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This study aimed to identify obstacles to literacy program in the governorates of Muscat and Dhofar and its development, and to provide some of the suggestions in the same regard. The study used a descriptive analytical method, and its tool in the identification was to explore the views of a sample of the relevant program of literacy in the two provinces in number (148) personnel. To investigate the validity and reliability of the tool, it was offered to a group of arbitrators, and the referee retail mid-term reliability, and used in statistical process frequencies and averages and standard deviations and the T-Test and analysis of variance.
The study investigated barriers to involvement in school physical education activities as perceived by 7th ,10th and 12th girl students. A random sample of (1511) girl student was selected. Data obtained were collected by a questionnaire consisti ng of (50) items covering six domains related to barriers to involvement in school physical education activities by girl students.
تطورت شبكة الإنترنت بشكل كبير في السـنوات الأخيـرة، و أصـبح نقـل ملفـات المعلومات ممكناً و بزمن قياسي، و أصبح من الضروري التفكير بعملية نقل الصـوت و نقل الفيديو عبر هذه الشبكة، و حتى نصل إلى عملية الوصـل المباشـر و بـالزمن الحقيقي للتوصل إلى المؤت مرات سواء الصوتية أو الفيديوية منها، و ذلك مـن أجـل تطبيقات عدة من أهمها استخدامها في الـتعلم عـن بعـد، و إقامـة المحاضـرات و المؤتمرات البعيدة المدى و دون التواجد تحت سقف واحد، و حتى الاتصالات البعيدة المدى و التي عادة ما تكون ذات تكلفة عالية. و نحن هنا في هذه الأطروحة سوف نقوم ببحث عمليـة النقـل هـذه عبـر شـبكة الإنترنت، التي تستخدم بروتوكول IP/TCP المشـهور بعمليـة تقطيـع و تحـزيم المعلومات المنقولة عبره، و استخدامه تقنية التحزيم و وضع عنوان المرسل و عنوان المستقبل في ترويسة الحزمة، و سوف نتعرض للمشاكل التي تواجه هـذه التقنيـة الجديدة و الحلول المقترحة لذلك.
Study detected wide range of obstacles that prevented achievement of exported Syrian grapes of competitive advantage in external markets, And prevented penetration of new markets, based on a questionnaire to a sample of table grapes exporters in S yria, for Monitor changes in the obstacles that faced each of them during the three years 2006-2008. The study compared the changing importance of each of these obstacles, relying on some of central tendency and dispersion, also showed some of them through the box plot. The study revealed that the importance of the obstacles that faced exporters rose at the end of the study period than in the beginning, The study showed it need for concerted efforts by producers and exporters, as well as direction and guidance by the authorities concerned, and uncover that most of the obstacles faced exporters when export grapes, were obstacles them before buying grapes, But they could not overcome the effects lasted accompany grapes when exported, also identified ways to overcome them, conducted an another classification on the basis of obstacles' originators, so they can be avoided. The study pointed to another aspect of the obstacles, it seemed - through the study of the market - is of great importance, is worthy of independent study, and thorough, which is the subject of trade interaction between the agricultural products exported.
The study aimed to look at the importance of small and medium enterprises, and to identify the financing constraints faced by small and medium enterprises in Syria and that hamper their growth and development and to identify the role of banks and financial institutions and their difficulties in financing small and medium enterprises sector in Syria.

هل ترغب بارسال اشعارات عن اخر التحديثات في شمرا-اكاديميا