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The study aimed to know the effect of the governance of technological activities in the banks under study on the quality of loan portfolios provided to their clients and to achieve the purpose of this study, a questionnaire was designed and distribut ed to workers in the private Syrian banks from administrative levels (managers, internal auditor, head of department, head of department) . The study sample consisted of (180) valid observations for the analysis, and using the appropriate statistical methods to transmit the data, the study reached the following: The presence of an impact of information technology governance at the level applied in the Syrian banks under study in accordance with the COBIT framework in its four fields combined, and individually, on the quality of the loans portfolios of those banks.
The research aims to specify the impact of the disclosure and transparency principle on the financial performance of the private banks. The researcher has used the descriptive analytical method. The data collection has been based on the questionnaire , where the researcher had distributed 200 questionnaires to the CEOs, their deputies, their assistants, financial directors and internal auditors of 14 banks listed on the Damascus Stock Exchange. 190 questionnaires have been retrieved, including 15 incomplete questionnaires and 175 analyzable ones. The researcher has analyzed the data using the SPSS 20 statistical analyses program. The research has concluded that the application of disclosure and transparency effects on the financial performance of the private banks under study. The research came out with a set of recommendation the most essential of which is that enhancing the applying of the disclosure and transparency principle due to its positive role in improving the financial performance in the banks.
This research aims to shed light on the impact of corporate governance on the performance of listed companies in Damascus Securities Exchange (2012-2016). To achieve this objective, the researcher used a hypothetical-deductive approach to formulate the hypotheses; and analyzed the financial statements of all shareholding Syrians listed companies. Results indicate that, despite of the variation in applying corporate governance between listed companies, there is a sufficient level of commitment to the principles of corporate governance. As well as, the results showed that all performance indicators effected by corporate governance principles. The results of this study provides an empirical evidence to policy makers and regulators in Syria to emphasize the importance of the continuation of Syrian companies to abide by the applying of the principles of corporate governance; as well as the need to find a unified measure corporate governance can be applied in Syria; and at the same time the need to educate the public concerning corporate governance.
The government of companies is considered one of modern concepts which appeared in the last decade of twentieth century . Lately, it is interested by many advanced and undeveloped counties as a result of many cases of administrative and financial failure that grate companies in Us and east of Asia have faced . So work should include mechanisms and system which enable to control between bearers of companies shares and its administrative committee besides ensuring the rights of all parties that deal with the company and affected by its activity and practices and this is known ( Government of Companies) .
The existence of an integrated legal system of any administrative structure does not necessarily mean the success of this administration as you can not apply the rules on the ground, and therefore an effective corporate governance system is based on a sound legal basis to be adopted by the Board of Professional Management, sponsor avoiding a lot of crises that might hinder the activity of the company. The concept of corporate governance has evolved in Syria after the establishment of the Securities Commission and the launching of Damascus Securities Exchange, and through governance standards issued by the Commission, which is constantly seeking to develop in line with the standards provided by international organizations and bodies concerned.
The risk management one of the most important pillars of corporate governance, and play an important role in protecting the company from external threats and opportunities exist to achieve the objectives of the company, and in order to fulfill its duty to the fullest risk management need to follow a legal approach in their work, or guided by the principles and standards set by organizations or committees international protection for the sector given as a committee of the Basel to protect the banking business, as the general principles of risk management is to identify, evaluate and measure and control the risks according to specific strategy adopted risk management, and can therefore risk management in companies that take the general rules laid down by the international committees to suit the nature of its business.
This study aims at determine the extent to which Syrians listed firms in Damascus Stock Exchange comply with the Principles of Corporate Governance, issued by Syrian Commission on Financial Markets and Securities (2008), Central Bank of Syria, (200 9), Syrian Insurance Supervisory Commission (2007), and OECD (2004). To achieve this objective, the researcher conducted a field study on a sample of (20) shareholding companies working in the banking and insurance sectors (about 83% of the Syrians listed firms). A questionnaire containing six questions which cover the six principles of corporate governance was distributed to explore the sample's opinion about how much Syrians shareholding companies comply with those principles. The major findings of this study indicated that there were no significant differences between the level of the banks' commitment to the principles of corporate governance and the level of insurance companies' commitment.
The study aimed to test the impact of application the principles of corporate governance relating to administrative ownership for listed companies on Damascus Securities Exchange, The study sample included of 24 companies spread over five sectors banking, insurance, industry, agriculture and services during the period from 2009 to 2014, and used multiple regression to test hypotheses. The Variables studied included market value as measured by Tobin's Q-dependent variable and all of the ownership of CEO, board size, ownership of the Board of Directors, the independence of the Board of Directors as independent variables and the size of the company and the proportion of debt and the type of sectors a secondary variables. The most significant results of the study that listed companies in Damascus Securities Exchange abide by the rules of governance, particularly relating to administrative ownership of them. Affecting the increased market value of the companies, which encourages investors to invest in them.
This research aims to supply the management with necessary information about how far the organizations depends on IT resource, and how far it is invested in away contributes to applying business strategies. The IT governance by using one of the contr olling frameworks, significantly, ensure providing these information to exercise good governance in the public banking sector in Syria according to specific elements to be measured by this framework. The results of this research showed that the commitment of the public banks in Latakia city using exercising of IT governance that ensures the control on this resource, as well as, making sure that it enhances achieving wished fit with the strategy and aims of these organizations, whereas, the recommendation focused on enhancing of this commitment process with these practices.
This research work aims at whether or not corporate governance has an immediate effect on voluntary disclosure concerning financial or nonfinancial data, and defining the degree of this effect. To achieve this aim, the researchers developed an index against which voluntary disclosure may be measured, in the field of study represented by private Syrian banks. The study covered the last six years for each bank. The study adopted a strategy of testing the study hypotheses, using analysis regression method.

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