هدفت الدراسة إلى تعرُف الباحث على أثر مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي على القيم و السلوكيات لدى طلبة الجامعة" موقع فيسبوك " نموذجاَ " و لتحقيق أهداف الدراسة تم طُرح عدد من الأسئلة على النحو التالي:
1- ما أهم الخصائص النوعية لأفراد عينة الدراسة؟
2- ما هي عادات و أنماط استخدام طلبة الجامعة لموقع التواصل الاجتماعي "فيسبوك
3- ما أهم الإيجابيات و السلبيات المترتبة على استخدام طلبة الجامعة لموقع " فيسبوك " ؟
4- هل استخدام موقع"فيسبوك" و التعرض لمحتوياته يساعد طلبة الجامعة على الارتباط بالقيم؟
5- هل يساعد موقع" فيسبوك" طلبة الجامعة على تجاوز بعض السلوكيات السلبية.
و للإجابة على تساؤلات الدراسة استخدمت استبانة تضمنت عدة محاور وفقاً لأهداف الدراسة، و شمل مجتمع الدراسة جميع الطلاب المسجلين في جامعة دمشق في العام الدراسي 2015- 2016.
The study aimed to identify the impact of social networking on the values and
behaviors among university "Face book" Students sites model "
To achieve the objectives of the study were a number of questions as follows:
1- What are the main qualitative characteristics of the members of the study sample?
2- What are the habits and patterns of use of university students to the social
networking site "Face book
3- What are the main pros and cons of using university students to site "Face book"?
4- Do you use the site "Face book" and exposure to its contents helps university students to
link the values?
5- Does it help the site "Face book" university students to overcome some of the
negative behaviors.
And to answer the questions of the study was the use of a questionnaire included
several axes, according to the objectives of the study, and the study included all students
enrolled in the University of Damascus community in the year 2016 Aldrase2015.
References used
B. Veenhof, B. Wellman, “How Canadians’ Use of the Internet Affects Social Life and Civic Participation” , Published by authority of the Minister responsible for Statistics Canada, Minister of Industry, 2008
Danah m. Boyd, Nicole B.Ellison , Social network sites; Definition , history and scholar ship ,Journal of computer mediated communication, vol (13),issue (1),2002
The aim of the current research is to identify the effect of university
students' use of social networking sites to achieve personal and social
compatibility according to their theoretical and applied competencies,
and to exacerbate gender differe
The research aims to:
- Learn about the degree of Hesitation on the social networking sites with students of the Faculty of Education at the University of Damascus.
- Learn about common social problems among students of the Faculty of Education
Growing importance of social networking sites in the science of services steadily
as a concept that includes a number of important implications dimensions in the
process of client assessment of the product and the organization together,
The research aims to know the degree of use of social networking
among the students of the Faculty of Education at the University of
Damascus. And know common mental problems among the
students of the Faculty of Education at the University of Damascus.
And know the relationship between the use of social networks and
mental problems.
The current research aimed at identifying the effect of marriage
of relatives in the personal social consensus among a sample
of students of Al-Baath University.
The study sample reached (320) students of Al-Baath
University in Homs (160) of the