تناول البحث قطاع التأمين في الجمهورية العربية السورية خلال الفترة الممتدة ما بين
2012-1990 ، حيث درس أثر أهم العوامل الاقتصادية و الديمغرافية على حجم الطلب
على تأمينات الحياة.
تم اعتبار حجم أقساط تأمينات الحياة مؤشرًا لحجم الطلب على تأمينات الحياة، كما تم
اختيار محددات عدة لدراسة أثرها على حجم الطلب و هي / الدخل – البطالة – معدل
الفائدة – معدل التضخم – توقعات الحياة – مستوى التعميم – التمدن /. و أُجري تحميل
احصائي لدراسة المتغيرات الآنفة الذكر، و ذلك للتوصل لأهم المحددات المؤثرة على
حجم الطلب التأميني، حيث ظهر الدخل و معدل التضخم و معدل الفائدة، كأهم المحددات
الفعّالة في التأثير على حجم الطلب التأميني، في حين لم يظهر أي تأثير ذو دلالة
احصائية لبقية المحددات.
This paper deals with the insurance sector in the Syrian Arab
Republic during the period between 1990-2012, we studied the
impact of economic and demographic factors on the demand for life
insurance size.
It was considered the volume of life insurance premiums indication
of the size of the demand for life insurance, also we study the
impact of some determinants on the demand / income -
unemployment - interest rate - inflation - life expectations -
education - urbanization /. A statistical analysis by spss to study
variables program was carried out, in order to reach the most
important determinants affecting the insurance demand, income and
the inflation and the interest rate are the most effective determinant
in influencing the insurance demand, While statistically significant
for the rest of determinants effect does not appear.
References used
BECK , T ; WEBB , I 2002- Determinants of Life Insurance Consumption across Countries . World Bank and International Insurance Foundation
MITRA, D & GHOSH, A 2010-Determinants of Life Insurance Demand in India in the Post Economic Reform Era (1991-2008) . Bengal: university of north Bengal
SEN, S 2008 -An Analysis of Life Insurance Demand Determinants for Selected Asian Economies and India. India: Madras school of Economics
This research aims at studying the relationship between the industrial demographic
variables as it is one of the most important Syrian economic sectors and the most laboremployment,
and the inputs of this sector in particular and the inputs of the
This study aimed at identifying the concept of human capital migration and identifying the
main internal causes behind the phenomenon of human capital migration in Syria by
studying the impact of a range of economic, social and health factors (unem
This research studies the reality of the insurance sector in the Syrian Arab Republic during the period between 1990-2012, identifying most important private companies that have entered the domestic insurance market. It also tries to examine distribu
This study aimed at identifying the best indicators representing economic factors
using Factor Analysis, as well as developing a mathematical model linking principal
components which represent both the economic factors and consumer spending in Syri
This study aims to find the best social and economic factors that affect the number of students in higher education using the descriptive analysis approach, and find the mathematical model that connects the principal components representing the socia