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Understanding narrative text requires capturing characters' motivations, goals, and mental states. This paper proposes an Entity-based Narrative Graph (ENG) to model the internal- states of characters in a story. We explicitly model entities, their i nteractions and the context in which they appear, and learn rich representations for them. We experiment with different task-adaptive pre-training objectives, in-domain training, and symbolic inference to capture dependencies between different decisions in the output space. We evaluate our model on two narrative understanding tasks: predicting character mental states, and desire fulfillment, and conduct a qualitative analysis.
Though the lamentation poems written after the fatality are distinctive, they are few and never compensate the opposite and contradiction news and reports related to this topic. The tackle their lamentation, it was necessary to start by doing a research about the history of literature to highlight those lamentations.
Arab criticism has accessed a phase in which the tendency to changing the diction of dealing with the text whether it was narrative or verse was an urgent necessity. The most important aspects of this change are shown in the interest in what is ca lled (Form), the non-separation between the content and the context, revealing the internal secrets of texts in an attempt to refreshing the point of view to the narrative text and dealing in a different way with its structure throughout making a reading variety derived from the common and the uncommon modern critical theories. The interest in studying narrative structure on top of the critical researches involved in novel which take part in introducing critical processing that analyses texts and aims to uncover them away from mental – social and historical references that go-round them.
الرواية الجزائرية تتجه في تقنياتها نحو الرواية الجديدة، من الاساليب التعبيرية والتقنية، ، فوظفتها في إبداعات الروائيين واستخدمتها كقناع يخفي وجهات نظرهم، فهم يبدون من خاللها مواقفهم ما يعترضهم من مشاكل.
Al-Wahidi is one of the greatest syntactic critics who have explained al-Mutanabbi's Anthology. His explanation contains concepts, and syntactic and critical opinions that deserve study and scrutiny. Al-Mutanabbi's poetry stands as a fertile domain f or syntractic criticism as is apparent in the critical arena over his poetry. Through his syntactic judgement, al-Wahidi attempts to support a doctrine, oppose some point of view, elaborate on what violates a proposed principle, or uncover a certain problematic issue somewhere in al-Mutanabbi's poetry; specially when disagreement among critics' opinions appears, and dissimilarity among their doctrines and approaches materialises. Poetry was and is still one significant source to formulate the syntactic structure, even if it witnessed some unstability due to narrators' uncertainties, and imprecision of transference. So, narratives and narrators of poetry have varied, which has consequently created an obvious phenomenon that requires research, and study of the effect that may have on the syntactic rules. This is because syntax is one fundamental aspect of the culture of those interested in the literatry exegeses. This study comes to focus on one essential aspect of syntactic criticism that is already applied to al-Mutanabbi's poetry.
This paper seeks to offer the possibility of comparing Hawthorn's The Scarlet Letter both in fiction and movie. The main focus will be on the similarities and differences between the novel and the film. It will also underpin the falsification of c onsciousness initiated by the director of the film, Roland Joffé, who directed and produced a twisted version that has distorted that masterpiece. The adaptation, directed and produced, is in fact far from the factual novel, especially in terms of plot, themes, characters, the author's point of view, symbols and allegory. This paper deals with Roland Joffé's film despite the fact that there are many others, but the researcher deemed that Joffé's is more challenging than the others. Finally, it can be claimed that this adaptation adopted in this study has been deformed for implicit reasons known only by the producer.
للمكان في العمل الروائي أهمية كبيرة لكونه أحد العناصر الرئيسية في الرواية ولكونه المساحة التي تدوير عليها أحداثها
تتجلى أهمية هذه الدراسة في كونها أول بحث أكاديمي يعنى برصد نقد الرواية النسائية في بلاد الشام منذ إرهاصاته الأولى
This study aims at studying the feminist novel in Palestine under the Zionist occupation. The researcher chose the novelist (Sahar Khalifa) as a model since she is considered one of the most prominent creative writer in the field of the contemporary feminist novels in her novels (We are No More Bond girls for you) and (An Autobiography of An Impractical Woman) and (The Cactus) and (The Sun Flower) Any researcher will not be able to understand the feminist novel in Palestine without understanding the Zionist occupation and the essence of the contradictions that a creative person lives in the atmosphere of repression, suppression siege, oppression and daily killing. The research tries to show the image of the woman in these novels and did the writer (Sahar Khalifa) harmonize with her real life in Palestine or did she divert from her covey. This is what the writer tries to show at the end of his study.
This study aims at studying the feminist novel in Palestine under the Zionist occupation. The researcher chose the novelist (Sahar Khalifa) as a model since she is considered one of the most prominent creative writer in the field of the contempora ry feminist novels in her novels (We are No More Bond girls for you) and (An Autobiography of An Impractical Woman) and (The Cactus) and (The Sun Flower) Any researcher will not be able to understand the feminist novel in Palestine without understanding the Zionist occupation and the essence of the contradictions that a creative person lives in the atmosphere of repression, suppression siege, oppression and daily killing. The research tries to show the image of the women in these novels and whether the writer (Sahar Khalifa) harmonize with her real life in Palestine or did she divert from her covey. This is what the writer tries to show at the end of his study.

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