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The first part of this research will discuss the causes of the mortgage bubble and the causes of its blow up in 2007, and the consequences of this crisis on various financial institutions, then it will talk about the manner of forming the packages mortgage bonds and the reasons for their spread, and how crisis turned from mortgage crisis to a liquidity crisis, then to solvency crisis. The second and third part will be allotted to study the indirect causes that led to the global financial crisis, as well as the traditional solutions proposed to get out, and will emphasize that these solutions are only firstaid solutions and the need to adopt radical solutions leading to fortify the global financial system to protect it from crises in the future, because the great imbalance in the basic pillars of that system. In addition to emphasizing that the typical solution is only to replace these pillars with new, more powerful and stable ones, or simply changing the whole current system.
In this paper, taking most important indicators of the competitiveness of Syrian pistachio exports, where data were analyzed WTO to reach these indicators and which to menial describes results competitiveness of Syrian pistachio product. It has bee n analyzed individually first to prove that the exports of this product way good market share both domestically and internationally, and with the level of harmonic well with the requirements of the international markets and regional and are able to meet the patterns of global demand in terms of quality and price, and have the ability to integrate with various spectrums external demand for that product, and are highly concentrated in exports because of its dependence and its focus on a limited range of varieties of this product in the export, but when you compare these indicators with indicators of other countries producing pistachio, the results of the analysis indicate that the indicators Syria is one of the best indicators at the global level after both Iran and the United States and Turkey, but they need to technological additions more than it is to be able to increase the added value in this product, in addition to the need for additional investments that will achieve greater production and higher export share.
إن ما يشهده الاقتصاد الدولي منذ الثمانينيات من تغيرات جذرية مهمة وضعت دول العالم قاطبة أمام حقبة جديدة من العلاقات الاقتصادية الدولية. فقد فرضت التطورات في السوق الدولية على الدول عدم اقتصار جهودها على تنظيم تجارة السلع الدولية ، و إنما تجاوز ذلك إلى الاهتمام بتنظيم تجارة الخدمات الدولية و لتأسيس اقتصاد جديد قائم على المعرفة و المعلومات و التقدم التكنولوجي في القرن الحادي و العشرين ، خاصة مع دخولها دائرة الصراع الدولي و مع اعتبارها القوة المحركة الجديدة للنمو الاقتصادي و التجارة الدولية. إن الدول أدركت أهمية تجارة الخدمات و تنامي دورها في تحويل التقدم التكنولوجي إلى قدرات إنتاجية، و في مستوى التوظيف و الناتج الإجمالي، و في خلق الروابط مع بقية الأنشطة الاقتصادية الأخرى. و نظرًا لتزايد أهمية التجارة الدولية في الخدمات و دورها في التنمية الاقتصادية، و لتزايد عجز موازين مدفوعات الدول العربية في الخدمات كان اهتمام البحث في تسليط الضوء مثل هذا الموضوع بعد الاتفاق على تحرير التجارة الدولية في الخدمات وفق الاتفاقية العامة للتجارة الدولية في الخدمات.
This research presents a model to determine the exchange rate for the Syrian Pound in the long term by using monetary quantity theory; it uses annual data for the period of 1980 to 2011; it employs Johansen co-integration technique by using E-View s statistic program. The research purpose is to determinate the equilibrium relationship between Exchange rate of Syrian Pound and economic indicators in the long term, besides studying the Granger Causality Test between Exchange rate of Syrian Pound and economic indicators; and analyzing the correlation relationship Test between Exchange rate of Syrian Pound and economic indicators.
This research contains two part; The first is about theoretical part of Variables Affecting Exchange Rate of Foreign Currencies Pass – Through on inflation rate in Syria. The second is statistic part since this research proposes and estimates a model to determine the effect of the exchange rate for the Syrian Pound (SYP) vs US Dollar (USD) Pass – Through on inflation rate in Syria. This research used monthly data for the period of 2000 to April 2013. This research employed the unit root test and Causality Test by using E-Views statistic program.
The crisis in Syria since the beginning of the year 2011 had devastating effects on Syrian economy, which based on the priorities of the war economy and stopped the economic reform programs and long-term development plans to move to the social market economy and integration into the world economy.
This study is attempting to point out to the difficulties frustrating the human development in both intellectual and practical fields. To do this, this study will attempt to explore the main negative reflections of the IMF recipes in the human alt ernatives on one hand, and to discover the main difficulties faced by the practical trends to apply the human development pattern as aimed by the UNDP.

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