يركز هذا البحث على التوجهات و الخطط الوطنية التي وضعتها الدول العربية نحو اقتصاد المعرفة من خلال متابعة مؤشراته على المستويات كّلها التي أظهرت أنها لا تزال تستهلك و تستخدم المنتجات المعرفية بشكل كبير، مما يؤكد أنها بحاجة للتركيز على إنتاج المعرفة كي تستطيع مشاركة البشرية في السير في مواكب العلم و المعرفة، و التوجه باقتصاداتها نحو الاقتصاد المعرفي الكفيل بحل المشكلات التي تواجهها في البطالة و الفقر و انخفاض مستويات التنمية .
It is known that a new style of economy based on knowledge coming up in
developed and developing countries within new millennium . This doesn't mean that
knowledge wasn’t known or used in economical activities، but the new is the effect
of knowledge in economical social life and humanity ، due to total national plans was
put in those countries to fill knowledge gap within last three decades .
This research focuses on national orientations towards knowledge economy through
its indexes in Arab countries, These indexes still shows that Arab countries are
consumers for knowledge commodities، and not producers . This need real
participation in knowledge producing to face social and economical problems which
consider the real challenges of these countries.
References used
الحمدان، حسام عيسى، المنهجية المثلى لتوظيف اقتصاد المعرفة في تحقيق النهضة التنموية . في سورية، كلية الاقتصاد، جامعة دمشق، سورية، 2009
خلف، فليح حسن، اقتصاد المعرفة، جدارا للكتاب العالمي، عمان، الأردن، 2007
درويش، محمد جمال،التخطيط للمجتمع المعلوماتي،المكتبة الأكاديمية، القاهرة، مصر، 2000
Nowadays, the world witnesses a great knowledge wealth that has allowed the developed countries to transform their economies into what is called « Knowledge Economy ». This term, entirely, means producing, spreading and using knowledge in between its
Recently, knowledge-based economy became a controversial issue among economists. As many of them consider knowledge to be the only way to maximize competitiveness, others see that knowledge has negative impacts, which would lead to other than that.
Because of the increasing of the scientific resources locally as well as internationally. and the
importance of the local urban heritage as one of the resources. affecting the international
urban and architectural concepts; this research deals with
Cities begun in developing countries, by the earlier sixties of the 20th century, to
grow according to the world pattern away from local and locative Affiliation. Also
architectural modern international designs started to spread among its repeated
Shadow economy is considered the most important economic problem which is still of concern to researchers for it is linked to all economic variables. It is found in all States with different economic patterns. But it is more widespread in developing