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We present the University of Central Florida systems for the LoResMT 2021 Shared Task, participating in the English-Irish and English-Marathi translation pairs. We focused our efforts on constrained track of the task, using transfer learning and subw ord segmentation to enhance our models given small amounts of training data. Our models achieved the highest BLEU scores on the fully constrained tracks of English-Irish, Irish-English, and Marathi-English with scores of 13.5, 21.3, and 17.9 respectively
There are many views on the question of the logic and mechanisms of historical development of human society; visions and answers vary, to the extent of total conflict sometimes, on other issues that relate organically to the first question, perhaps the most prominent of which is the general picture of the historical evolution diagram, Sequentially spherical stages, as well as the question of the so-called nation or the multiple nations that alternately lead the ship of the evolution of human society in general. This is where the sharp contrast between the two theories of the so-called equal evolution and the unequal historical evolution as a problem from which the research begins and ends with emphasis on the credibility of the last thesis and on highlighting a large and dangerous part of the ideological manipulation and blindness of the first thesis. The latter, which is one of the moss serious thesis of European orientalism and the pervasive wooden understanding of the original thought of Marxist origin.
This research aims to study the effect of the organizational structure of the three dimensions(complexity, official, central) on the effectiveness of strategic management at the General Company of Tartous Port, To achieve this goal, a questionnaire was developed to achieve this goal, where the questionnaire was distributed to the research sample of managers (at all levels), The researcher used the descriptive approachin data collection, it was relying on statistical analysis program (spss.20) in its analysis. The researcher found many results such: There is a positive relationship between independent variables ( complexity, official, and central in structure) of the dependent variable (effectiveness of strategic management), the value of the correlation coefficient between independent variables and dependent variable 82% , and coefficient of determination 67%, considering the port is a government company with a large volume and subject to the laws, regulation, and strict instruction. And works in a stable environment . The researcher recommended the need to redesign the organizational structure of the general company of Tartous port to suit the application of strategic management effectively, in addition the promotion of vertical and horizontal organization and informal communications as reflected positively on the workers, and thus the effectiveness of the organization.
The successful management an important and essential role in the life of human societies through its direct influence on all human, economic, social and educational development institutions, and its ability in instilling radical changes in these inst itutions and move them from stillness and recession into a dynamic active state that establishes a materialistic infra structure that reflects the supra-structure such as education, teaching, religion and ethics. For this reason, all the interested countries in development process pay great attention to develop management methods in its central and non-central aspects. In this research will we focus on the role of a successful the central and non-central administration in developing the staff performance in their companies and in developing the production of these companies, and study the central and non-central administration and generalize the best model that serves the matter of the overall development in our country which we need to develop our country in all aspects of overall development s we can achieve an ongoing development.
The study deals with the beginning and development of the central library in Damascus University and its departments. And it illuminates the periodicals part, and its ability to fulfill the needs of Information students in Damascus University, and its role in supporting the scientific research. It also reviews results of questionnaire performed by a researcher to know the ability of periodicals in fulfilling the demands of the information students in the university. It comes up to a set of results, recommendations and suggestions.
Every osteotomy and every surgical correction of dentofacial deformity has influences on the whole orofacial system including the TMJ. This study aimed evaluate the effect on the TMJ after the orthognathic surgery (bimaxillary osteotomy).Furthermo re, a comparison was made between the results obtained by bimaxillary osteotomy without condylar positioning and the pre-operation centric position of the condyle.
في طب الأسنان، لا نتدخل عادة على أشخاص سليمين، بل غالبًا على مرضى لديهم علاقات فكية إطباقية مضطربة أو مفقودة، كضياع البعد العمودي للإطباق أو فقدان علاقة الفكين ببعضهما بالاتجاه الأمامي – الخلفي أو المعترض، و لم يعد لدينا أية وضعية مرجعية نستند إلي ها في مداخلاتنا العلاجية، و العلاقة المثالية التي نطمح إليها هي تلك التي نجدها عند شخص سليم، ذي أسنان سليمة و لا يشكو من أي عرض مرضي. لا يوجد في وقتنا الحاضر أية وسيلة لإيجاد هذه العلاقة المثالية، لذا وجب البحث عن علاقة تكون أقرب ما يمكن إلى الوضع المثالي، سهلة التحديد و قابلة للتسجيل و النسخ عند الأطفال كما عند البالغين، و العلاقة الوحيدة التي تجيب عن هذه المتطلبات هي العلاقة المركزية الفكية – القحفية. فهل هي علاقة ثابتة و وضعية مرجعية يمكن تسجيلها و نسخها- على الأقل- خلال فترة المداخلة؟
تحتاج معالجة اضطرابات الجهاز الماضغ و إعادة بناء الأقواس السنية إلى التركيب على المطبق من أجل تحليل أو تعديل الإطباق ، و يحتاج أيضاً إلى تسجيل العلاقة بين الفكين بشكل صحيح و دقيق ، لكي يتم نقل و فهم حركات الفك السفلي إلى المطبق ، لذلك نحتاج إلى اع تماد طريقة و تقانة معينة في أخذ هذه العلاقة بدقة متناهية . إن تعدد الطرق و الاختلاف فيما بينها يجعلنا نفكر بأسباب هذه التعددية ، من هذه الأسباب صعوبة وضع الفكين في علاقة معينة قابلة للتكرار ، و أيضاً صعوبة قيادة الفك نحو العلاقة المركزية ، و تعدد المواد و الأدوات المستخدمة لهذا الغرض ، بالإضافة إلى وجود اضطرابات مفصلية عضلية و حركية أحياناً . و نظراً لعدم وجود طريقة أو مادة مثالية ، فلا بد عند استخدام طريقة معينة أن نفهم نظرية و رأي صاحبها حسب مدرسته الإطباقية .

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