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المكان في النقد الروائي العربي

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 Publication date 2014
  fields Arabic
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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بو عزة محمد : تحليل النص السردي دار الأمان الرباط الطبعة الأولى2010 م
rate research

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المدخل اللساني في النقد العربي الحديث - عرض ونقد - : إن اللسانيات علم حديث استطاع ان يتجاوز في تأثيره دراسة ظاهرة اللغة الطبيعية إلى غيرها من العلوم الإنسانية
This research sets out a window in which we look at to discuss vocabularies which concepts developed from the old dictionary into new meanings. The book binding of the Jordanian novelist6 Ibrahim Nasr Allah who simplified his novels and made his po etry fertilized and meaningful. The scholar followed vocabularies and recognize their origins and meanings, approaching the concepts development .On the other hand, he observed what happened and changed in the area of the modern concepts. And the searcher sees that the arrangement of importance in the preoccupation with the practical side, in the process following vocabularies in literary novels poetry and divans, and inquest to success to reach the aim of study, the researcher follows the way. Baptized to stand on the most important aspects of semantic evolution of the term.
The description of place in the novel, Beautiful Damascus, is associated with its creator’s cultural dimension, so he impregnates it with his thoughts and aspirations. Place description is one based upon interpretation. He did not describe geograp hical places in particular, but he intended to form them in an artistic manner which serves his ideas. He also described place both accurately and in accordance with the novel’s characters’ activities within that place. Place description is linked to colour so that it can reveal their psychological situations. He also described non-visible place because he felt that eyesight is not alone capable of description in a perfect way.
The presence of place had a distinctive position in the stream of consciousness that made it able to show and rise the humanbeing's problems precisely and frankly from many different views. Probably. The most important problem is making the emotion al relationship eminent and this what relates the human being to the place and the effect of that on turning the relation of the human being with the place into a mutual one that made the perception of the place nourish the emotion and vice versa and within this concept, that mutual relationship has uncovered the depth of the gap between two worlds which neither of them belongs to the other and they are the inner world and the outer one clearing the self-crisis in its searching for domestic place or in its wish to escape from frightful place to a safer one and because the awareness has no limits in the pre-speaking levels, the confused human thoughts and intelligence have accompanied his constant searching for the place and his dream in achieving his belonging goal.
This research aims at handling the images of natural setting manifested in the Umayyad poetry , especially those reflected throughout the political and social changes of that era, leaving an obvious effect on the poet himself and subsequently on his creative production and formation of the natural setting . For the poet would take his material out of the static realities of the natural setting, being the setting that has remained intact out of man's hand and formation – which includes deserts , mountains , scenery and rivers … etc – The poet then modefies an image of the natural setting using his imagination in accordance to his sights and mentality .
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