يخوض البحث في علاقة العمل الأدبيّ بالعالم الدّاخليّ للشّاعر الجاهليّ إحساساً بانفعالٍ خاصّ ، و يجسّد شعوراً موّحداً ينبثق من داخل النّصّ الشعري ؛ إذ تحمل نصوص جاهليّة كثيرة خيطاً نفسيّاً يجمعها ، و تتمحور حوله إيحاءات الجزئيات النّصّيّة الّنفسيّة ، ما يجعل القارئ أمام وحدة نفسيّة يتفاعل فيها الشّعور مع اللّاشعور ، و تستمدّ هذه الوحدة الّنفسيّة طاقتها من النّظائر المحمّلة بالإيحاءات الانفعالية الّتي تعمّق أفق التّوقّع ، و تجعل المتلقّي منسجماً مع الحالة الشّعوريّة لمبدع النّصّ .
The research in the literary work relationship in the inner world of the pre-Islamic
poet is a sense of special emotion and embodies a unified feeling emanating from within
the poetic text. Many Jahiliyya texts carry a psychological thread that combines them. ,
And this psychological unit draws its energy from the isotopes loaded with emotional
signals that deepen the horizon of expectation, and make the receiver compatible with the
poetic state of the creator of the text.
References used
بنية الإيقاع في الخطاب الشعري ، د. يوسف إسماعيل ، وزارة الثقافة ، دمشق ، ط 1, 2004م.
دراسات في الأدب و النقد ، عيسى فتوح ، اتحاد الكتاب العرب ، دمشق ، 1991
This paper aims to illustrate the effect of the textual power in the esthetics of the
poetry text, its concepts and the dimension of this effect in the light of psychological
reading of the pre-Islamic poetry. We seek to preeminence the text effect
This research tackles the phenomenon of dialogue in Alhothaliyen
stories presenting reasons for studying it, then it defines a dialogue linguistically and idiomatically.It also highlights its purpose, its relationship to the pillars of the creative
The poetic consciousness of the pre-Islamic period is full of various images of the "hero"
whose heroship exceeds the idea of chivalry further up to an extensive richness denoted by
the the lexicon of "heroicism", as well as by the poetic capturing
The interpretation of my reading art is based on the transition from the direct
meaning in the apparent form to the indirect meaning in the implicit pattern, and verbal
functions, images, and loaded structures are strongly suggestive.
The critics
This research discusses the interpretation of existence by the early Greek philosophers from Thales to Socrates based on the study of the relationship between the unity and multiplicity; and its interpretation in the Greek philosophy. Such interpreta