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The aim of this paper is to recognition of the extent, which architecture during the Umayyad era, has achieved. The Amra Palace has been chosen due to its artistic and aesthetic significance. It is considered one of the most important Umayyad pal aces in Al-Sham, which represents the majesty of solid structure, beautiful motifs and high taste. It contained the finest wall paintings, stalactites, ceramics, pools, oasis, and windows in addition to elegantly styled and beautifully colored ceilings in the Arabic and Islamic architecture.
Thebes has came into existence (the current city of Luxor) as a village of the upper villages of Egypt since the third alpha B.C, where the old Egyptian human inhabited it and during the Egyptian dynasties it occupied an important role in the history of Egypt on its expansion. during the old government era Thebes was still a simple village and Amun was a little important local god, where the desting of Thebes and its god Amun connected together from power and sthenia, when the rulersʼs strength of Thebes glorified during the middle government era to expansion in both upper and lower Egypt. So it grew the authority of Amun and He became the first national god and when the rulers of Thebes lead the struggle war against the Hyksos, the god Amun became the resistence god and with the extraneous Egyptian expansion which followed the removing of the Hyksos and its yield the building of the Egyptian empire in Syria during the modern government era, Amun, the god became the global god and the kings of Egypt indebted to the god Amun of their success and this show during of His much having from the income of His temples and in opposition Amun gave generously of his blessing on the dead kings who bury in the graveyards of Thebes.
Description is one of the most important elements of poems and poetry, because of its presence in all poetic purposes. It depicts the reality of Arab poetry and is not limited to drawing shapes, but it accounts for their existence. It is measured by the standards of beauty and precision, and the ability to suggest, depict and search in imagination. Poet kings and leaders are abundant in giving consecutive images of the description subjects. Those images, or depictions, are taken from the environment, so they described manifestations of nature and the universe around them. Therefore, the description came as a manifestation of their passion for the homeland, and pride in the beautiful nature. It also came as an embracing of the joys of life, and as a depiction of their feelings and the harsh experience they have suffered inside the prison, including the features, the feelings and attitudes worthy of attention. This study investigates the poems of kings and leaders which were descriptive. Some of them are elongated descriptions where they composed long descriptive poems, such as those on the manifestations of silent nature, a subject endearing to them. It was so because this subject motivated them to spontaneously and fluently compose poems on the bright nature of Andalusia, and the tender personality of the Andalusian which was eager to the manifestations of beauty. On the other hand, there was another kind of description, which was swift and suggestive. On a different scale, we will portray in detail their experience in the darkness of the prison. We will follow the features of the general image of the prison, through our treatment of partial images drawn by each individual poet in different positions.
من ذا اّلذي يعرِفُ (دِمشق) و لا يعرِفُ (باب اْلجابِية) أحد أبوابِها السبعةِ القديمة؟ أو لا يعرِفُ (سوق بابِ اْلجابية) إحدى أسواقها المشهورة؟ حين بنِي سور دمشق جعَِلت فيهِ أبواب سبعة، و أُضيَفت إليها أبوب أُخرى على مر العصور، و كان أحد الأبواب السبع ة الأُولى (باب الجابية)؛ و قد رمِز بِكُلِّ بابٍ إلى واحدٍ من كواكب المجموعة الشمسية السبعة المعروفة عند القدماء، فكان باب الجابية للمِريخ.

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