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أثر التكنولوجيا في التنمية البشرية في قطاع الخدمات

1789   1   72   0 ( 0 )
 Publication date 2010
  fields Accounting
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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No English abstract

References used
PCEY A., 1991- The culture of Technology, the MIT Press, Cambridge, 24-25
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This study is about the concept of techno-media in Syria, where the world developing techno-media has been identified. As well as there has been a survy on the spreading of technological applications between memberships and this has been done thro ugh presenting evidence about the usage of technological applications in Syria comparing with other countries. Also, the study has identified the most important problems of techno-media. Besides the study has also found out some important elements that identified the techno-media and helps in activating it, aiming to find out other reasons there has been a survy on the connecting relations between problems that lay behind technomedia and how much it is used. After that we have produced some important illustrations and instructions that will have its impact on developing and supporting the process of having technological media and how will this serve the community and participate in improving it.
Human Development in Syria requires a focus on a set of core priorities most important achievement of equality and social justice , they have sentimental value , and necessary to expand the development potential, as there is continued progress of h uman development with inequality and differences in general or according to the particular type of education , health and income indicators , even if its effects were not visible in the community, Where Syria has made progress in the field of human development during the period 1980-2012 was the HDI index ( 0.147 ), although Syria's interest in education, health and provided to all segments of the Syrian society , however, classified according to the human development index indicators published by the United Nations body medium human development , the ranking countries according to 116/186 , and fell two points according to the ranking of countries according to differences guide by genre 118/186 has reached the overall loss ( 20.4 % ), according to the human development Index average inequality factor in the (education, health , income ) .
هدفت هذه الدراسة إلى إلقاء الضوء على موضوع إدارة التنمية البشرية في المكتبات الالكترونية من مختلف جوانبه، و قدمت تعريفًا لمفهوم إدارة التنمية البشرية و البيئة التي تعمل خلالها و تتأثر بها و تشمل: البيئة الداخلية، و البيئة الخارجية. و كذلك قدمت عرض ًا موجزًا للمهام و الأنشطة التي تقوم بها إدارة التنمية البشرية من وجهات نظر مختلفة. بعد ذلك تناولت الوظائف الرئيسة لإدارة التنمية البشرية و هي: تحليل الوظائف في المكتبة الإلكترونية، التخطيط للموارد البشرية في المكتبة الإلكترونية، التوظيف في المكتبة الإلكترونية، تحفيز الموارد البشرية في المكتبة الإلكترونية، تدريب العاملين في المكتبات الإلكترونية، و خدمات الموارد البشرية في المكتبة الإلكترونية.
The insurance sector (Commercial or Takaful) has an important role in the national economy. It supports and contributes in improving the economy and the economic development. This study compares between commercial insurance and takaful, and their im pact on economic development. In this study we try to define the similarities and the differences between commercial insurance and takaful, and the effect on economic development, trying to reach applicable objective recommendations that contributes to the insurance sector in Syria and helps insurance companies to do the best in supporting the national economy and the economic development.
This research aims to study the reality of education in Syria because it is very important to achieve human development, analyze the quantity achievements and the population growth, in addition to qualitative achievements, when we support the education that will be affect on the human development.
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