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Narrative Formation and its Role in Introducing the Protagonist The Novel (Minor Murder Epic) a Model

التشكيل السرديّ و دوره في تقديم البطل رواية (ملحمة القتل الصغرى) أنموذجاً

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 Publication date 2017
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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Arab criticism has accessed a phase in which the tendency to changing the diction of dealing with the text whether it was narrative or verse was an urgent necessity. The most important aspects of this change are shown in the interest in what is called (Form), the non-separation between the content and the context, revealing the internal secrets of texts in an attempt to refreshing the point of view to the narrative text and dealing in a different way with its structure throughout making a reading variety derived from the common and the uncommon modern critical theories. The interest in studying narrative structure on top of the critical researches involved in novel which take part in introducing critical processing that analyses texts and aims to uncover them away from mental – social and historical references that go-round them.

References used
يقطين، سعيد. انفتاح النصّ الروائي، بيروت: المركز الثقافي العربي. ط 1. 1989
حطّيني، يوسف. مكوّنات السرد في الرواية الفلسطينية. دمشق: اتّحاد الكتّاب العرب. 1999
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The extended text, that contains much paragraphs, is built on parts. These are phrases, clauses, sentences. Text,s linguists try to pass sentence for the whole of text, but they don,t ignore considering that a sentence is the basis of analysis and interpretation. Collocations are a"micro semantic units" in a text, but grammatically they are sentences, phrases, or clauses. These structures are able to give the macro semantic units, which the producer intends to show to the receiver by several manners, or process, whereas, part refers to whole. Collocations may be a nucler topic storing the text,s macro semantic units, in one part, or contain correlating " themes" to reffier to it, in second part, or include connotations united to reffier to it, in third part. R.Barthes declared that producer is dead, and J.Kristiva said that text is opened , so receiver contributes in reproducing, according to his cultural background, knowledge of the world, and experiences. Our Study depended on "voice,scollocations", and its role in "Coherence" in Narrative Text:( Ghadah al-Samman,s "Beirut 75").
It is almost well known that Franz Kafka has practiced serious influences on so many Arabic novelists and short story writers, especially in the sixties and the seventies of last century. Among the most important and central themes in this writer' s works is what we call (The authority and the chased hero). And being one of Kafka's most influential themes on Arabic novelists, we have chosen it as the topic of this paper. For the practical study we took, on one side, all Kafka's novels, and on the other, that is the Arabic novels, we took some of four writers' novels. Those four writers are: Fadhil al- Azzawi, Jabra I. Jabra, George Salim and Muhyi Eldeen Zangana. The study traces the encounter faces between the novels of Kafka and those of the chosen Arabic novelists.
The research consists of: Introduction: it includes an overview of dates, definition of mythology in Greek and French origin and its meaning in the modern era. It differentiates between them and other kinds of literature. The relationship between the myth and art: as shown in the myths of creation and artistic of inscriptions, statues and seals in ancient civilizations. Epic of Gilgamesh: with the definition of hero and legendary story. Scenes of the conflict in the legend: this notion of epic scenes in the following form: - Conflict of Gilgamesh with Enkidu - The conflict between Gilgamesh and Enkidu versus Hoawa , and against the bull of heaven. - Conflict between Gilgamesh and the predator. Central characters in the scenes of the myth: Gilgamesh, Enkidu, Hoawa, bull of heaven, the human Scorpio, Gods (Chamash, Ishtar, Anne). At the end, the paper conclude with some results along with some sample pictures.
Online abuse can inflict harm on users and communities, making online spaces unsafe and toxic. Progress in automatically detecting and classifying abusive content is often held back by the lack of high quality and detailed datasets.We introduce a new dataset of primarily English Reddit entries which addresses several limitations of prior work. It (1) contains six conceptually distinct primary categories as well as secondary categories, (2) has labels annotated in the context of the conversation thread, (3) contains rationales and (4) uses an expert-driven group-adjudication process for high quality annotations. We report several baseline models to benchmark the work of future researchers. The annotated dataset, annotation guidelines, models and code are freely available.
The presence of place in Abdul-Rahman Munif's Narratives is one of the principal characteristics of the modern Arabic Novel. We do not exaggerate to claim that the place has changed into a central character in his prosaic works, because it represen ts the primordial space to all prosaic components, and it stands as the cradle of all human existence, since it enjoys the possibility of transformation and summarizing concepts. Part of the problem that this piece of research endeavours to disclose depends on explaining the magnificent turbulances of place as a result of the human conduct which does not consider the ethical and human issues quite remarkably since it aims at achieving its totalitarian and materialistic interests at every cost. The great shifts of place in the novel Cities of Salt emerge as the outcome of the destructive human behaviour toward the virgin nature (intrinsically and extrinsically), where Munif concurrently struggles to uncover the underlying psychological, sociological, political and economic consequences that the human being of the Arab Peninsula has been exposed to. At the same time, we conclude that the place has also left observable impacts on mankind; henceforward, man starts complaining from alienation, disorientation and loss of identity owing to the grand shifts manifested by the place
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