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This research consists of two parts. The first part depends on the previous researches and literature dealing with the subject research "sex in advertising". This research aims through the first part to analyze "sex in advertising" phenomenon, since advertisers use sex in advertising to attract the consumer to the advertisement. This research through field study aims to measure the effect of sex in advertising on the consumer's attitude toward advertising and towards brand according to the consumer's gender. Through survey study, the research shows that there is a positive effect of sex in advertising on the consumer's attitude towards advertising and brand: when the consumers are male, whereas there is a negative effect of sex in advertising on the consumer's attitude towards advertising and brand when the consumers are females. Based on the findings, researchers suggest that advertisers can use sex in advertising to create a positive attitude toward advertising and brand when the consumers are males, and avoid using sex in the advertising addressed to female consumers with the aim to gain positive attitude towards both advertising and brand.
The study seeks to identify the prevailing methods of thinking among the mentally talented students in the light of their achievement rates and gender. The sample of the research was chosen intentionally. It consists of second secondary grade studen ts from "Top Students Secondary School". The study used the analytic, descriptive method, as well as the Sternberg & Wagner's list of methods of thinking, which was translated by Mr. Abu Hashem. The study showed that the most common methods of thinking for mentally talented students were legislative thinking, and liberal hierarchical thinking. The least common, on the other hand, were conservative thinking, global thinking and executive thinking. The study showed that the relationship between students' scores on certain thinking methods and their achievement rates was very weak. These methods are: legislative, executive, global, local, liberal, conservative, monarchic and anarchic. It was also found out that there was a weak relationship between students' scores on some other thinking methods and their achievement rates. These methods are: judicial methods and minority method. There is a moderate relationship regarding the hierarchical and external thinking. As the study showed that there was a statistically significant difference between the mentally talented male students and students excelling mentally in the following methods of thinking: global, conservative, hierarchical, monarchic, internal and external. This was in favor of males regarding internal thinking, and in favor of females regarding global, conservative, monarchic, hierarchical and external thinking.
Purpose: to study the Distribution of intraocular pressure in the age group 20-40 years old and the related factors: age, gender, family history, BMI, smoking. Methods: This was a population-based cross-sectional study of 1000 subjects All particip ant underwent IOP (intraocular pressure) measurement and a standardized survey for the initial data of the study. Results: The mean IOP for the study subjects was (17.6mmHg); the mean IOP in men was higher than women (17.53) vs (16.8) mmHg respectively. Ocular hypertension was found in 16.8% participants. IOP increased 0.5 mmHg for every 10 years of age. BMI (Body Mass Index) had a positive association with IOP. Subjects with positive family history of ocular hypertension had higher IOP (18.46) vs (16.98) mmHg. IOP was higher in smokers’ group (17.77) vs (16.29) mmHg. Multivariate analyzing showed that aging, smoking, male sex, family history were independent risk factors for ocular hypertension, otherwise there was no significant relationship between ocular hypertension and BMI.
موضوع البحث يتعلق بالعنصرية المقيتة التي فرضت نفسها على كثير من الشعوب و استغلت من قبل مروجيها لتكون أداة تحقير للإنسان و شل لقدراته من خلال تغذية النزاعات العنصرية و الدفاع عن أسسها الدينية و الفلسفية التي يروج لها أصحابها، فأردت من هذه الدراسة أن أ كشف عن ضعف المحتوى العلمي و الفلسفي الذي تستند إليه تلك النظرية، و تقديم دراسة علمية تُعنى بأصل الفكرة و جذورها و ترد على شبهات أهلها، ثم تقديم لمحات عامة لقانون المساواة و العدالة الإنسانية عند المسلمين من خلال المصادر الأساسية.
هدفت هذه الدراسة إلى التعرف على المنظومة القيمية لمديري المدارس فـي الأردن و علاقتها بالجنس و المؤهل و الخبرة و مستوى المدرسة. تكون مجتمع الدراسة من جميع مديري و مديرات المدارس في محافظة الكرك و كـان عددهم (225) مديراً و مديرة اختيرت عينة الدراسة بطريقة عشوائية إذ بلـغ عـددها (120) مديراً و مديرة طبقت هذه الدراسة مقيـاس (جـوردن) و ذلـك بعـد تعديلـه و استخراج دلالات الصدق و معامل الثبات و للإجابة عن أسئلة الدراسـة اسـتخرجت الأوساط الحسابية و الانحرافات المعيارية و تحليل التباين.
The research aims to identify the difficulties faced by graduate students (MA, PhD), in the field of research in light of the Syrian crisis, the researcher followed the descriptive method adopted to design a questionnaire consisted of 37 items dis tributed on four axes (administrative difficulties, scientific and cognitive economic, social, and psychological), and the research sample consisted of 65 students, the master, and (55) students Ph.D., registered in the years 2015/2016.
This study was conducted at the farm of the Faculty of Agriculture (Damascus Univ.), using twenty local rabbits. These rabbits were housed, managed and fed under the same conditions. They were identified and distributed into two groups according to the weaning times (٢٨ vs ٤٢ days). It was concluded that weaning time has no significant effect on meat proportion in local rabbits.
يهدف هذا البحث إلى محاولة التعرف على واقع المكانة الاجتماعية للمعلم في ثقافة المجتمع السوري من وجهة نظر المعلمين أنفسهم, و التعرف على أثر متغيرات (الجنس و عدد سنوات الخبرة), و معرفة الفروق لدى أفراد عينة البحث خلال عام 2017م.
The aim of the current research is to explore the relationship between academic selfregulation and in a sample of students of the Faculty of Civil Engineering and the Faculty of Education at Damascus University, in addition to knowledge of the diff erences in both academic self-regulation and due to specialization and sex (males and females). The sample consisted of (115) male and female students with 62 students from the Faculty of Education and (53) males from the Faculty of Civil Engineering. The number of male and female students was( 59 females and 56 students. . For this purpose, the measure of academic self-regulation was used, after verifying their sincerity and persistence with the sample members of the current study. The results showed that the effect of both specialization and gender had a significant impact on academic selfregulation

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