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عرض مقارنة لطرق و تقنيات و مواد تسجيل العلاقة المركزية

643   1   11   0 ( 0 )
 Publication date 2000
  fields Dentistry
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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References used
١٢١ المصادر 1-Alsawaf m.m.,Garlapo.DA: Influence of tooth contact on the path of codylar movements.JProthet.Dent.1992.vol67;3.396-400
Cebelic al : A Study of occlosal plane orientation by intra- oral method .J .Oral Rehabit.1995 ; 22:233-236
DAWSON , P . E . Attaining harmonic occlusion through visualized strain analysis . J . Prosth . dent . 1981 , 46 : 615-628
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في طب الأسنان، لا نتدخل عادة على أشخاص سليمين، بل غالبًا على مرضى لديهم علاقات فكية إطباقية مضطربة أو مفقودة، كضياع البعد العمودي للإطباق أو فقدان علاقة الفكين ببعضهما بالاتجاه الأمامي – الخلفي أو المعترض، و لم يعد لدينا أية وضعية مرجعية نستند إلي ها في مداخلاتنا العلاجية، و العلاقة المثالية التي نطمح إليها هي تلك التي نجدها عند شخص سليم، ذي أسنان سليمة و لا يشكو من أي عرض مرضي. لا يوجد في وقتنا الحاضر أية وسيلة لإيجاد هذه العلاقة المثالية، لذا وجب البحث عن علاقة تكون أقرب ما يمكن إلى الوضع المثالي، سهلة التحديد و قابلة للتسجيل و النسخ عند الأطفال كما عند البالغين، و العلاقة الوحيدة التي تجيب عن هذه المتطلبات هي العلاقة المركزية الفكية – القحفية. فهل هي علاقة ثابتة و وضعية مرجعية يمكن تسجيلها و نسخها- على الأقل- خلال فترة المداخلة؟
The selection of recording material is an important factor to be considered in making interocclusal records. Many materials are available to record interocclusal relations , but they differs in their accuracy during mounting the casts on the articu lator. Purpose: The purpose of the study was to compare of four interocclusal recording materials in their effect on the relationship of the casts, and to determine the most accurate material.
The research aim for testing the correlations between the morphology of the bone around the apexes of the central incisors and facial type.the sample consist of 59 patient.They were divided into three groups according to their facial Type.the result is three groups ,19 short face type, 20 norm face type, and 20 long face type patients, aged 19 to 40 years.we have measured many measurement that determine the relationship between the apex of central upper incisor and its surroundings. The measurements were processed using analysis of variance Anova and Mann-Whitney U-tests and (Correlation coefficient )r .We find that at the upper central incisors, In short face type subjects the root apex of the upper central incisors was farther away from the lingual cortex than in the norm face type and long face type. In long face type subjects the root apex of the upper incisors was farther away from the palatal plane than in the norm face type and long face type.
The aim of this study, the development of systems and controls set standards and methods of restoration and protection and maintenance to operate this business in the right direction and straighten restoration goals in the right direction away from reconstructive mistakes that we are experiencing as a result of the absence of references and standards reconstructive and especially in our country.
the importance of research to define the importance of the restoration to preserve the identity of the country and its heritage and authenticity as well as for the restoration of some of the buildings came to show contemporary form processions of progress and development that we are witnessing in addition to the development of systems and controls set standards and methods of restoration, protection and maintenance in order to direct the business in the right direction and organize repairs to stop the dangers arising wrong to intervene and factors demise and the demise of heritage buildings, which are often caused by personal interpretations resulting from the absence of references and standards pertaining to restoration and especially in our country, in addition to the non-observance of international standards for restoration.

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