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مشاركة المرأة الريفية في أعمال الإنتاج الزراعي واتخاذ القرارات المنزلية والمزرعية في ريف محافظة حماه منطقتي (مصياف -الغاب)

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 Publication date 2013
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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الجمهورية العربية السورية دمشق المكتب المركزي (2004) نتائج التعداد الزراعي
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This study was conducted in two areas: Misyaf in Hama governorate and Alshaikhbader in the governorate of Tartous to identify some of economic and social effects of animal production projects carried out by rural woman who had a loan for it. The p rimary data were collected during the period 2012-2013 from a random sample (23 villages in Misyaf, and 13 villages in Alshaikhbader). Size of the sample was calculated according to Morgan law so that 243 rural women were valid for analysis. The results showed a high percentage of successful projects which had an economic and social impact for 91.8% of respondents and these projects had the following effects: 57.2% of targeted families stated that there was a rise in their spending on food, 92.2% of them confirmed the improvement of their food quality. Enhancement in quality and quantity of their clothes and increasing their ability to take family’s related decisions declared by 61.7% and 44% of respondents respectively. About 90.5% of rural women were able to make project’s related decisions and 85.6% of targeted women acknowledged a rise in self trust after the implementation of the project. The results also showed that there was a significant relationship between each of employment status before having the loan, project’s annual income and the dependent variable: rural woman’s successful project (at level of significance 1%) by using Logistic Equation. It was concluded that micro finance projects had a good impact on empowerment of rural women and activating their economic and social role. The projects also increased the family income and improving the living situation.
هدف البحث تحليل سياسات دعم الإنتاج الزراعي لمحصول القطن في محافظة الحسكة إل التركيز على أثر إحداث صندوق دعم الإنتاج الزراعي في انتاج محصول القطن وتحسين دخل المزارعين واستمراريتهم في العمل الزراعي.
يمثل القطاع الزراعي احد الركائز الرئيسية في تحقيق التنمية الاقتصادية والاجتماعية في سورية إلا أنه يعاني من العديد من المشكلات أهمها ضآلة الدخول الزراعية وبالتالي قصور عملية التمويل الذاتي عند المزارعين .
This research deals the rural woman's condition and the difficulties she experiences economically, socially and psychologically. It shows how rural tourism can alleviate hardships. In particular, the research examines the impact of tourism on rural w omen through its contribution to reduction of poverty and job creation. Rural tourism has an empowering effect socially and psychologically. Theoretical analysis and statistical test of the data of studied sample support the validity of the hypothesis of this research that tourism has an important role in improving the situation of rural women.
In spite of an increase of farming experiance, producers are still facing many obstacles which affect negatively on their final income. It is clear from this study the decrease of productivity per unit area of wheat and cotton crops and high produ ction cost, caused decrease of the final income. Most of the farmers, were not satisfied with cultivation of these crops, due to increase of production cost, unsuitable price, lack of cultivation requirements and the prices rising…..etc. Also, the extension services offered to the farmers are poor and not at the required level. That was the most important reason for the decrease of the productivity. Consequently, it is possible to develop the agricultural activity by improving the extension services and decreasing the prices of production requirement and improving the selling prices. Therefore, it is necessary to decrease the production costs of wheat and cotton crops, increase their productivity, improve and activate the extension units work and spread awareness and knowledge about modern methods of cultivation as well as ways of decreasing the productivity costs, the factors which help to increase the productivity from unit area, and acquainting the farmers to other crops, which could be alternative crops in the future.

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