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Developing a New Methodology For Optimal Facility Site Selection Analysis Based On Fuzzy Logic In GIS Environment, Study Area: Tartous-Syria

تطوير منهجية جديدة في تحليل اختيار الموقع الأمثل لمنشأة ما باستخدام المنطق الضبابي ضمن بيئة أنظمة المعلومات الجغرافية منطقة الدراسة: طرطوس - سورية

1524   0   38   0 ( 0 )
 Publication date 2016
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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This research aims to develop overlay functions methodology based on fuzzy logic, reclassify the objects into fuzzy classes, and study the usability of this method to integrate data of specific phenomenon to help make optimal decisions.

References used
L. A. Zadeh, «Probability measures of fuzzy events,» Journal of mathematical analysis and applications, vol. 23, n° 12, pp. 421-427, 1968
J. Jantzen, «Tutorial on fuzzy logic,» Technical University of Denmark, Dept. of Automation, Technical Report, 1998
A. M. Ibrahim, Fuzzy logic for embedded systems applications, Elsevier Science, 2004, p. 312
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The overlay functions in Geographic Information Systems (GIS) are considered as one of the basic functions of these systems, and often, a variety of data stored in layers may be integrated together to generate new layers that contain useful informati on for decision-makers. All geographic objects are stored in layers and usually rely on crisp set theory, whether, stored in a vector or raster format. In many cases, boundaries of classes or objects are not clearly defined, or when we perform classification of features into classes, the geographic objects located in the boundaries of classes could be classified into the wrong class. This research aims to develop overlay functions methodology based on fuzzy logic, reclassify the objects into fuzzy classes, and study the usability of this method to integrate data of specific phenomenon to help make optimal decisions. To implement and examine this idea, a set of Fuzzy Membership Functions was developed using the Python programming language embedded within the ArcGIS environment. Through this Fuzzy Membership Functions, the user can generate fuzzy sets and combine with each other according to one of fuzzy operations, and thus the generation of fuzzy sets allows supporting the right and reliable decision. To test the proposed fuzzy model capabilities, it has been applied in Tartous governorate to select suitable tourist facility sites in accordance with groups of factors. In summary, data integration using proposed fuzzy overlay functions can improve the reliability of data representation and thus the reliability of make the best decisions.
Free and Open Source software (FOSS) is one of computer software, which source code can be accessed, freely used, modify, and distribute by anyone. It is produced by many of people or organizations, and distributed under licenses that comply with the open source definition. This software has recently begun to play an important role in the academic and scientific research field, as in the professional field. In the past few decades, Geographic Information Systems (GIS) has seen very high growth rate, and this development included each of commercial and open source GIS software. This research aims to show the great potential of Free and Open Source Geographic Information Systems (FOSS_GIS), and motivating to adopt it in developing countries, as a means to reduce licensing costs, promote local technological development through access to the source code and developing these systems. A case study is taken, in which we have tried to highlight the most important advantages of this software (i.e. FOSS_GIS), such as ease of implementation and good use, the ability to analyze and display of spatial data, professional maps production, and functionality emulator to commercial GIS software. The case study included the methodology of spatial suitability analysis, which is one of the main tasks of GIS; this methodology has been applied to choose the optimal site of urban project in Sheikh Badr area (Tartous Governorate) by proposing a set of general conditions. Using optimal site selection analysis of urban project helps to avoid the indiscriminate expansion and the irregular land-use. The free and open source software QGIS was used in this research, as well as the algorithms and tools of GRASS and SAGA softwares. Key Words: FOSS_GIS, spatial analysis, QGIS, optimal site selection, Sheikh Bader area
Geographic Information Systems) GIS), and its advanced spatial and statistical analysis of traffic accidents at the city level, play a key role in improving traffic safety and urban development. This paper presents a general methodology for spatial a nd statistical analysis of traffic accidents within Homs city during three consecutive years 2007, 2008 and 2009. Maps are produced representing the spatial distribution of point traffic accidents within the city where is covered with a network of squares (300 m * 300 m) to identify the most dangerous areas in terms of the number of accidents. A map representing the most dangerous road segments is also produced in Homs city. In addition, the analysis of statistically significant hot spots (Getis-Ord Gi *) is performed. Through this study and the maps produced, dangerous areas and roads segments that have the largest number of accidents during the three years are well identified. These maps can be presented to decision-makers in the field of transport and traffic to study them from all aspects and work to solve the problems that led to an increase in the number of accidents.
The eco-tourism is an important element in the economic and social development at the both local and international levels. It represent an essential economic resource for the governmental sector, so this research particularly important because it i s looking for the possibility of using GIS techniques in the protected areas management. The objective of this study is to verify the GIS importance in creating data-base which is significant for Naby Matta protected area managers; this data-base is basically helping in the development of the ecotourism. The results of research confirmed the importance of geographic information systems in designing of database and the various maps and its role in determining the steps tourism development such as determining the places of assimilation and classify it according of the visitors density, select the better tracks for pedestrians, the appointment of entry points and restaurants, observation points, in addition to the investment potential of geographic information systems in spatial analysis such as proximity and distance analysis of particular point from another point, or search for a particular tourist attraction and find it such as searching for the best spots to enjoy the picturesque scenery away from sensitive environmental housing thus saving time and effort and speed in the service of visitors.
يبين المشروع كيفية تصميم نموذج باستخدام أدوات التحليل المكاني (spatial Analysis) المتاحة في برامج نظم المعلومات الجغرافية لاختيار أفضل المواقع لإنشاء منشأة سياحية في محافظة طرطوس, ثم قمنا بتخصيص معاملات إدخال للنموذج لكي يتم تطبيقه على مناطق مختلفة ب استخدام بيانات إدخال مختلفة ليتمكن مستخدمو النموذج ببساطة من إدخال المعاملات الخاصة بهم في منطقتهم دون الحاجة إلى معرفة كثير من المعلومات حول واقع عمل النموذج، وتكمن أهمية المشروع من خلال تقديم نموذج كامل باستخدام باني النماذج (ModelBuilder) ضمن برنامج ArcGIS لاختيار أفضل موقع لمنشأة سياحية تحقق مجموعة من المعايير، وتقديم واجهة مستخدم لوضع البيانات الضرورية مباشرة, وسيتم تحقيق هذه الأهمية من خلال مجموعة من الأهداف نستعرضها فيما يلي : • دراسة نظرية لنظم المعلومات الجغرافية (GIS) والتحليل المكاني حيث سنعرض مقدمة تبين أهمية برنامج ArcGIS وأدوات التحليل المكاني المتوفرة ضمن بيئة نظم المعلومات الجغرافية والتي اعتمدنا عليها لإنشاء النموذج المطلوب. • دراسة نظرية لباني النماذج (ModelBuilder) ضمن برنامج ArcGIS، ثم سنستعرض فوائد النموذج وضبط إعداداته وبنائه بخطوات متكاملة. • تطبيق منهجية التحليل المكاني باستخدام GIS)) وبناء نموذج لاختيار أفضل موقع لمنشأة سياحية تحقق مجموعة من المعايير في منطقة الدراسة، ذلك بالاعتماد على البيانات المتوفرة واشتقاق بيانات جديدة تساهم في إتمام عملية بناء النموذج، وتحديد المعاملات اللازمة التي ستظهر في واجهة المستخدم المطلوبة لاختيار الموقع الأفضل.
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