تعد إدارة المخاطر أحد أهم مرتكزات حوكمة الشركات , و تلعب دورا هاماً في حماية
الشركة من التهديدات الخارجية و رصد الفرص المتاحة لتحقيق أهداف الشركة , و في سبيل
تأدية واجبها على أكمل وجه تحتاج إدارة المخاطر لإتباع منهج قانوني في عملها , أو
الاسترشاد بالمبادئ و المعايير التي تضعها منظمات أو لجان دولية حماية لقطاع معين
كلجنة بازل لحماية الأعمال المصرفية , إذ أن المبادئ العامة في إدارة المخاطر تقوم
على تحديد و تقييم و قياس و مراقبة المخاطر وفق إستراتيجية معينة تعتمدها إدارة المخاطر,
و بالتالي يمكن لإدارة المخاطر في الشركات أن تأخذ من القواعد العامة التي تضعها
اللجان الدولية بما يناسب طبيعة أعمالها .
The risk management one of the most important pillars of
corporate governance, and play an important role in protecting the
company from external threats and opportunities exist to achieve
the objectives of the company, and in order to fulfill its duty to the
fullest risk management need to follow a legal approach in their
work, or guided by the principles and standards set by
organizations or committees international protection for the sector
given as a committee of the Basel to protect the banking business,
as the general principles of risk management is to identify,
evaluate and measure and control the risks according to specific
strategy adopted risk management, and can therefore risk
management in companies that take the general rules laid down by
the international committees to suit the nature of its business.
References used
Holmes , A2002- Risk Management . First Published , Capstone Publishing
2004 - The Orange Book (Management of Risk-Principles and Concepts). HM Treasury , London
In spite of the positive role played by the merger in the life of the
merged companies, but it might negatively affect the creditors' rights,
as it leads to termination of such company and the end of its legal
personality and the transfer of its f
The insurer's obligation to declare insured risk data is the most important
obligation in the insurance contract. Based on this declaration, the
insured is able to determine all the terms of the contract.
In this research we addressed the legal system of free zones in
Syria, where we showed the identity of these companies, their
advantages, and their work field. Then, we clarified the legal
provisions which govern the work of these companies in ter
The Dams are large and complex projects, and are generally characterized by the
enormous cost of implementation in some cases, and the length of the implementation
period, are rarely carried out a dam in Syria within the estimated plan which develo
This study aimed to identify the positive aspects to help improve quality internal
audit, including reducing the risk of wiser personal to the authors of the lists to
financial and to identify the efficiency and effectiveness of the internal audito