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The study aimed at uncovering the effect of the use of brainstorming strategy in the improving the decision-making skills of the fourth grade students through their answers to a test that measures the decision-making skill in the social studies. It also aims to know the differences between the middle grades, the students who learned according to the brainstorming strategy and the pupils Who were taught according to the usual method. Accordingly, a semi-experimental approach was adopted. Abrainstorming strategy was designed for a unit of the fourth grade social studies book, and a test was designed to measure decision- (10) phrases, each of which included a problem to be decided on, and the educational program was applied to a sample of the fourth grade students in the first class of basic education (103) students and students in the school of martyr Yasser Kasu in the city of Jblah, The study shows that there is a statistically significant difference between the average scores of the students of the two groups (experimental and control) in the post-implementation and deferred to test the skill of decision making, and this difference is in the interest of the students of the experimental group. The study suggested that the brainstorming strategy should be applied in the teaching of the new curriculum, and studies should be carried out to reveal the impact of this strategy on the development of different thinking skills and in most subjects.
The present study is concerned with the creation of an organized framework to the teaching of architectural design that addresses the individual differences of learners, such as differences in abilities, tendencies, experiences, speed of learning and self development through appointing the self-learning skills required for architectural students, and how much these skills are practiced, as an important aspect of the design process. This method enhances the education and development of mental ability which considered the most important for students to solve design problems in compliance with the society variables.
The research aims to identify the effectiveness of linguistic activities in the auditory discrimination skill development at a sample of kindergarten children (5-6 years). And to achieve this goal researcher followed a semi-experimental method, and used two tools (linguistic activities program and auditory discrimination test.
تعدُّ الوحدة التعليمية جزءاً أساسياً في تعليم و تعلّم اللغة الفرنسية بوصفها لغة أجنبية؛ فهي تؤدي دوراً رئيسياً في هذا المجال. تحفّز الوحدة التعليمية الطالب إذ تمكّنه من تحقيق المهام المطلوبة منه و تشجعه على المشاركة في محادثة حقيقية و ذلك بعد تطبيق ا لمدرس لمختلف مراحلها. فما هي مكونات الوحدة التعليمية, و ما هو دورها في تطوير مهارة المحادثة اللغوية لدى الطالب.
This study aimed to know the degree of the relationship between the performance of the first cycle of basic education schools managers of some of the administrative duties and to exercise the degree of skill of :time management in the city of Homs , according to several objectives - Know the effect variable (sex, educational qualification)on the degree of time management - know the impact of the variable (sex, educational qualification) ( - degree in exercise of administrative tasks assigned to school principals.
One of the skills that should be possessed by block players in volleyball is reaction speed. It effectively influences the player’s ability to block strong shots from the opponent correctly. However, response time is influenced by how much the play er benefits from the prime which is provided around him to prepare for the next movement. When a player effectively prepares for the required movement in advance, these information are processed more rapidly, and thus, we notice an improvement in the player’s reaction time. Thus, we have conducted this study to find out the effect of special exercises designed for motor preparation on reaction speed for block players center (3) in volleyball . For the current study, we have used the priming test, suggested by Rosenbaum and Kormblum (1982) as a prior test and a follow-up test for both test group and blocked group, in order to figure out the effect of providing primes on the player’s reaction time. The primes provided were either identity for the required movementor neutral. We have followed the method of calculating the number of correct attempts executed by the players, in order to infer the change in their reaction speed. The results revealed improvement in the number of correct attempts for test group after applying the suggested training program in the two situations (identity-neutral). Therefore, we find that the applied program has contributed to an increase in the number of correct executed attempts, which suggests an increase in the speed of processing the information, leading to enhancing the reaction speed in block players center (3). In light of these findings, we have recommended the necessity of using the suggested training program as part of the training plans provided for Syrian volleyball teams. This recommendation is due to the program’s importance in improving reaction speed, on which most offensive and defensive skills in this game depends. We have also recommended the necessity of conducting further research and study, based on modern training methods.
The quality was not the creation of this new era, its roots date back to the old Arab scholars. They have studied it in-depth in their scientific publications, the poets were sitting and competing with each other in Makkah's markets to choose the best poetry, through a committee of quality experts who judge their poetry. The meanings –which have the topic of composition and its rules- having a great deal of quality. Al- Jurjani had studied and treated this topic exhaustively, when he criticized Al-Jahiz who were interested in the literal meaning which has no value unless it has a noble meanings. Add to that, the Arabic script has a big merit in the language, Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala (S.W.T). Said: ﴾Nun By the pen And by the record which (men) write1﴿ Allah S.W.T. has oath in the pen, because it has a big honor, and the person who writes well occupy a high place in the nation. The reliable writer is close to the Sultan in most things if not all of them. In view of the punctuation marks which have a big importance in the language, to know the devision and connecting of the speech, and also the beginning and the end of it, the quality standard had been taking into consideration in all of the above matters, and obtained an elaborated study in old times of Arabs.

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