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ICD-9 coding is a relevant clinical billing task, where unstructured texts with information about a patient's diagnosis and treatments are annotated with multiple ICD-9 codes. Automated ICD-9 coding is an active research field, where CNN- and RNN-bas ed model architectures represent the state-of-the-art approaches. In this work, we propose a description-based label attention classifier to improve the model explainability when dealing with noisy texts like clinical notes.
The research deals with the aesthetics of the artistic image in the prose text of the Umayyad period and how did it add more poetry to prose; This is because of the large number of images analogous and metaphorical and canonical.
يطمح هذا البحث إلى تقديم قراءة جديدة لرسالة الغفران لأبي العلاء المعري, و يحاول من خلال هذه القراءة استثمار معطيات النقد الأدبي الحديث للكشف عن ذخائر النثر العربي القديم الذي لما تزل الدراسات النقدية تنظر إليه بوصفه محتوى لا بوصفه بناء مترفا بغير إشا رة إلى أن ثمة وعيا مبكرا لدى الأدباء العرب الأقدمين بأهمية الشكل, و إلى أن هذا الأخير مكون من مكونات الدلالة في النص.
This article is aimed at identifying descriptive letters and their genres of Imaduldeen Al-Asfahani - a poet and one of the greatest men of letters who had knowledge of both Arabic and Persian cultures in the 6th Century Hegira - as well as studyin g descriptive letters objectively and artistically, and revealing their role in describing the Islamic Community in the 6th Century Hegira, this article is also discussing the topics included in descriptive letters such as, the descriptions of the actions of the Sultan, cities, nature, life, the Roman and their traditions, epidemics, disasters, etc. so, this article is focusing on studying descriptive letters and their genres, and valuing the role they played in describing all aspects of life in that century.
We aimed to distinguish between them and the other research areas such as information retrieval and data mining. we tried to determine the general structure of such systems which form a part of larger systems that have a mission to answer user querie s based on the extracted information. we reviewed the different types of these systems, used techniques with them and tried to define the current and future challenges and the consequent research problems. Finally we tried to discuss the details of the various implementations of these systems by explaining two platforms Gate and OpenCalais and comparing between their information extraction systems and discuss the results.
The setting in novels has captured the novelists' attention in the contemporary literary world. It was considered the link between elements of the novel. It is، after all، the setting of the events، the substantial scope in which characters move and where all conflicts take place. Thus، the setting، with its different types، has preoccupied modern studies which examined the relation between the setting and the narrative elements، especially the character. Studies have preserved to reflect the relation between setting and character and the effect this relation has on forming the setting and giving it specific characteristics depending upon the case and the reality of the Palestinian movement. This relation between setting and character has acquired much importance due to the mutual relation between the two، to the extent that setting، in some novels، has become a basis for the events، a purpose for forming characters، and a conformation for their identity and existence. This research sheds light on setting in SaharKhalife's novels، its role in personifying the Palestinian reality، and studying its importance in the life of the Palestinian character، in addition to showing the role of description in projecting its indicative features and dimensions.
The sensitive recognitions which refer indirectly to the yollow colour was appeared in the poems of indolesan,as a result it formed a beauiful art picture which described a particular emotional state.also it played a role in forming images and forms and it described the emotions of the indolesan poets and played a very important role in catching the reciever attention to the attitudes which the indolesan poet lived in and through it he gave an abstract art image which was able to achieve a response which has an expression and symbolic reference.
Description is one of the most important elements of poems and poetry, because of its presence in all poetic purposes. It depicts the reality of Arab poetry and is not limited to drawing shapes, but it accounts for their existence. It is measured by the standards of beauty and precision, and the ability to suggest, depict and search in imagination. Poet kings and leaders are abundant in giving consecutive images of the description subjects. Those images, or depictions, are taken from the environment, so they described manifestations of nature and the universe around them. Therefore, the description came as a manifestation of their passion for the homeland, and pride in the beautiful nature. It also came as an embracing of the joys of life, and as a depiction of their feelings and the harsh experience they have suffered inside the prison, including the features, the feelings and attitudes worthy of attention. This study investigates the poems of kings and leaders which were descriptive. Some of them are elongated descriptions where they composed long descriptive poems, such as those on the manifestations of silent nature, a subject endearing to them. It was so because this subject motivated them to spontaneously and fluently compose poems on the bright nature of Andalusia, and the tender personality of the Andalusian which was eager to the manifestations of beauty. On the other hand, there was another kind of description, which was swift and suggestive. On a different scale, we will portray in detail their experience in the darkness of the prison. We will follow the features of the general image of the prison, through our treatment of partial images drawn by each individual poet in different positions.
Primary tooth crown shapes and dimensions are poorly investigated in Arab Countries. The aim of this study was to establish normative data on crown morphological description and dimensions of primary molars for the Syrian children.
حينما ازدادت أهمية الأسطح في الوقت الراهن ازداد اهتمام المشرع في مسألة الانتفاع بالسطح . في الواقع عدة قرارات إدارية تنظيمية صدرت عن محافظة دمشق. هذا البحث يعالج هذه القرارات على ضوء أحكام ملكية الطبقات في القانون المدني و حقوق الملاك في هذه الملكية سواء على الأجزاء الخاصة أم الأجزاء المشتركة من البناء. تبين هذه الدراسة مدى حق الانتفاع الخاص للسطح لصالح مالك من الملاك، الأمر الذي أدى إلى نشوء خلافات متعددة بين الملاك عجزت السلطة الإدارية عن حلها مما أدى إلى تدخل القضاء.

هل ترغب بارسال اشعارات عن اخر التحديثات في شمرا-اكاديميا