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This study aims to determine the difference of householder spending values between the Syrian provinces. It also aims to find out which of the components and the various items of expenditure, that contributed significantly to the occurrence of this d ifference and disparity between provinces , where cluster analysis method was used to find out this difference and classification . The most important results that have been reached: The result of cluster analysis is that there are three groups of Syrian provinces , the first group included the provinces of high householder spending such as Damascus province , the second group included the provinces of medium householder spending such as: Rural Damascus , Homs , Tartus , Lattakia , Al-Sweida , Daraa , Al – Quneitra . The third group included the provinces of low householder spending such as: Hama , Idleb , Aleppo , Al-Rakka , Deir-ez-Zor , Al-Hasakeh . Accordingly , that most important components and variables of householder spending, which contributed to the classification of the Syrian provinces of homogeneous groups are spending on housing , spending on education , spending on health , spending on transport and communications .
Morphological Characterization Has Been Achieved For (10) Phenotype Wild Apple(Malus trilobata (Lab) ) In JABLEH mountains During The Period (2013-2014) In Five Area (Pichraghe, Helbako, Almonaizlah, Raas al chaara, Aldalia),In Height Between (780 -1250) m On See Standard, Morphological Characterization Included The Characteristics Of The Tree, Stem, Shoots, Leaves, Flowers, Fruit And Seed. The Cluster Analysis For (12) Characteristics Were Divided Into Two Groups Variation Ratio Even (57 %) , The First Group Included Four Types(Two Types Of Rass al chaara(R1, R2), One Type Of Pichraghe(P1) And One Type Of Almonaizlah(M2) ), Variation Ratio Was The Least(29.4%) Between (P1) And (R1), The Second Group Included Six Types (Tow Types Of Pichraghe (P2, P3), Two Types Of Helbako, One Type Of Almonaizlah(M1) And One Type Of Aldalia (D1).The Second Group Included Tow Sup Group Variation Ratio Even (52%),The First(P2, P3), And The Second (H1, H2, M1, D1). Variation Ratio Was The Least(23%) Between (H1) And (H2).
توصيف وتقييم الطرز المحلية للتفاح المنتشرة في منطقة اللاذقية : أجريت هذه الدراسة بين عامي 2012-2013 في موقعي كسب والربوة التابعين لمحافظة اللاذقية

هل ترغب بارسال اشعارات عن اخر التحديثات في شمرا-اكاديميا