هدف البحث إلى تحليل الكفاءة الاقتصادية لتسويق الحمضيات على مستوى المزارعين في سـورية،
بغرض تحديد مستوى الأداء التسويقي و المشكلات التسويقية التي تواجه المزارعين، و ذلك بالاعتماد على
عينة طبقية منتظمة مكونة من 380 مزارعاً سحبت من قرى محافظتي اللاذقية و طرطوس، وفقاً لإسـهام
كل منهما في الإنتاج الإجمالي. بينت النتائج تركز الخيارات التسويقية المتاحة أمـام المـزارعين علـى
طريقتين رئيسيتين، هما: التسويق الذاتي في الأسواق المحلية، و طريقة بيع الإنتاج إلى تجـار الـضمان
اللتين أسهمتا بنحو (9.53 %) و (3.44 %) من إجمالي الكميات المسوقة في العينة.
This research aimed to analyze the economic efficiency of marketing citrus
at the level of farmers in Syria in order to determine the marketing
performance and problems facing farmers. 380 farmer stratified samples were
taken from villages in both Latakia and Tartous provinces according to the
contribution of each province in total country production. Results showed that
the marketing options available to farmers focused on two major methods: selfmarketing
in domestic markets, and production leasing to dealers, which both
accounted for 53.9% and 44.3% of total quantities marketed of the samples,
References used
National Agricultural Policy Centre (NAPC). 2006. The Citrus sub-sector: analysis and policy options. Damascus, Syria
Westlake, M. 2000. Citrus production and exporting polices in Syria, FAO. final report
المكتب المركزي للإحصاء. 2009 . المجموعة الإحصائية. دمشق، سورية.
Analyze the economic efficiency of Orange production in Syria, determining
and understanding the factors affecting productivity.
A 380-farmer random sample producing villages in both Latakia and
Tartous provinces was used to according to the contr
The study aimed at evaluating and studying the economic efficiency of farms fattening
sheep in Homs during the period (2008-2013), where the study was conducted on a sample of
25 farms, the average number of sheep, where about 25 head of Awas, by c
The research aims at investigating the reality of investment of the cultivation of
citrus in Syria during 2007-2011. The study showed that the citrus market in Syria needs to
be organized, and that there is a necessity for having an independent org
The research aims to study the economic efficiency of refrigerators
apples in the central region of Syria average seasons (2011-2012)
and (2012-2013), through the study of the costs of establishing and running refrigerators, as well as to see its r
A survey of infection by Citrus tristeza virus (CTV) was conducted during a visit to 14 citrus orchards in different regions in Tartous governorate in the Syrian Coast during the spring of 2012. We collected a total of /691/ samples of different vari