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Psychometric Properties of A Statistical Anxiety Scale A Study on the Sample of Postgraduate Students in the Faculty of Education, Tishreen University

البناء العاملي لمقياس القلق الاحصائي دراسة على عينة من طلبة الدراسات العليا في كلية التربية بجامعة تشرين

3424   2   83   0 ( 0 )
 Publication date 2014
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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This study aimed to extract the psychometric characteristics of the Statistical Anxiety Scale when applied to a sample of graduate students the Faculty of Education, Tishreen University, to ensure the ability to using the statistical anxiety scale to diagnose postgraduate students' statistical anxiety reliability. Statistical anxiety scale (which was translated by into Arabic Abou Hashem, 2002) has been applied on a sample of research postgraduate students in the courses phase and in the dissertation phase in the Faculty of Education at the Tishreen University. The study results indicate a high significant internal consistency and statistically significant of the scale items, the scale also enjoyed a high degree of reliability. The items that to cause concern were extracted from the sample, and were arranged according to the level of concern caused by calculating the specific weight of each item. It was verified of a set of hypotheses that confirmed the scale validity and reliability.

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Research summary
يهدف هذا البحث إلى تحليل البنية العاملية لمقياس القلق الإحصائي باستخدام التحليل العاملي، حيث قام الباحث بتطبيق النسخة العربية من المقياس على عينة من طلبة الدراسات العليا في كلية التربية بجامعة تشرين. أظهرت النتائج أن المقياس يتمتع بخصائص سيكومترية عالية من حيث الصدق والثبات. تم تقسيم المقياس إلى قسمين، حيث تبين تشبع القسم الأول بثلاثة عوامل فسرت 63.26% من التباين، والقسم الثاني بثلاثة عوامل فسرت 69.41% من التباين. كما أظهر التحليل العاملي أن المقياس ككل يتشبع على مكونين يفسر الأول 39.86% من التباين الكلي، والثاني 36.45%. تتوافق البنية الهيكلية المستخرجة مع الفقرات النظرية للمقياس، مما يعزز الثقة بقدرته على قياس القلق الإحصائي لدى طلبة الدراسات العليا. يوصي الباحث بإجراء مزيد من الدراسات على عينات مختلفة ودراسة العلاقة بين القلق الإحصائي والعوامل المعرفية والنفسية المؤثرة فيه، ووضع برامج إرشادية للتخفيف من القلق الإحصائي.
Critical review
دراسة نقدية: على الرغم من أن البحث يقدم إسهاماً مهماً في مجال قياس القلق الإحصائي، إلا أن هناك بعض النقاط التي يمكن تحسينها. أولاً، حجم العينة المستخدمة في الدراسة قد يكون غير كافٍ لتعميم النتائج على جميع طلبة الدراسات العليا. ثانياً، كان من الممكن أن يتضمن البحث تحليلًا أكثر تفصيلاً للعوامل النفسية والاجتماعية التي قد تؤثر على القلق الإحصائي. ثالثاً، لم يتم التطرق إلى كيفية تطبيق النتائج في بيئات تعليمية مختلفة أو في تخصصات أخرى غير التربية. وأخيراً، كان من الممكن أن يتضمن البحث توصيات أكثر تفصيلاً حول كيفية استخدام المقياس في التدخلات الإرشادية والعلاجية.
Questions related to the research
  1. ما هي العوامل التي تشبع عليها القسم الأول من مقياس القلق الإحصائي؟

    تشبع القسم الأول من المقياس بثلاثة عوامل فسرت 63.26% من التباين.

  2. ما هي نسبة التباين التي يفسرها المكون الأول للمقياس ككل؟

    يفسر المكون الأول 39.86% من التباين الكلي.

  3. ما هي أهمية البحث في مجال القلق الإحصائي؟

    تأتي أهمية البحث من كونه يتناول أحد المقاييس الهامة لقياس القلق الإحصائي، ويعزز الثقة بقدرة المقياس على قياس القلق الإحصائي لدى طلبة الدراسات العليا، ويساهم في وضع برامج إرشادية وعلاجية مناسبة.

  4. ما هي التوصيات التي قدمها الباحث في نهاية الدراسة؟

    أوصى الباحث بإجراء المزيد من البحوث على المقياس على عينات من كليات واختصاصات مختلفة، ودراسة العلاقة بين القلق الإحصائي والعوامل المعرفية والنفسية المؤثرة فيه، ووضع برامج إرشادية تدريبية للتخفيف من القلق الإحصائي لدى طلبة الدراسات العليا.

References used
BALOGLU, M. Individual Differences in Statistics Anxiety Among College Student, Personality and Individual Differences , 34(5), 2003, pp.855-865
BELL, j. Statistics Anxiety: The Nontraditional Student, Education, 124(1), 2003, pp.157- 162
COLLINS, K. & ONWUEGBUZIE, A. Relationship Between Reading Ability and Statistics Anxiety Among African – American Graduate Students: Implications For The Teaching and Learning of Statistics, I Cots, 7,2007, pp 1-4
CRUISE, R, CASH, W. and BOLTON, D. Development an Instrument To Measure Statistical Anxiety, Proceeding of the American Statistical Association, 1985, pp.92- 96
EARP, M. Development and Validation of the Statistics Anxiety Measure, A Dissertation Presented to the College of Education University of Denver, 2007.pp 1-163
rate research

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This study aimed to extract the psychometric characteristics of the Statistical Anxiety Scale when applied to a sample of graduate students the Faculty of Education, Tishreen University, to ensure the ability to using the statistical anxiety scale to diagnose postgraduate students' statistical anxiety reliability. Statistical anxiety scale (which was translated into Arabic by Abou Hashem, 2002) has been applied on a sample of research postgraduate students in the courses phase and in the dissertation phase in the Faculty of Education at the Tishreen University. The study results indicate a high significant internal consistency and statistically significant of the scale items, the scale also enjoyed a high degree of reliability. The items that to cause concern were extracted from the sample, and were arranged according to the level of concern caused by calculating the specific weight of each item. A set of hypotheses was verified, it confirmed the scale validity and reliability
The research aims to study the psychometric Coping strategies of Life Stress Scale (COPE) among a sample of Education Faculty Students in Albath University, through using varied methods in studying the test reliability and validity, and through the application of the scale on a sample of Education Faculty Students in Albath University application (640) male and female students at the Albath University
The aim of this research is to know the differences among the students of higher studies in Damascus University, faculty of Education towards the evaluation of their teachers and to reveal the students' most important qualities according to the va riable of gender, specialization, the type of direction, and university. The research also presents some suggestion in the light of its results. The researcher made questionnaire consisting of 57 items revolving around three axes. The questionnaire has been applied on a sample of 59 higher studies students of both genders and of different specializations.
The present research was designed to investigate the factor structure of Shkeer's psychological security scale (2005), by using the exploratory factor analysis. the psychological security scale of shkeer consists of four dimensions: (individual bu ilding and future vision (14 items), general and practice life (18 items), temperament (10 items), social relationships and social interaction (12 items). The researcher used the descriptive method, and the research sample was chosen randomly, while the data were collected from (415) students of Tishreen University. The research revealed that the psychological security consists of six factors, which had explained (52.91%) of total variance of items: The first factor: future vision and includes 14 items. The second factor: social relationships and includes 7 items. The third factor: temperament and includes 7 items. The fourth factor: practice life and includes 5 items. The fifth factor: general life and includes 5 items. The sixth factor: social interaction and includes 4 items. The researcher suggests that more studies should be done to investigate the factor structure of the psychological security scale on different Syrian samples.and proposes to study the relationship between psychological security and some variables.
This study aimed at identifying the reality of scientific research in Tishreen University from the perspective of postgraduate students in the Department of sociology, the study is divided into five key areas related to the process of scientific re search which are: services and facilities, scientific staff, financing of scientific research, scientific research and community development, and the quality of scientific research. The researcher used the descriptive analytical method, comprehensive inventory method for all postgraduate students. A questionnaire was designed and distributed to the members of the universe. Data had been analyzed with the help of SPSS programme, Likert quintuple scale was also used to answer the questionnaire, in addition the test of averages and factor analysis was applied. The result of data analysis showed that the dissatisfaction of postgraduate students in the Department of Sociology on the reality of scientific research in University, and that the services and facilities and financing of scientific research are the most important factors from the perspective of postgraduate students in the Department of Sociology.
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