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This Study Seeks To Test The Combined Effect Of Fiscal Policy Tools (Public Spending And Taxes) On Private Investment In Syria. Time Series Data For These Variables Were Collected For The Period (1990-2010), And It Was Subjected To A Statistical Fin ancial And Economic Study That Began By Analyzing The Growth Rates, And Components Of These Variables.This Was Followed By A Study Of The Stability Of Time Series. Finally, The Long-Term Co-Integration Equation For Private Investment In Syria Was Estimated Using The Autoregressive Distributed Lag Model (ARDL). The Results Of The Study Showed The Existence Of A Long-Term Relationship Between Private Investment As A Dependent Variable. Finally, Recommendations Were Made To Increase The Effectiveness Of Public Spending And Taxes In Positively Affecting Private Investment.
This study aimed at using Multi-Variables Analysis in classifying household spending in Syria and identifying which of the social factors considered in the study influence significantly this classification and which do not. The most prominent resu lts were: the possibility of classifying household spending into three levels (high, medium and low), there is a statistical significance of the factors (the percentage of urban population to total population, university education and above, number of married people and those in marriage age ) on the household spending classification. There is no statistical significance of the factors (educational levels below university education, non-married people, divorced or being widowed) on the household spending classification.
This study aimed at classifying householders' spending into three levels (high, moderate and low) and identifying which of the considered economic factors have a significant impact on the classification and which have not. In addition, this study aimed at deciding whether the suggested classifying model is statistically significant or not.
This study aimed at identifying the best indicators representing economic factors using Factor Analysis, as well as developing a mathematical model linking principal components which represent both the economic factors and consumer spending in Syri a using Multi-linear regression analysis. A descriptive analytical approach is used in this study. The study results from Factor Analysis show that there are three principal components which best represent the economic factors. The first component includes: the number of workforce working for free, the number of paid workforce, consumer price index, the average annual GDP per capita. The second component includes: interest rate, self-employed workforce. The third component includes the number of employers. A mathematical model is developed to link the above three components of the economic factors and the total monthly household spending average in Syria during ( 2000-2010).
This study aims to determine the difference of householder spending values between the Syrian provinces. It also aims to find out which of the components and the various items of expenditure, that contributed significantly to the occurrence of this d ifference and disparity between provinces , where cluster analysis method was used to find out this difference and classification . The most important results that have been reached: The result of cluster analysis is that there are three groups of Syrian provinces , the first group included the provinces of high householder spending such as Damascus province , the second group included the provinces of medium householder spending such as: Rural Damascus , Homs , Tartus , Lattakia , Al-Sweida , Daraa , Al – Quneitra . The third group included the provinces of low householder spending such as: Hama , Idleb , Aleppo , Al-Rakka , Deir-ez-Zor , Al-Hasakeh . Accordingly , that most important components and variables of householder spending, which contributed to the classification of the Syrian provinces of homogeneous groups are spending on housing , spending on education , spending on health , spending on transport and communications .
This research studied the use of taxes in Syria as an important tool in influencing one of the variables important economic (consumption) between the years (2000-2010). These taxes and fees are used (for example) to support an increase in the consump tion of some goods that are considered commodities and necessary, or to try to reduce the amount of consumption of luxury goods. The Syrian legislator made during the period studied adjustments numerous tax (especially fee consumer spending) to influence the amount of the domestic consumption, for the consuming public or consuming particular. There was a major adjustment in tax rates of some of the direct taxes and the expansion of the base of goods and services that are subject to certain types of indirect taxes, and to draw them where consumer spending has spread to some of the essential commodities.
This research studies the trade balance in Syria, and how it has been influenced by the public development expenditure which is considered to be the major way to develop production and export capability, and to reduce the dependence on imports, so th at the trade balance gets positive changes. We find that the public development expenditure has significant effect both exports and imports, but the way it manages this expenditure leads to an increase in imports higher than the increase in exports. In other words, this expenditure failed to solve the problem of trade balance deficit. Hence, there must be an expansion in the public development expenditure with efficient management to improve the level of production quantity and quality, in addition to measure the reflects of this expenditure and other economic policies on foreign trade sector constantly, so we can get the maximum benefits of it
The research aimed to study the impact of social and economic factors on consumer spending Syrian family of lamb during the three periods 2003/2004- 2006/2007 -2008/2009 and identify the most important factors affecting the demand of lamb per-capi ta during the period 1985-2008. The results showed that the average monthly household expenditure of lamb affected during periods of above-mentioned periods by the geographical distribution of population between rural and urban areas, change the taste and preferences of the consumer, educational level of the head of the household, the size of family, monthly family income and profession of the head of household. As it turned out that spending on lamb was flexible in general, where more than one value was correct, but it was more flexible in the period 2008/2009 from the two previous periods. Reaching flexibility spending power in both periods preceding the value of 1.1, while the 1.6 in the period 2008/2009, and interpreted the factors studied explained collectively about 73.7% of the variation in the quantities consumed of the lamb, and the value of the price elasticity special lamb 1.31, and flexibility Cross 1.29, and 0.39 was the spending flexibility. It was found that there was a need to provide adequate amounts of lamb to meet demand and reduce unjustified rise to its price in the local market and also to pay attention to the poultry sector, which constitutes a major and a good alternative to lamb.
يمثل الناتج المحلي الإجمالي أحد المصادر الأساسية للدخل القومي لدولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة، إذ يسهم هذا الناتج بنسبة لا تقل عن ( 90 %) في الدخل القومي الإجمالي للدولة. و أسهمت إمارة أبو ظبي ما بين ( 53- 62 %) في الناتج المحلي الإجمالي خلال السنوات ( 1990 -2009 م)،في حين أسهمت إمارة دبي بين ( 24%-35 %) في الناتج المحلي الإجمالي لدولة الإمارات خلال المدة نفسها، و يتضح من ذلك أن نسبة إسهام باقي الإمارات الخمس مجتمعةً (الشارقة، عجمان، رأس الخيمة، الفجيرة، أم القيوين) خلال مدة الدراسة يراوح بين(%23-3%).
Tranquility, stability and psychological calmness is a goal that the marriage contracts aspires to achieve, besides to the goal of founding the first brick in the society including the family and rearing up children. After establishing a family be completing the contract of marriage, the stability of the marital life might be affected if the husband doesn't spend on his wife. In fact it might vanish at all because of what it means of avoiding a necessary duty from the marital duties. However marital life may have a chance to go on and achieve its goals and intentions, even if the husband doesn't spend on his wife, if she spends on herself and doesn't claim for expense , which will not affect on the other party, Knowing that the building of the marital life is built on living and intimacy, which is contradicted to proving the alternative of separation for every emergent event. Avoiding expense is considered a cause of disturbance in marital life which makes it not obligatory for the other party to continue living like this after it is confirmed by law. The integrity of psychological stability in general doesn't contradict with the tracing and stipulating making the safety procedures in offering its due procedures by outweighing the choice of separation though the litigation procedures.

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