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This research carried out in Al- Bassa village at Lattakia province during 2013-2014, to determine the effects of increasing rates of boron and zinc fertilization by foliar spraying, on root nodulation and seed yield of broad beans (Viciafaba L.). Se eds were planted in plastic pots (15 kg capacity), filled with sandy-silty soil, characterized by its poor content of boron, and represents most of lands in the region. Boron and zinc were sprayed by five increasing concentrations (Bo, B25, B50, B75 and B100) and (Zno, Zn25, Zn50, Zn75, Zn10)on broad bean plants at 33 and 65 days post-emergent. Results showed that treatments high significance than control, in termsof root length witch the best treatment was B100Zn100with 31c.m, and 2.85 g for B75Zn75 as a wight of length, on the other hand the best treatment for number of nodules was B75Zn75, 179.03 c.m, B100Zn100 was the best for height of the plant with 100.20, for protein B100Zn100 the best with 37.4%, However, boron and zinc fertilization treatment B75Zn75 is the best, economically.
Field experiment was conducted during the season (2011 – 2012) at Bhanine village in Tartous city. Maize seeds of Ghouta 82 variety were planted in plastic pots filled with calcareous soil .Treatments including three levels of B (0, 3, and 6 kg.ha− 1) and four levels of Zn (0, 8, 16 and 24 kg.ha−1) added to the soil, in a completely randomized block design with three replications, to study the effect of different levels of boron and zinc and their interactions on maize content of some nutrients. Results of this study showed that there was a clear effect of B and Zn and their interactions in soil on leaf content of Mn, Fe and Cu. High amounts of zinc in the soil had a clear effect on reduced leaves content of B and increased its content of K. The presence of a of B in the soil, assisted to increasing of leaf N content. There was a significant effect of B and Zn interaction on leaf content of Zn, and no effect on leaf P content.
This research was carried out during 2014 - 2015. The research aimd to describe some chemical characteristics of the river's water used for irrigation, chemically compare it with the Syrian Standards Specifications in terms of salt quantity and qua lity and Cd and B concentrations, water samples were taken from four observation points along the river: A (domestic), B (industrial), C (mixed) and D (estuary), also Soil samples from the river edges were also analyzed. The findings revealed that the EC value in B was 0.61 mg/l i.e. less than those of others, with significant difference 0.72, 0.74, 0.73 mg/l, respectively. The study also showed a significant increase in B and C concentration by 0.48 and 0.49 mg/l, respectively, compared with A and D by 0.4 mg/l each. A significant increase in Cd concentration was noticed for B, C and D by 0.73, 0.88 and 0.75 mg/l vs. A 0.67 mg/l. However, Cd concentration in the river water in all seasons and sites was excessive and higher than the permissible limit for water discharge into seas estimated at 0.05 mg/l, whereas the other parameters were lower than the permissible limits according to the Syrian Standards. The effect of water pollution on soil showed a significant increase in EC for B by 1.01 dS/m than others. The increase was also more significant in subsurface layer than surface one by 0.45 and 0.62 dS/m, respectively. In addition, the findings demonstrated a significant increase in Cd for C (2.67 mg/kg) than other points. The increase in Cd concentration was more significant in the surface layer (2.648 mg/kg) than the subsurface one (2.631 mg/kg), and this concentration was lower than the normal range of soil content from Cd (3 ppm).
The study was carried out in apple orchard and at the laboratories of Agricultural Scientific Research Center, and Pome and Grapevine Division in Sweida (GCSAR), Syria, during the growing seasons of 2015 and 2016 to study the effect of organic res idues, and boron and zinc addition on some soil characters, fruit set ratio and some fruits qualitative traits in Starking delicious apple cultivar in Sweida.
بحث صادر عن الهيئة العامة للبحوث العلمية والزراعية في مركز بحوث حمص عن أهمية البورون وطريقة تقديره في التربة والنبات بجهاز السبكتروفوتومتر
Field experiment was conducted during the season (2011-2012)at Bhanine village in Tartous city. Maize seeds of Ghouta 82 variety were planted in plastic pots filled with calcareous soil .Treatments including three levels of B( 0 , 3 , and 6 kg.ha-1) as boric acid form and four levels of Zn (0 ,8,16 and 24 kg.ha-1) as zinc sulphate form added to the soil when it was preparation to farming , in a completely randomized block design with three replications, to study the effect of different levels of boron and zinc and their interactions on Maize growth and its contents of some nutrient elements . the readings that was taken plant length leaf area index ,wet and dry weight for plant in three growth stage: vegetative growth , start and end of flowering , stage , and evaluation concentration of N ,P , K ,B , Zn,Mn,Fe,Cu nutrients in the leaves at the back stages, in addition at havest stage.
نفذ البحث في مركز الابحاث التابع لجامعة الفرات بمحافظة دير الزور للموسم الزراعي 2011- 2012 على نبات القرنبيط البلدي
تم تنفيذ البحث في المركز الأول في مدينة دير الزور خلال الموسم 2010 على أشجار المشمش بعمر 7 سنوات تنتمي للصنفين ( العجمي والحموي )

هل ترغب بارسال اشعارات عن اخر التحديثات في شمرا-اكاديميا