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Field experiment was conducted during the season (2011 – 2012) at Bhanine village in Tartous city. Maize seeds of Ghouta 82 variety were planted in plastic pots filled with calcareous soil .Treatments including three levels of B (0, 3, and 6 kg.ha− 1) and four levels of Zn (0, 8, 16 and 24 kg.ha−1) added to the soil, in a completely randomized block design with three replications, to study the effect of different levels of boron and zinc and their interactions on maize content of some nutrients. Results of this study showed that there was a clear effect of B and Zn and their interactions in soil on leaf content of Mn, Fe and Cu. High amounts of zinc in the soil had a clear effect on reduced leaves content of B and increased its content of K. The presence of a of B in the soil, assisted to increasing of leaf N content. There was a significant effect of B and Zn interaction on leaf content of Zn, and no effect on leaf P content.
Bleaching process of cotton fabrics consider an important and sensitive operations in wet chemical treatments of cotton fabrics, mercerization is not less important than them and that in cases in which is made necessary, but from the problems of t hese processes are long time and consumption of energy, but the ultrasound energy contribute to reduce these problems.
In the context of seeking to develop laser system for remote sensing of main pollutants atmosphere, we have designed and built a laser detection system provide non-intrusive in-situ measurements of gas properties. relying on tunable diode laser abs orption spectroscopy TDLAS technology to detect ammonia gas and ethylene gas with high accuracy and a sufficient sensitivity for economic and medical applications.

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