يدرس هذا البحث عناصر السرد الحكائي في الشعر الأندلسي في عصر الطوائف،
فقد عمد بعض شعراء هذا العصر إلى الارتكاز في قصائدهم على بعض العناصر
القصصية، فقاموا برواية مغامراتهم و الأحداث التي كانت تصادفهم فيها بالاعتماد على تلك
العناصر القصصية، و ان لم ترد كاملة في كثير من المواضع، فلجأ بعضهم إلى التركيز على
عناصر قصصية دون غيرها، و هذا ما سيوضحه البحث.
و سيتناول البحث أيضاً علاقة العناصر القصصية بعضها ببعض و ارتكاز بعضها
على بعض في القصائد، و كل ذلك من خلال دراسة نماذج شعرية وافية دراسة تحليلية تقوم
على توضيح بناء القصص الشعرية و بناء عناصرها الداخلية.
This research studies the elements of "story telling" in the
Andalus‘s poetry in " al-Twaef " age in. Some poets tended to display
in their poems some elements of the art of storytelling. They narrated
their adventures and certain incidents that faced them. However some
made used of some elements, though in incomplete way. Some did
concentrate on certain elements more than others. This would be the
area the present research aims to explore.
The research will deal with the diverse, relationships that exist
among these elements, and their dependence on each other. This will be
done through the study of some poetical samples. The method will be
analytical that endeavours to explain the structure of the poetical
References used
ابن حمديس: الديوان، تحقيق: د. إحسان عباس، دار صادر – بيروت.
ولادة بنت المستكفي: الديوان، ط 1، دار مجدلاوي للنشر و التوزيع.
بكري، عطا: دراسات في الشعر العربي، مطبعة الإرشاد- بغداد.
This research presents a study about the Structure of knowledge in
Ibn Hadad Al Andalusy's poetry, he is one of the most prominent poets in
The poetry is a linguistic structure that depends on two things:
knowledge and Art.
The poems of male flirtation formed a great part in the volume of poetry .
There were a lot of motivation that illuminated it's roots , and the most important types of
these motives are the psychological and artistic motives that is represented in
This research studies an important aspect in the poetry of Yahya Bin
Alhakam Alghazal, one of the most brilliant poets in the Andalusia
This research discusses:
- Subjects of the tale in the poetry of Alghazal.
- The main artistic el
This research aims at handling the images of natural setting manifested in the Umayyad poetry , especially those reflected throughout the political and social changes of that era, leaving an obvious effect on the poet himself and subsequently on his
This research depends on one main idea: it is the influence of
oriental Arab literature on Andalusi Literature. This idea has been shown
with an Arabic poet Ibn Khafaja, who seems very influenced by Arabic
poems in the East (Iraq & Cham).
It seem