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Developing a Model To Select The Best Location For a Tourist Facility Using ModelBuilder in ArcGIS

تطوير نموذج لاختيار أفضل موقع لمنشأة سياحية باستخدام ModelBuilder في برنامج ArcGIS

5294   10   280   0 ( 0 )
 Publication date 2017
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Fadi CHAABAN

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No English abstract

References used
حسين، علي. العلي، هلا. سليمان، نجود.(2016). إيجاد الموقع الأفضل لمنشأة سياحية باستخدام التحليل المكاني في بيئة أنظمة المعلومات الجغرافية، تطبيق عملي : محافظة طرطوس. قسم الهندسة الطبوغرافية، كلية الهندسة المدنية، جامعة تشرين، 2015-2016.
McCoy, J., Johnston, K., & Environmental systems research institute. (2001). Using ArcGIS spatial analyst: GIS by ESRI. Environmental Systems Research Institute.
A quick tour of creating tools with ModelBuilder creating-tools-with-modelbuilder.htm
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The overlay functions in Geographic Information Systems (GIS) are considered as one of the basic functions of these systems, and often, a variety of data stored in layers may be integrated together to generate new layers that contain useful informati on for decision-makers. All geographic objects are stored in layers and usually rely on crisp set theory, whether, stored in a vector or raster format. In many cases, boundaries of classes or objects are not clearly defined, or when we perform classification of features into classes, the geographic objects located in the boundaries of classes could be classified into the wrong class. This research aims to develop overlay functions methodology based on fuzzy logic, reclassify the objects into fuzzy classes, and study the usability of this method to integrate data of specific phenomenon to help make optimal decisions. To implement and examine this idea, a set of Fuzzy Membership Functions was developed using the Python programming language embedded within the ArcGIS environment. Through this Fuzzy Membership Functions, the user can generate fuzzy sets and combine with each other according to one of fuzzy operations, and thus the generation of fuzzy sets allows supporting the right and reliable decision. To test the proposed fuzzy model capabilities, it has been applied in Tartous governorate to select suitable tourist facility sites in accordance with groups of factors. In summary, data integration using proposed fuzzy overlay functions can improve the reliability of data representation and thus the reliability of make the best decisions.
This research aims to develop a model of decision-making for the selection of the most appropriate strategy of the maintenance methods of equipments. A model has been developed in order to determine the maintenance plan that causes the lowest cost, whether the cost of repairing or losses result from interruptions of work for maintenance.
This work discusses the feasibility of applying a small and inexpensive GPS, a Field Strength Meter (FSM) and a personal computer, that can activity and rapidly determine the Geo-locations of RF cooperated emitter, which have a wide range of both m ilitary and civilian applications. The emitter’s Geo-coordinates can be estimated by a single moving observation system, which receives signals from the emitter, and measures his Geo-locations and Field Strengths of the transmitted signal at four Positions Analytic Formulas are derived to calculate the location of Emitter, which detected from four Positions by using of Linear Algebra or pseudo range’s solution, The MATLAB was used to solve the four Equations and to simulate the Geo-Positions on Geo-Map.
The aim of this research is to provide a software application that help municipalities perform their tasks in order to develop the cities and communities using the new technologies and techniques that help in quality improvement and administrative development.

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