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The research aim to realized discusses the First Grade Secondary Students' Attitudes Towards Learning French in Lattakia City, and to study the different of such attitudes according to variables (sex, branch). To achieve the object of the research a questionnaire has been included (56) methods, distributed to four areas: (the value of French language, used French language outside school, the role of parents in Learning language French, usefulness French language in study and future life). .then applied to a sample of students of (434) ones school year 2016/2017. The present research used the descriptive analytical approach. Validity of the questionnaire was established though a jury of (9) of the teaching staff of educational at Syrian Universities. Pilot sample consisted of (48) students, Reliability was established by Cronbach – Alpha Reliability (0.93( . The research ended up with the following results: - The Attitudes of the first grade secondary students Towards Learning French in Lattakia City was positive. - There were significant statistical differences in attitudes the First Grade Secondary Students toward Learning French according to variable sex in favor of the females. There were significant statistical differences in attitudes the First Grade Secondary Students toward Learning French according to variable branch in favor of the scientific and literary branches. The research introduced following proposals: Interest in learning French language, and Making training courses for French teachers, also Providing schools with supportive materials necessary for improving learning French.
The aim of current research to identify the profiles of multiple intelligences prevailing among secondary school students (first and second secondary) in the city of Damascus, also aimed to examine the direction of differentiation in these intelli gences according to the variables: gender, grade and specialty. To achieve these goals has been applied study tool after it has been verified validity and reliability of the author (260) student's sample.
This study aimed to identify the level of efficiency of cognitive representation of information in the first grade general secondary students in Homs, and to know the significance of differences in the average temperatures of efficient cognitive representation of information in a sample study individuals, in light of some variables (gender, branch of study, academic achievement level).
Targeted current research to identify the impact of the map conceptual in historical concepts development of the first year secondary students, and to achieve the goal of research promising project teaching plan includes three conceptual maps, and test concepts.
The research aims to determine the availability of political socialization concepts in the curriculum of basic first row in the Syrian Arab Republic, the researcher has been used a list of five main axes and 63 sub-concept, it adopted Find the des criptive and analytical approach in basic first-grade curriculum content analysis, and the reach Find out that the formation of political concepts that are not adequately represented in the curriculum of basic first grade, We find that most concepts got a relatively weak weights and spread.
The current research aims light to find out the differences in the willingness to learn among a sample of first-grade students in of the variables of enrollment in kindergartens and sex, The research sample was selected from the firstgrade student s in the schools of the city of Damascus, where the official was withdrawn (3%) of the original community has reached the size of the sample (912) of them (394) males and 510 females, It was the use of battery standby for learning prepared by the benefit of the BRIC, and research found to have a statistically significant differences in the willingness to learn from the research sample depending on the variable enroll in kindergarten for the benefit of attending kindergarten, also show a statistically significant differences in the willingness to learn from the research sample due to the variable sex individuals in favor of females.
The research tries to determine the degree of availability of cognitive skills in the first grade book of sciences at primary schools, in the Light of Morzano's Model. To achieve this goal, a list of cognitive skills was made to be included in thi s book derived from the model of Marzano. The list is composed of (8) main skills, (21) sub-skills, and (57) indicators to subskills. The descriptive method, especially content analysis, is used.
The current research aims at knowing the nature of the relationship between class discipline and ethical thinking, and finding out the differences between males and females as to the degree of class discipline and the degree of ethical thinking of basic education firstgrade pupils. The research used the analytical descriptive method.
This study aimed at arranging the items of cognitive abilities test (primary battery) by using Rash s one parameter model , In addition ,different forms for interpreting the individuals level of ability were carried out. The test was conducted on a sample of (1081) students from Lattakia schools and kindergarten . using "SPSS" program and Winsteps for statistical treatment in accordance with Rasch Model. The results showed the necessity of omitting (38) items of cognitive abilities test because they were not fitting the model. The remain items that were left were (172). And proved the validity and the reliability of the test. Moreover, the present study form criteria for percentiles rank, T scores, and standardized intelligent quiescent that equal for the different individual ability.
أثر الطريقة الحوارية بالتدريس على المستوى التحصيلي في مادة علم الأحياء لطلبة الصف الأول الثانوي. الهدف: - تصميم برنامج تعليمي لوحدة التغذية مصمم وفق الطريقة الحوارية لمعرفة الفرق بين التدريس بطريقة الحوار و الطرائق الإلقائية. - معرفة العلاقة بين طريقة التدريس و مستوى تحصيل الطلبة في مادة العلوم. - بناء اختبار تحصيلي لوحدة التغذية لقياس المستوى التحصيلي للمتعلمين.

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