تتكرّر في الشعر الجاهلي كثير من صور البحر , و أمواجه , و سفنه ؛ إذ تتشكل هذه الصّورـ أحياناً ـ في صور جزئيّة في بيت واحد، أو ومضة خاطفة , و أحياناً أخرى في صور فيها بعض التفصيل و الإطالة, أو صور كليّة, تجسّد التجربة الأدبيّة الشّاملة للشّاعر؛ إذ تبنى حولها رموز النصّ في علاقات تقابل, أو تبادل الوظائف، و الإيحاءات.
و لقد رأى البحث أنّ الصّور البحريّة ترد في سياقات ثلاثة؛ إمّا في رحلة الظعائن و الناقة؛ إذ تبرز صورة الظعينة السّفينة، و الناقة السّفينة. و إمّا في الغزل ؛ إذ تظهر صورة المرأة / الدرّة. و إمّا في معرض الحديث عن الذات الشاعرة المنتشية في أحاديث التغني بالبلاغة، و البيان، و المقدرة في فنّ القول, و في أحاديث التفاخر بالقوة, و الكرم، و العطاء .
و حاول البحث تبيان صلة هذه الصّور ببنية القصيدة الجاهليّة, و صلتها بالذات الشاعرة, و بالطبع البشري, بآفاقه النفسية و الثقافية.
Many images of sea, sea waves and ships is repeated in al-Jahili poetry; sometimes,
such images are formulated partially in one single line of verse or as a quick flicker, if not
such those detailed or circumlocutory images; other times, they occur as comprehensive
images that embody the poet's collective literary experience, upon which textual symbols
are structured in the form of oppositional or substitutive functions and suggestions.
This piece of research concludes that such maritime images take place in three
contexts: either in the howdahs' or riding camels journeys in which the image of the shiphowdah
or ship-camel appears; or, in love poetry, in which the image of the pearl woman
appears. Or, they may occur while disclosing the poetical self when highly indulged in
rhetoric, semantics and oration, not to mention vainglory, generosity and hospitality
In brief, this research attempts to explain the relationship of such images to the
structure of the al-Jahili poem, the poetical self, the human temperament, and his
psychological and cultural horizons.
References used
الضبي, المفضل بن محمد بن يعلى, المفضليات تحقيق و شرح أحمد محمد شاكر , و عبد السلام هارون , ق: 48, ص 227
This research talks about the value of sublime being one of the aesthetic values
which underlie aesthetics . The Galilee in one of the manifestations of fear and power -
Based on these two principles- It can be embodied in the image of the hero , B
This research talks about the value of sublime being one of the aesthetic values
which underlie aesthetics. Sublime indicates from one hand adding respect and veneration
to what the sublime person does including noble actions, through which he gets
The poetical piracy is considred one of the most important issues
which old critics dealt, with cavefully.
They dealt with the accusations which were known among them,
or which were cleared by Arab critics of literature and that were
This research aims at handling the images of natural setting manifested in the Umayyad poetry , especially those reflected throughout the political and social changes of that era, leaving an obvious effect on the poet himself and subsequently on his
This research studies the elements of "story telling" in the
Andalus‘s poetry in " al-Twaef " age in. Some poets tended to display
in their poems some elements of the art of storytelling. They narrated
their adventures and certain incidents that f