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Determining the best location is a complex process that faces decision makers. In the City of Tartous, Syria, this problem springs while selecting the best location for wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) because of the large number of criteria and co nstrains and the uncertainty in expert's judgments. To solve this problem, we designed a frame work containing multi-criteria decision making (MCDM) technique that is fuzzy analytic hierarchy process (FAHP) to handle the uncertainty situations and geographical information system (GIS) to determine the best location. In this paper, the FAHP idea was developed to calculate weights of the criterias, the GIS was used to overlay and generate criteria and suitability maps. The study ends with a map of the best sites for constructing wastewater treatment plants by extended aeration method in Tartous region in Syria.
This environmental research was conducted on the coastal water of Tartous city for the first time to complement previous studies along the Syrian coast. Sampling station were selected based on their different environmental characteristics from each o thers on one hand, and their continuous exposure to the sources of pollution (oil, chemical, organic) on the other hand. It hasbeen implemented13sortiesfreelyduring the study period, which lasted fromSeptember2013untilSeptember2014. during which water samples were collected for analysis and determine the concentration of nutrients in, as vital samples to study and determine the types of phytoplankton, which collected, in addition to conducting field measurements of some properties Physical seawater (temperature, pH, salinity, oxygen dissolved concentration). This study has recorded 160 species of phytoplankton in study sites, distributed as follows: 91 species of Chryssophyta, 50 of Pyrrophyta, 11 of Chlorophyta, and 8 of Cyanophyta, their distribution has differed from one site to another and from month to monthaccordingto the differentiation in the environmental conditions.
This study addresses the issue of the danger of the high amount of Nitrates and Nitrites found in Cucumbers grown in greenhouses in the coastal region in Tartous - Syria, one hundred samples of greenhouse Cucumbers (in their green state) were collec ted at random from 50 Greenhouses in ten villages in Sahil Akkar in Tartous the villages are: (Arzona, Madihli, A. Zibdi, B. Shofan, Shas, Riyaf, Zahid, Dkaiki, Habroun and T. Sunoun) five Greenhouses were selected from each village, a special information card was prepared for each greenhouse which included the area of the greenhouse, the type of fertilizers used in it, and the source of water used to irrigate the house, the water was tested by a device known as Colorimeter, another device called Spectrophotometer was used to test the amount of Nitrates and Nitrites found in Cucumbers, the results show that the highest amount of Nitrates was in the samples taken from Riyaf 615.29 mg/kg, and the lowest amount in the samples from T.Sunoun 126.15 mg/kg, The Nitrites were at their highest also in Riyaf at 0.06 mg/kg and at their lowest in the samples of B, Shoufan at 0.023 mg/kg, the results also show variation in the Probability value (P=0.000) in the Cucumbers samples. When comparing the amounts reported by the World Health Organization (WHO) it was found that the amounts of Nitrates and Nitrites ranged between 100% in Riyaf, A. Zibdi and Madhli, followed by 90% in B.Shoufan, and 80% in Habroun and Dkaiki,and 60% in Arzona, Zahid, and Shas ,and 30% in T. Sunoun. The percentage of contamination in all the Greenhouses reached only 76%whole. the concentration of the Nitrites was within the standard level less than 1%mg/kg.
A survey of infection by Citrus tristeza virus (CTV) was conducted during a visit to 14 citrus orchards in different regions in Tartous governorate in the Syrian Coast during the spring of 2012. We collected a total of /691/ samples of different vari eties. Most of the samples were collected from plants with symptoms similar to symptoms caused by viral diseases (dwarfing, yellowing, mosaic, quick- decline, vein clearing, boat or spoon-shaped leaves), while other samples did not carry such symptoms due to the possible presence of latent infections. The samples were tested by using Tissue Blot immunoassay (TBIA). The Results showed that the rate of infection by CTV was 34.15% in the tested samples and the distribution of CTV in citrus orchards was by various ratios. The highest percentage of infection was detected in AL- Hamidiah (62.50%), whereas the lowest infection percentage detected was in Talin nursery (10%). Common orange Balady was the most infected by Citrus tristeza virus (41.43%). No virus infection was recorded in Mandalina samples.
The problem of drinking water scarcity exacerbates in some villages in Tartous governorate making water conservation a priority. The aim of this study is to identify the patterns and practices of household water consumption of a sample of water su bscribers in Tartous governorate in order to determine the procedures through which to rationalize the consumption of drinking water. For this purpose, a survey of 150 household water subscribers was conducted. The answers were then subjected to a statistical analysis. The results indicated the presence of a high percentage of those who follow the procedures for rationalizing the consumption of water within the sample (95.3%), and a low percentage of those who have the techniques for reducing water consumption (4.7%). The majority of those surveyed (87.3%) objected to increasing the price of water as a measure to reducing water consumption. The study revealed that there is a good aqueous awareness in the governorate on which one can rely in rationalizing the consumption of drinking water through awareness campaigns.
A field survey of Pepper mild mottle (PMMV) and Cucumber mosaic (CMV) Viruses was conducted in some plantation areas in Tartous and Lattakia Provinces. A total of 1278 samples (782 from Tartous and 505 from Lattakia) were collected. Results of Tis sue Blot Immunobinding Assay showed the presence of PMMV in 0.39% and CMV in 11.42% in the collected samples. The percentage of CMV varied in Tartous and Lattakia Provinces. In this study, PMMV was not recorded in Lattakia, whereas it was recorded in Tartous in a small percentage (0.64%). Using Tissue Blot Immunobinding Assay, the collected seeds from the infected pepper fruits from Tartous fields showed the transmission of PPMV throughseeds in a ratio of 0.70% to 0.87% according to seed resources, whereas CMV was transmitted in a high percentage of 2.81% to 7.98% according to seed resources. PPMV was not recorded in leaf samples or in seeds taken from Blozah District in TartousProvince.
This research aimed to evaluate the growth and productivity of planted Pinus pinea in pure stands at "DAHR AL SORANI" forest site. The site is about 50 km north east of Tartous city, which is located in Temperate-Humid Bioclimate Zone. Results sho wed that the stands were not equivalent in growth indicators; this was due to many factors affecting growth like site characteristics and trees density…etc. In spite of the mediocre values of form factor, the volume and mean of annual increment was not influenced. Results revealed that the mean values of tree density was 851 trees/ha and ranged between 350 - 1975 trees/ha, woody volume was averaged at 116.337 m3/ha and ranged between 51.6519 - 215.3635 m3/ha; annual increment had also an average of 4.4548 m3/ha/year and ranged between 1.9866 - 7.9764 m3/ha/year. The study showed a high straightness of pine. Pinus pinea trees had very rarely forked boles.
Eleven Samples of costal sand was studied, nearly south- north along 15 km ,27 Spcieses of Foraminifera Testes was determined (founded)in it, most of them was benthic , but the porcelanic testes were more commen. This Costal sand is richer in Fora minifera Testes near the costal line. As well as the fine far costal sand less richer in Foraminifera Testes than the coarse sand which is near of costal line, because of the effect of weathering , which the Aeolian processes very clear in it. And this causes brokig the Foraminifera Testes. The recent geological processes can be reflex at the past geological time, especially for sand stone in Pleistocene Age. This sandstone deposit by geological processes seemlywhat happing in our days ( recent).
This paper examines the evolution of drinking water consumption in Tartous governorate during the period (2009 - 2014) and its relationship to the emerging demographic situation related to the presence of displaced people, in order to evaluate the drinking water investment efficiency and to identify actions that will develop this sector.
This research was conducted in 2016c, at the Zahid Western Research Station in Akkar Plain region of Tartous Governorate, the objective of this research is study the effect of non-conventional organic waste (compost of garbage, sewage sludge) and cow manure on the physical properties of clay soil in the region. Wastes was added to the soil at a rate of (0 - 10 - 20 – 30) t/ha, in order to determine the effect of the difference in the quantity added on physical properties of the soil and peanut productivity.

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