ابن منظور، أبو الفضل جمال الدين محمد بن مكرم، لسان العرب، دار صادر، بيروت، الطبعة الأولى، 2000
إسماعيل، عزّ الدين ، التفسير النفسيّ للأدب، دار العودة،دار الثقافة, بيروت, 278.
The combination of the rhetoric and poetry formed a prominent phenomenon at the
dissenter poets in the Umayyad era, so their effects showed in their poetry which was
characterized with a clear rhetoric. One of the most prominent dissenter poets is
This study is concerned with disclosure of the whereabouts of the
ideal recipient in the famous Umayyad opposites between Farazdaq
and Greer and Akhtal.
Many images of sea, sea waves and ships is repeated in al-Jahili poetry; sometimes,
such images are formulated partially in one single line of verse or as a quick flicker, if not
such those detailed or circumlocutory images; other times, they occur
The research deals with the aesthetics of the artistic image in the
prose text of the Umayyad period and how did it add more poetry to
This is because of the large number of images analogous and
metaphorical and canonical.
This research studies the elements of "story telling" in the
Andalus‘s poetry in " al-Twaef " age in. Some poets tended to display
in their poems some elements of the art of storytelling. They narrated
their adventures and certain incidents that f