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دارة التنمية البشرية في المكتبات الإلكترونية (دراسة وثائقية)

1295   0   66   0 ( 0 )
 Publication date 2002
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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No English abstract

References used
إبراهيم درويش. الإدارة العامة (القاهرة: درويش، ١٩٧٨)
حنا قاقيش. تخطيط القوى العاملة (عمان: معهد الإدارة العامة، 1987)
ربحي مصطفى عليان. (أساليب ومناهج البحث العلمي: عمان: دار صفاء، 2000)
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Human Development in Syria requires a focus on a set of core priorities most important achievement of equality and social justice , they have sentimental value , and necessary to expand the development potential, as there is continued progress of h uman development with inequality and differences in general or according to the particular type of education , health and income indicators , even if its effects were not visible in the community, Where Syria has made progress in the field of human development during the period 1980-2012 was the HDI index ( 0.147 ), although Syria's interest in education, health and provided to all segments of the Syrian society , however, classified according to the human development index indicators published by the United Nations body medium human development , the ranking countries according to 116/186 , and fell two points according to the ranking of countries according to differences guide by genre 118/186 has reached the overall loss ( 20.4 % ), according to the human development Index average inequality factor in the (education, health , income ) .
تفاعلا مع الظروف المحيطة بالموارد البشرية, و ما لحق بها من تطورات متسارعة, نتيجة دخول متغير تكنولوجيا المعلومات, و ما أفرزه من تبعات... أثرت على كافة مناحي الحياة, و من بينها التنمية البشرية, حيث ساهمت التكنولوجيا في تنمية هذه الموارد بشكل يتوافق مع متطلبات البلد المعني من جهة, و كذلك المنشأة من جهة أخرى....
This research aims to study the reality of education in Syria because it is very important to achieve human development, analyze the quantity achievements and the population growth, in addition to qualitative achievements, when we support the education that will be affect on the human development.
This study aimed to evaluate the training programs that implemented by ministry of Administrative Development in Syria, and their relation with competencies levels through the study of trainee’s points of views. this study was conducted using the fou r components of training program (trainer, trainee, environment and place of training, material of training) and the relation with the levels of competencies (knowledge, experience, skills, behavioral style). The study also included the relation of sex, age, the years of experience and educational qualification categories with training program.
Recently, knowledge-based economy became a controversial issue among economists. As many of them consider knowledge to be the only way to maximize competitiveness, others see that knowledge has negative impacts, which would lead to other than that. This study attempted to show the impact of knowledge on technology and economic and human development in Syria. Pointing out the positives and negatives in a theoretical framework. sometimes, demonstrating and sometimes, depending on the situations of certain other countries.
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