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Marital Compatibility According to Some Variables "A Field Study on A Sample of Married Female Students At Tishreen University"

التوافق الزواجي وفق بعض المتغيرات "دراسة ميدانية على عينة من الطالبات المتزوجات في جامعة تشرين"

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 Publication date 2023
  fields Psychology
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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The current research aims to know the prevalence of marital compatibility among married female students at Tishreen University, and know the differences in marital compatibility according to some variables (method of marriage, place of residence, presence of children). The research was applied to a sample of married students at Tishreen University, whose number was (100) students. To achieve this goal, the marital compatibility scale prepared by (Ammar, 2015) was used, which includes dimensions (intellectual, affectionalemotional, sexual, and social compatibility) distributed within (54) items. The researcher conducted the psychometric study of the scale to ensure its validity and reliability in relation to the current research sample is high, and there are no statistically significant differences in the marital compatibility of the research sample according to the variable of the place of residence and the presence of children. As for the variable of the method of marriage it was found that there were statistically significant differences in favor of marriage after a love story.

References used
FROYN, L. C.; SKIBBE, L. E.;BOWLES, R. P.; BLOW, A. J. & GERDE, H. K. (2013). Marital satisfaction, family emotional expressiveness, homelearningenvironments, and children's emergent literacy. Journal of Marriage and Family, V 75,N 1, pp42-55.
GOBAL, R. C. N. &VALARMATHI, D. Marital Compatibility and Their Relationship to Personality Among Arranged Marriage Couples and Love Marriage Couples-A Pilot Study. Martial compatibility in arranged marriage,V 23, N 15, Oct 2020, pp220-245.
APRIL, C & TAOS. Factor in The Marital of Relationships in a changing society: A Taiwan 1 case study -international social work, V 40, N 3, 2005, pp325-336
rate research

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The research consists of five chapters, the first chapter: the definition of the subject of the research and includes a presentation of the research problem, its importance, objectives, limits, methodology and questions. The second chapter included t he theoretical framework for the research, while the third chapter included a presentation of the most important previous Arab and foreign studies, the fourth chapter included research procedures and methodology, and the fifth chapter included the research results.
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This research aimed to identify the relationship between the five big factors of personality and the martial parallel among a sample of chapels in Damascus, and to identify the differences inthe five big factors of personality and the martial paralle l according to gender and years of marriage. The sample consists of 300 chapels from Damascus, and the researcher used martial parallel questionnaire and between the five big factors of personality questionnaire to study the relationship between the two variables, and T student and person correlation was used. The findings showed that there is a relationship between the martial parallel and Extraversion, Conscientiousness, and Neuroticism, and there is no relationship between martial parallel and Agreeableness and Opennessto Experience, and there are differences inmartial parallel according to gender. However, there are no differences in martial parallel according to years of marriage, and there are differences infive big factors of personality exceptOpenness to Experience factor according to gender, and there are differences in five big factors of personality except Agreeableness factor according to years of marriage.
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