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This research aimed at determining the role of intellectual capital in developing the competitive Tishreen University Abilities in both education and scientific research. The researcher relied on the methodological approach as a general approach to r esearch, followed the methodology of the survey, and a set of methods, including relying on secondary and primary data through a questionnaire that was organized by the researcher's knowledge of published literature. He distributed the questionnaire to 331 members of the faculty of Tishreen University, 263 of which were recovered, and 13 were not valid for analysis in the research community comprised of staff in Tishreen University faculty, of the 2376 respondents according to statistics of the Directorate of Statistics and Planning, and then used the appropriate statistical tests, such as simple regression, and rely on a programme SPSS is applying to be a tool for analysis of Data available. The main conclusion was a moral role, an Acceptable correlation between intellectual capital and competitive ability. Some suggestions and recommendations were presented to improve the relationship, which is the most important: the need to work for improvement of the level of education and scientific research in order to achieve the university's competitive ability.
The reflection of the reality of the Arab world in the present age makes us discover that there is an intellectual crisis that has spread in the body of the nation as well. That the seeds of Western colonialism grew and penetrated among the Arab so cieties Arab countries, and the Arab countries, although militarily independent from the Western colonial countries, they still suffer from intellectual colonization, which led to divisions and fighting and violence in their societies, which led to its cultural and intellectual invasion by Western society. I spoke about the culture, its concept and its role in society and its importance to the people in general and young people in particular and how they became the subject of conflict and conflict between societies and I referred to the concept of culture industry and the impact of globalization on the fragmentation of cultural identity. Then I spoke about cultural invasion and its objectives, Arab and I pointed to the role of the media in the cultural invasion, especially the Internet and its role in the dissemination of the Western cultural model and ways to address it through education and media attention and concluded my talk to focus on the internal environment of society and development The framework is characterized by freedom of expression and thinking so that we can make use of the energies of young people and their qualifications and the face of foreign domination.
In light of the existing events, social institutions lead to a major role in preventing the intellectual and behavioral deviations of a large number of university youth. The facts indicate that the conflict between countries began to take on an int ellectual character, with each party invading ideas and distorting them through various means: cultural or informational in order to challenge the principles and ethics of the other party and weaken its capabilities, dispersing its efforts and provoking strife and suspicions and questioning its principles, values and the replacement of alternative concepts, values and ideas with perverse principles that lead in one way or another to the intellectual and social collapse of society. The present study deals with the impact of intellectual deviation on the social security of the society. To achieve the objectives of the research, a questionnaire was designed and administered to a sample of students of the Department of Sociology, the fourth year Sociology Students in Tishreen University, reaching 61 students. The Search yielded the following results: - The study revealed the extent of the awareness of the sample members of the role of social institutions in the prevention of intellectual deviation. - The study showed that the various manifestations of intellectual deviation lead to destabilizing the social security of society.
This study aimed at identifying the relationship between the human capital and innovation performance in Tishreen University. By Identifying the Impact of each the skill, knowledge, and experience. The researcher relied on the Deductive Approach as a general method. He follows a survey methodology, and he gave a questionnaire to 360 people, they are members of the Teaching Staff in Tishreen University, He also made a field Study to show this relationship, The main result of the study was that there a positive significant relationship between the human capital and innovation performance. We have provided a summary of the main result that have found out is that the possession of Tishreen University of human capital capable to innovation performance (radical and Incremental). With the presentation of some of the proposals and recommendations to improve the relationship including the need to work on the development of skills and knowledge and gain more of it, in order to enhance innovation performance to the members of the Teaching Staff in Tishreen University.
تهدف الدراسة إلى ايضاح أثر الإدارة و عناصر الادارة الناجحة للمعرفة و علاقتها بتميز الأداء في شركات تكنولوجيا المعلومات و الاتصالات العاملة في سوريا, حيث تعتبر إدارة المعرفة في الشركات العالمية مفتاح النجاح ضمن إقتصاد قائم على المعرفة فهي الوسيلة الو حيدة التي تؤمن بقاء و استقرار و نمو هذه الشركات, بالعودة للدراسات السابقة نجد هناك دراسات تمت لتحديد عوامل نجاح ادارة المعرفة و اصطلح على تسميتها بعوامل النجاح الحرجة لإدارة المعرفة, لذلك قمنا بهذه الدراسة الميدانية لمعرفة الى اي مدى يتم تطبيق هذه العوامل ضمن الشركات السورية و ما تاثير هذه العوامل على الأداء التنظيمي.
Assessing the reality of economic institutions in developing countries shows lack of awareness of the concepts of intellectual capital and dimensions of knowledge that exist to achieve a competitive advantage in a global economy. Competitive advantag e requires knowledge of how to manage intellectual capital and turn it into an additional value. This in turn requires companies to search for creative ideas and intellectual skills in order to achieve their strategic objectives in view of intense competition globally. This research tries to assess the role of investment in intellectual capital in helping the Syrian Communication company secure a competitive advantage.
أعلت النصوص، من القرآن الكريم، و الأحاديث النبوية، من شأن العلم، و رفعت من قدر العلماء، ودعت إلى التفكر، و حضت على النظر، و أثنت على أولي الألباب... و بالمقابل، ذمت الجهلة و نعت الحمقى... و تجلى التطبيق الأمثل، في أكمل وجوهه، و أبهى صوره: في المنهج التربوي النبوي؛ حيث شكل بنفسه في أثناء تعليمه r الجانب الفكري أحد أساليب التربية و التعليم التي باشرها رسول الله أصحابه، سواء في تعليل الأحكام أم في توضيح المعاني.
هدف البحث إلى الوقوف على مدى الاهتمام الذي توليه المصارف الأردنية لموضوع رأس المال الفكري، و ذلك من حيث عملية (الصناعة، الاستقطاب، التنشيط، المحافظة و الاهتمام بالزبائن)، و علاقة ذلك بالقدرات الإبداعية لدى العاملين في هذه المصارف، و قد توصلت الدراسة إلى أن الاهتمام برأس المال الفكري ما زال بحدود متواضعة، و أن هناك تأثيراً إيجابياً لرأس المال الفكري (الصناعة، التنشيط و المحافظة) مع القدرات الإبداعية، و غابت هذه العلاقة الإيجابية لرأس المال الفكري (الاستقطاب و الاهتمام بالزبائن) في تنمية القدرات الإبداعية، و بناء على ذلك أوصى الباحثان بضرورة الاهتمام بالموجودات المعرفية و إعطاء جهود التنمية البشرية بعداً استراتيجياً.

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