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تأثير تركيز السكريات و التكييف المسبق في التشكل النباتي مخبريًا in vitro لخزعات جذرية من نبات Albizzia julibrissin بغياب الهرمونات

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 Publication date 2002
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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References used
BHOJWANI, S. S. and RAZDAN, M. K., 1983; Somatic embryogenesis. In: Bhojwani, S. S.,and Razdan, M. K. (Edits.). Plant tissue culture: Theory and practice. Development in Crop Sciences (5). Elsevier, Amsterdam., 91- 112
BROWN, C. W. and THORPE , T. A. , 1982; Mitochondrial activity during shoot formation and growth in tobacco callus . Physiol. Plant. 54, 125 –130
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إن النتيجة الأكثر أهمية التي أسفرت عنها مجمل أعمالنا هذه، هي إيضاح دور التغذية الكربونية في تحديد و توجيه البرامج المؤدية إلى التشكل الجديد في الزراعة المخبرية، بلا إضافات هرمونية. و اعتمادا على النتائج التي حصلنا عليها، يتضح لنا أن استجابة التشكل النباتي، تتأثر بشدة بنوعية السكر المضاف إلى وسط الزراعة، مما يدفع للإشارة إلى أن هذا العامل يوازي بأهميته، بالتأكيد، التوازن الهرموني، الذي عد تقليديًا بأنه أكثر أهمية. ففي الحقيقة، يترافق التغيير في الطبيعة الكيميائية للمواد المضافة من أجل التغذية الكربونية، بتبدل في سلوكية المادة النباتية المدروسة في الزراعة المخبرية. و هكذا نجد أن بعض السكريات المختبرة في تجاربنا، تشجع غالبًا تشكل الكالوس (الفركتوز، الجلوكوز، السكروز)، و أخرى تنشط التعضي النباتي (الكزيلوز)، و ثالثة تحسن المظهر النوعي للأعضاء المتشكلة (المالتوز). التحويل الغذائي لبعض السكريات (الأرابينوز، الجالاكتوز). تثبت بعض الملاحظات التي أسفرت عنها بحوثنا، أن الخزعات الجذرية لنبات Albizzia غير قادر على التحويل الغذائي لبعض السكريات (الأرابينوز، الجالاكتوز). و تجدر الإشارة، إلى أن التأثير الرائع لسكر الكزيلوز في تشكل البراعم الخضرية هو حقيقة يشار إليها أول مرة بوضوح في عملنا الحالي. و حسب معلوماتنا، لم يتعرض هذا السكر للدراسة الخاصة ضمن إ طار الزراعة المخبرية، مثله مثل غالبية السكريات ما عدا السكروز و الجلوكوز.
This current study was conducted on gardenia plant (Gardenia jasminoides.L.) cv. ellis. which was micropropagated in vitro to study the effect of some plant growth regulators on multiplication and rooting, for the aim of developing a complete in v itro microprpagation system of the studied cv. Results demonstrated that, the best medium for in vitro micropropagation of the studied cv. was MS medium supplemented with 1 mg/L BA + 0.1 mg/L IBA with a multiplication rate of 5.33 new shoots, with average shoot height of 4.73 cm, and average leaf number of 4.36. These shoots were then transferred to a rooting media containing a half-strength of the multiplication basal media with NAA at a concentration of 1mg/L which resulted in highest rooting efficiency of 97% with average root number of 9.67, and average root length of 5.35 cm, and average stem length of 9.80 cm, and average leaf number of 5.07. Increasing NAA concentration in rooting media to 1.5 mg/L resulted in increasing root length average to 6.28 cm with significant difference in comparison to the previous treatment. Rooted Plantlets were acclimatized gradually in a growth room conditions to ex vitro conditions with 85 % efficiency.
This current study was carried out on B41 grape rootstock micropropagated in vitro at the General Commission for Scientific Agricultural Research (GCSAR), Syria to study the effect of different concentrations of sodium chloride on the multiplicati on and rooting stages. The results showed that the highest average of survival plants (98%), the number of new buds (8.43) and plant length (8.58 cm) were obtained in the control treatment after 4 weeks from multiplication stage. The treatment with 50 mM of sodium chloride led to reduce the multiplication rates with significant differences, while the lowest plant multiplication had occurred with 100 mM of sodium chloride and no survival plants were remained by the treatment with 150 mM of sodium chloride during multiplication stage. The highest rooting rates (% 85.30), the number of roots (4.67) and root length (6.28 cm) were also obtained in the control treatment after 4 weeks from rooting stage. The treatment with 50 mM of sodium chloride led to reduce the rooting process with significant differences. The lowest rooting results were observed with 100 mM of sodium chloride and no rooting rate was observed when plants were treated with 150 mM of sodium chloride.
The aim of this research is to determine the effect of seasonal changes on the yield of morphologically intact oocytes for in vitro maturation and consequently for fertilization and embryo production. Determining the impact of seasonal changes hel ps us to increase the intact oocytes yield, and better use of in vitro culturing technique of cow oocytes. This leads to: benefit from animals of genetic superiority, maintenance the biodiversity of animal genetic resources by using deep-freezing technique of pre/post in vitro fertilized oocytes taken from cow ovary of animals after slaughter. The results of this research paper show that, the intact oocytes yield for in vitro culturing differs accordingly with year seasons. The lowest percentage of intact cells 29.5 were recorded in the period between May and September, whereas the highest percentage of intact cells 42.6% were recorded in the period between October and March. There was significant difference (P<0.001) between the two periods for intact cells.
Field experiment was conducted during the season (2011 – 2012) at Bhanine village in Tartous city. Maize seeds of Ghouta 82 variety were planted in plastic pots filled with calcareous soil .Treatments including three levels of B (0, 3, and 6 kg.ha− 1) and four levels of Zn (0, 8, 16 and 24 kg.ha−1) added to the soil, in a completely randomized block design with three replications, to study the effect of different levels of boron and zinc and their interactions on maize content of some nutrients. Results of this study showed that there was a clear effect of B and Zn and their interactions in soil on leaf content of Mn, Fe and Cu. High amounts of zinc in the soil had a clear effect on reduced leaves content of B and increased its content of K. The presence of a of B in the soil, assisted to increasing of leaf N content. There was a significant effect of B and Zn interaction on leaf content of Zn, and no effect on leaf P content.
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