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Strategic Planning Skills and It’s Role in developing the performance of the General Secondary Schools Directors in Damascus City

دور مهارات التخطيط الاستراتيجي في تحسن أداء مديري المدارس الثانوية العامة في مدينة دمشق

1537   5   26   0 ( 0 )
 Publication date 2017
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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The aim of the research was to find out the role of strategic planning skills in improving the performance of the general secondary school principals in Damascus. The researcher used the analytical descriptive method. The sample consisted of (80) directors, representing (76.92%) of the original society. (48) divided on four axes related to the subject of the study.

References used
Bell, Less. (2002). Strategic Planning and School Management. Full of Sound and Fury Signifying Nothing, Journal of Educational Administration, MCB UP Ltd
Rudd, J., Greenley, G. & Beatson, A. (2008). Strategic planning and performance- Extending the debate, Journal of Business Research Vol
Howell, Vlacia. (2002). The Perceived Impact of Strategic planning on Professional Development in Berks County and Chester County, of Dissertation Southern – International
rate research

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The purpose of the research is to identify the reality of the transformational leadership in the general secondary schools in Damascus, and the suggestions for activating its application from the point of view of the teachers. The researcher design ed a questionnaire consisting of (28) items divided into five axes. After being verified and validated, (220) members of the administrative staff, and (347) members of the teaching staff, and after the necessary statistical treatments, the research showed results, the most important of which are the following: - The average score of secondary school principals for transformational leadership (2.56), ie average grade. - There were no statistically significant differences between the average degree of principals of secondary education for transformational leadership according to the variables: years of experience, scientific qualification and gender of the sample members. - There were no statistically significant differences between the average responses of the members of the administrative body, and the average responses of faculty members on the reality of transformational leadership. - - Appreciating the efforts of the employees, providing them with incentive incentives, and setting up training courses for managers in the field of transformational leadership are the most important proposals of the sample to activate the application of transformational management in secondary education schools.
The aim of this study was to identify the degree of effectiveness of the performance of the secondary school principals in the Directorate of Education in the province of Damascus from the point of view of teachers. To achieve the goal of the study, a tool consisting of (44) items has been developed and distributed on six areas. The veracity of the tool and its persistence has also been ascertained and applied on a random sample consisting of (236) male and female teachers working in the official schools of the Directorate of Education located in the province of Damascus. The collected data has been analyzed by extracting the arithmetic means, the standard deviations, the analysis of variance, and the post hoc Tukey's test. The results showed that the effectiveness degree of performance of the managers of the secondary schools has recorded an average rate according to the teachers. Whereas, the effectiveness degree of the recruitment technology, school climate, and planning has been high. The effectiveness degree of performance, concerning school tests, academic achievements, leadership, has achieved an average rate. The findings have indicated no statistically significant differences attributable to the independent variables at the function (0.05) on the different fields of the study except of the variable experience degree of school tests. The differences have been in favor of those who have an experience of less than 5 years. A number of statistically significant differences have been detected and which have resulted from the interaction between gender type and the academic qualification within the realm of academic attainment. The differences have been in favor of males holding BA degrees along with those working in different fields such as, recruitment of technology, school climate, and school tests. The differences have been in favor of females holding degrees of intermediate institutes.
The research aims to identify the role of strategic planning in the private higher education by highlighting the strengths and weaknesses of the private university to help in choosing the strategy to exploit the opportunities and strength points. A nd also to avoid or address weaknesses and threats. So that the private university would be able to achieve continuous improvements and distinctions epecially in the light of the current circumstances in Syria. And the Academy inLatakia, has been chosen being one of the first private universities in Syria. We relyed on the descriptive and analytical approach and the use of questionnaires for each one who is responsible of strategic planning in the academy in order to highlight the steps to be followed to prepare a strategic plan for the academy because it hasn't been following the strategic planning approach in a practical way to improve the performance of its educational tasks. The most important results that have been reached are: the academic management interaction with moral and conduct strategic planning was weak due to the weakness of responsibility towards the process of change and also because of the constant change in the administrative leadership of the academy during short periods of time The research has also shown that the faculty teaching members are not aware of the academy's mission and that is because there isn't a suitable atmosphere in the academy right now for change and developement especially in the light of the existing competitions. In the light of these results, the researcher suggested the following: The management in this branch should provide the right atmosphere to accept changes by starting awareness campaigns within the scientific and administrative departments of the academy to introduce the members to the mission of the academy, its goals and future plans.
This Research Aims To Study The Requirements For The Implementation Of Strategic Planning In The Port Governmental Company Of Tartous, And The Existence Of Some Of These Requirements In The Port Governmental Company Of Tartous.
The research aims to detect the possibility of secondary schools management in the city of Lattakia, according to total quality management from the perspective of teachers, And to know the differences in attitudes towards management of secondary sc hools, according to the concept of total quality depending on the following variables (sex, educational qualification, years of teaching experience). To achieve the objectives of the research, a questionnaire composed was designed including (72) items distributed to the seven areas (scholar strategic planning, the quality of teaching and learning processes, Educational Evaluation, openness to the community, educational leadership actors, organizational culture in the school, and information management at the school). The questionnaire was conducted on a sample of (278) teachers, with (18%) percentage for the academic year 2014-2015. Validity of the questionnaire was established though a jury of (7) of the teaching staff of educational at Damascus and Tishreen Universities and the Reliability was established by Cronbach – Alpha Reliability at lest (0.7).
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