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IN this research,I have First defined many issues, then I have tried to explain globalization being the out come of a self power , including its continuation. I have also shed light on the comprehensive side of globalization through the complex inter relation among human Beings on the cultural , individual , institutional and social level. I have tried to focus on two main points. First, Globalization is an attempt to gather the world states and their different regions in one entity , This is known as a small village. Second, I have focused on the dimensions of globalization and our awarcness of it , because this movement makes us engaged in one state , called "the global society" .
تحتل دراسة موضوع المقاربة التاريخية على المستوى العربي أهمية خاصة في تاريخنا المعاصر الذي يشهد نهوضاً معرفياً و تكنولوجياً واسعاً في مختلف المجالات، مما يساعد على إعادة النظر و التدقيق في الوثائق و الأوابد التاريخية، و الكشف عن حقائق تاريخ الشعوب، و لا سيما ما تعرض منها للتزوير و التأويل. بناء على تلك المعطيات العلمية، يمكن دراسة التاريخ العربي الذي بدأ تشكله مع البدايات الأولى لوجود الإنسان باختراعاته الحضارية في منطقة الشرق المتوسط "الوطن العربي" التي تتوسط قارات العالم، مما أسهم في انتشار منجزات شعوب تلك المنطقة و اختراعاتهم و ثقافاتهم، كالأكاديين و البابليين و الآشوريين و المصريين و الآراميين و الفلستينيين و الكنعانيين، المادية و الروحية بين الشعوب الأخرى في مختلف مناطق العالم، و لا سيما ما أنجزته ثورة التدجين و الزراعية و من ثم اختراع الأبجدية، فضلاً عن فنون الآداب العديدة و القوانين و التشريعات التي نظمت حياتهم.
The aim of this research is to study the concept of history and evolution for “IbnKhaldun” through a systematic illustration of the meaning of history. Therefore, we present this research in order to reach the philosophy of history for “IbnKhaldun” and to highlight the importance of this philosopher as one of the founders of the philosophy of history as his conception of history makes him close to contemporary philosophers. This perception is crystallized to history on rejecting the “empiricalconcept” radically. Therefore, we find that the history of “IbnKhaldun” is not a narrative of news, but it is an explanation of eventsin which we can build it a new science. The concept of progress that was crystallized in the eighteenth century has signs in the introduction of IbnKhaldun in which he presented a methodology for studying history in its interior movement and not in appearance. In addition, the problematic questions that raised by “IbnKhaldun” opened horizons for knowledge and development such as: What is the relationship between historical knowledge and historical writing? Is it possible for history to be part of science? This research also points to the errors of historians, which occur for many complex reasons that might be psychological, social, political and cultural. The errors also may happen because of a lack in knowledge about the laws of nature.
This research Tackles Ricour's perspective of the willingness to forget and the ability of memoey to step ahead the idea if past representation and looking into it as it is one future project. This future which enables humans to recall and forget, forgive and tolerate .all of this is done under what's called by Ricour" the able ego". Afterwards, it reaches a happy memory where by forgetfulness is one image out of many stored in the memory. According to this, the research discusses the beginning of relation ship between history and memory as it is perceived by Ricour, one of interrelation then it discusses the relation of memory and language via its narratives. Narrative, according to Ricour, is means which people use to express their unforgettable past experience, that they need to resurrect the past via narrating and legislating it in stories. Then, it proceeds to handle the idea of willingness to forget and the relation which links forgetfulness to memory, which is one holistic relation, according to Ricour. This means that there is no forgetfulness without recalling and vice versa. Despit that, as perceived by Ricour, memory has always been living in confusion/ hesitation. In other word, you hesitate as to what to recall and what to forget. This has forced or led this research of memory as it is one future project as Ricour finally concludes with some findings that we sought to have in regards to Ricour's perspective regarding this issus.

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