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دراسة سريرية لتقصي العلاقة المركزية و تسجيلها حسب طريقة داوسون

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 Publication date 2004
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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No English abstract

References used
CLAYTON C., MIKE M.,: (( CR-Repeatable , but not necessarily confortable )). Las Vegas Institue for Advanced Dental Studies,Feb.2003
JEANMONOD A.(( Relation Centrée: les notions de la gnathologie attrbuent au complex articulaire de la mandibule ( A.T.M ) un principe d’ axe))., Occlusodontologie , Sept. 2000
BEYER C.,:((Réequilibration articulaire , retour à la relation centrée )). Un Etre des Dents , Fev. 2003
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تحتاج معالجة اضطرابات الجهاز الماضغ و إعادة بناء الأقواس السنية إلى التركيب على المطبق من أجل تحليل أو تعديل الإطباق ، و يحتاج أيضاً إلى تسجيل العلاقة بين الفكين بشكل صحيح و دقيق ، لكي يتم نقل و فهم حركات الفك السفلي إلى المطبق ، لذلك نحتاج إلى اع تماد طريقة و تقانة معينة في أخذ هذه العلاقة بدقة متناهية . إن تعدد الطرق و الاختلاف فيما بينها يجعلنا نفكر بأسباب هذه التعددية ، من هذه الأسباب صعوبة وضع الفكين في علاقة معينة قابلة للتكرار ، و أيضاً صعوبة قيادة الفك نحو العلاقة المركزية ، و تعدد المواد و الأدوات المستخدمة لهذا الغرض ، بالإضافة إلى وجود اضطرابات مفصلية عضلية و حركية أحياناً . و نظراً لعدم وجود طريقة أو مادة مثالية ، فلا بد عند استخدام طريقة معينة أن نفهم نظرية و رأي صاحبها حسب مدرسته الإطباقية .
Extracting relation triplets from raw text is a crucial task in Information Extraction, enabling multiple applications such as populating or validating knowledge bases, factchecking, and other downstream tasks. However, it usually involves multiple-s tep pipelines that propagate errors or are limited to a small number of relation types. To overcome these issues, we propose the use of autoregressive seq2seq models. Such models have previously been shown to perform well not only in language generation, but also in NLU tasks such as Entity Linking, thanks to their framing as seq2seq tasks. In this paper, we show how Relation Extraction can be simplified by expressing triplets as a sequence of text and we present REBEL, a seq2seq model based on BART that performs end-to-end relation extraction for more than 200 different relation types. We show our model's flexibility by fine-tuning it on an array of Relation Extraction and Relation Classification benchmarks, with it attaining state-of-the-art performance in most of them.
The research aim for testing the correlations between the morphology of the bone around the apexes of the central incisors and facial type.the sample consist of 59 patient.They were divided into three groups according to their facial Type.the result is three groups ,19 short face type, 20 norm face type, and 20 long face type patients, aged 19 to 40 years.we have measured many measurement that determine the relationship between the apex of central upper incisor and its surroundings. The measurements were processed using analysis of variance Anova and Mann-Whitney U-tests and (Correlation coefficient )r .We find that at the upper central incisors, In short face type subjects the root apex of the upper central incisors was farther away from the lingual cortex than in the norm face type and long face type. In long face type subjects the root apex of the upper incisors was farther away from the palatal plane than in the norm face type and long face type.
The main aim of this study is to highlight and analyze the different thoracic injuries during the military conflicts. Medical records of 542 casualties with thoracic injuries were analyzed during study period. 91.9% of the patients were male. The ages were ranging between 3 – 75 years، 88.1% of them were in the age between 20 – 40 years. 71 top urgent casualties (13%) were directly admitted to op-theater، the remaining patients underwent different diagnostic procedures، CT-scan played an important role in the diagnosis of thoracic injuries and was performed in 62.2% of the casualties. 92.8% of the patients sustained penetrating chest injuries due to gunshots and / or missiles and shells. Of the injuries identified، the most prevalent injury was lung contusion، which occurred in 31.9% of casualties، traumatic haemo-and/or pneumothorax occurred in 29.15%، lung laceration in 14.39%، diaphragm injury in 6.45%. 77 patients (13.2%) sustained ribs fractures، 3 patients (3.89%) of them had a diagnosed flail chest injury. Combined injuries were reported to be 61.07% of all casualties. Most of them 46.2% were abdominal injuries، 39.27% were head and neck injuries.
A prevailing paradigm in neural text generation is one-shot generation, where text is produced in a single step. The one-shot setting is inadequate, however, when the constraints the user wishes to impose on the generated text are dynamic, especially when authoring longer documents. We address this limitation with an interactive text generation setting in which the user interacts with the system by issuing commands to edit existing text. To this end, we propose a novel text editing task, and introduce WikiDocEdits, a dataset of single-sentence edits crawled from Wikipedia. We show that our Interactive Editor, a transformer-based model trained on this dataset, outperforms baselines and obtains positive results in both automatic and human evaluations. We present empirical and qualitative analyses of this model's performance.
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