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Dense neural text retrieval has achieved promising results on open-domain Question Answering (QA), where latent representations of questions and passages are exploited for maximum inner product search in the retrieval process. However, current dense retrievers require splitting documents into short passages that usually contain local, partial and sometimes biased context, and highly depend on the splitting process. As a consequence, it may yield inaccurate and misleading hidden representations, thus deteriorating the final retrieval result. In this work, we propose Dense Hierarchical Retrieval (DHR), a hierarchical framework which can generate accurate dense representations of passages by utilizing both macroscopic semantics in the document and microscopic semantics specific to each passage. Specifically, a document-level retriever first identifies relevant documents, among which relevant passages are then retrieved by a passage-level retriever. The ranking of the retrieved passages will be further calibrated by examining the document-level relevance. In addition, hierarchical title structure and two negative sampling strategies (i.e., In-Doc and In-Sec negatives) are investigated. We apply DHR to large-scale open-domain QA datasets. DHR significantly outperforms the original dense passage retriever, and helps an end-to-end QA system outperform the strong baselines on multiple open-domain QA benchmarks.
The span-based model enjoys great popularity in recent works of sequence segmentation. However, each of these methods suffers from its own defects, such as invalid predictions. In this work, we introduce a unified span-based model, lexical unit analy sis (LUA), that addresses all these matters. Segmenting a lexical unit sequence involves two steps. Firstly, we embed every span by using the representations from a pretraining language model. Secondly, we define a score for every segmentation candidate and apply dynamic programming (DP) to extract the candidate with the maximum score. We have conducted extensive experiments on 3 tasks, (e.g., syntactic chunking), across 7 datasets. LUA has established new state-of-the-art performances on 6 of them. We have achieved even better results through incorporating label correlations.
We offer a fine-grained information state annotation scheme that follows directly from the Incremental Unit abstract model of dialogue processing when used within a multimodal, co-located, interactive setting. We explain the Incremental Unit model and give an example application using the Localized Narratives dataset, then offer avenues for future research.
The research in the literary work relationship in the inner world of the pre-Islamic poet is a sense of special emotion and embodies a unified feeling emanating from within the poetic text. Many Jahiliyya texts carry a psychological thread that com bines them. , And this psychological unit draws its energy from the isotopes loaded with emotional signals that deepen the horizon of expectation, and make the receiver compatible with the poetic state of the creator of the text.
تعدُّ الوحدة التعليمية جزءاً أساسياً في تعليم و تعلّم اللغة الفرنسية بوصفها لغة أجنبية؛ فهي تؤدي دوراً رئيسياً في هذا المجال. تحفّز الوحدة التعليمية الطالب إذ تمكّنه من تحقيق المهام المطلوبة منه و تشجعه على المشاركة في محادثة حقيقية و ذلك بعد تطبيق ا لمدرس لمختلف مراحلها. فما هي مكونات الوحدة التعليمية, و ما هو دورها في تطوير مهارة المحادثة اللغوية لدى الطالب.
The aim of this research was to identify to which extent did farmers in Tal Kalakh had benefited from activities and services carried out by extension units in the studied area. Also, the relationship between the extent of benefits and some person al and vocational characteristics of farmers have been identified. In order to achieve the objective of this study, a 60 farmers were randomly selected and face to face interviewed by the researcher in the studied area. The collection of data lasted for 3.5 months, started 01. 01. 2016 and ended in 15. 11. 2016.
This research aimed to know the level of a sense of loneliness among the elderly residents in social care homes, and to know the differences in the degree of loneliness between males and females, as it aimed to detect the differences in the sense o f loneliness depending on the variables; of social situation, and age. In This research it is used Loneliness scale of preparation by the researcher. The researcher extracted the validity and reliability for the scale of Loneliness. The scale is applied in social care homes in the cities of Latakia and Tartous. The sample consisted of (32) elderly 12 males and 20 female. The research is found the following results: The level of a sense of loneliness is average, and there is no statistically significant differences in the sense of loneliness between males and females, as too there are no statistically significant differences in the sense of loneliness depending on the variables of the age for the research sample, and there are statistically significant differences in the sense of loneliness depending on the variables of the social situation.
Several principles are taken into account in the preparation of the general budget, some of them is to respect the organization of the general budget so as to ensure the right of the people and their representatives to be aware of it and monitor it s implementation in an easy way, and also to respect the time duration, the general budget needs to be prepared. The respect for these principles allow giving the legislative authority a greater control of the executive authority activity in the finance field. It also reflects the desire to give the resolution and the clarity to the document of general budget in order to reflect clearly the financial situation of the state. With the development of the concept of the state, its role, and the general budget, many countries have begun to abandon the commitment to these principles. Actually, this was not to give up entirely but it was limited in most cases to adopt a more flexible application of the principles referred to. Thus, the implementation of these principles and the adherence to them has become the subject of a significant difference between the public finance scholars. Therefore , some bodies criticize it, and others defend it, and present their arguments. The most important principles are: the principle of inclusiveness and unity. The principle of unity aims at preparing one document for the state budget, and represent its external frame. The principle of inclusiveness aims at filling this frame through a detailed registry of each estimation of the expenses and revenues without the offset between them, and therefore, it represents the internal content of the principle of unity. We chose this topic because of the close link between them and the importance of observance, as well as most countries commit to them. The study aimed at defining these principles, their justifications, and discussing the link between them, criticism, the exceptions, as well as the fundamental differences between them, and the research results.
The current research aimed to know the feeling of loneliness among the tenth grade of the national centre for distinguished in Syria; as recent arrivals to the centre. They are adolescents, who have special qualities common in terms of superiority mental and academic. The research also aimed to know the differences in the loneliness according to the variables of sex, the city where the student’s family lives, the place where the student spend the week-end and the student’s desire to join the centre. The sample consisted of (67) students registered in the tenth grade for the academic year 2014-2015. Where the number of the original community was (74). To reach the objectives of the research, the scale of loneliness for ( شيبي، 2005 ) had been adopted. Resultants confirmed the presence of high level of loneliness among students. There was not any impact to the variables of research on the level of loneliness, except the desire to join the centre, where the student who did not want join the centre themselves had the highest loneliness level than the others.
Unit testing is a practical approach for increasing the correctness and quality of software; but writing unit test code is exhausting and tedious job; and requires a great deal of time and effort. So even with the use of frameworks for writing and running unit test such as JUnit this will need a great deal of time and effort. As a consequence, there is a pressure in writing testing code. So we present in this paper a new method to generate unit testing automatically in order to speed up the testing process and reduce the cost. We have implemented this method on the Java programming language, where we write a new specification called JFS describes the behavior of the function in terms of input and output. This specification is written inside the code class and is independent of the code, and it can be written before starting the code phase and thus achieve the principle TDD Test-Driven Development which is based on written test-first in order to improve the development process. After writing specification we will generate test classes for the execution of unit testing (we used JUnit as framework to execute unit testing) based on the new specification.

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